This music post COULD have just been Dragon Quest music if I remembered any of it

Apr 07, 2020 00:09

  • YOLO by Lonely Island - I know that people are trying to bring "Don't stand so close to me" back as the plague song, but I raise you "YOLO / SAY NO NO / ISOLATE YOURSELF AND JUST ROLL SOLO." ("Don't go outside cos you don't wanna die" is also a big mood.)
  • We Won't Be Falling by Xueran Chen - The way the music kicks up every time he yells gets me right in my emotions. Like, "This song makes me want to cry????" levels of getting me right in the feels. How did Guardian end up with such a good theme song when they skimped on literally every other aspect of production?????
  • The Original by Oh The Larceny - Lex makes fanmixes for shows that he likes, and this was his pick for Gilgamesh, which is PERFECT.
  • The Parting Glass by Shaun Davey - Do not read the comments below the video because they're a solid 50-75% "This song will be/has been played at a recent funeral," okay, I love you and you don't need that. I listened to the version that Hozier did recently, and it reminded me that I have this version (from @thebaconfat or @emeraldembers, maybe?)! The way that it starts off with a single vocalist and gains more as it goes on fucks me up. ... Okay, no, the fact that I listened to this a lot during the Lost Years of 2014-2015 is probably what's fucking me up, but this is a good song.
  • Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon - This is one of those songs where I can't parse what it might actually be about, because my brain has declared it very obviously a scene from an urban fantasy novel where the heroine is about to do something badass and can't interpret it in any other way.
  • We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel - 2016-2020 HAS BEEN A VERY LONG CENTURY, OKAY.
  • Last One Standing by WAR*HALL - I'm really glad that one of the first results when I googled the band members for WAR*HALL was "Do Royal Deluxe, Oh The Larceny, and WAR*HALL have the same vocalist?" But yes, if I ever do make my Generic Playlist For That One Fucking Charater Type I Love, this is going on it for fairly obvious reasons.


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