Wittering about mundanities, don't mind me!

Feb 17, 2020 21:50

Hello darlings! I'm doing a science behind the screens here (apparently hotmail ALSO does scheduled emails and I'm trying to figure out if the DW post that results is less messy than the gmail version), but I figured I might as well capslock while I'm here anyway!

  • I can't imagine that it's going to affect anything, but I've access-locked my LJ entirely and everything on this DW between about 2009 and 2019. I'm going to be going through all of my old posts anyway as part of the fic triage project that I want to do this year, so most of it is going to be unlocked in the next couple of months, but I figured that I'd mention it now! This isn't EXACTLY a reaction to the "oh god I was such a brat as a teenager" thing, it's something I've been considering for a while because, y'know, I've had a livejournal/dreamwidth for about sixteen years now! That I started back when I was a very sheltered fourteen year old with at least two undiagnosed mental illnesses and didn't have the most nuanced views on... Literally anything. And while I like the idea of showing my working, I equally don't want to unknowingly leave a field of landmines behind me. ... I have no idea if that makes sense.
  • DON'T WORRY, I'M NOT DELETING ANYTHING. I am a digital hoarder (like, "still have the floppy disks with my first fic on" levels of hoarder), and also it feels a bit "Let the past die! Kill it if you have to!" and I am not about any lifestyle choice advocated by Kylo Ren.
  • Speaking of, I know a few people have done a triage-style thing with their works in progress - if anyone has any tips beyond "Be honest with yourself about how likely you are to ACTUALLY finish that fic," I'm all ears! (I'm keeping this Story Hospital post about choice paralysis bookmarked for when I need the reminder, but I'm open to other advice!)
    1. Donated five books to the library at long last! I offered them at the start of December, but what with one thing and another the colleague in charge of that hasn't had chance to look at the list until about... Last week? I've got some more to take, but those were the ones that I could lay hands on.
    2. Sold seven books to Blackwell's! They don't take everything, but I've been checking everything I want to get rid of on Ziffit and only taking in stuff that they're accepting on there. I don't know if Blackwell's are selling the second-hand fiction to Ziffit specifically, but there's enough of a match in terms of what they're accepting and the approximate prices they offer that I'm counting it as a win.
    3. I FINISHED FILLING IN MY ACCOUNTS SPREADSHEET! It has like five years of nonsense in there, and oh godddddddd how has time happened? It didn't stop being weird like I mentioned last time, but it's a bearable level of weird as long as I don't try to actually run any calculations on it or look at it too closely. (Yes I know, but ten years of frantically trying to cover that I am atrocious at money is not undone that easily!) But now that the mess is DONE, it should be fairly straightforward to keep up to date!
    4. Made myself TWO HOT MEALS today! Which is maybe not a thing for a thirty-year-old to be proud of, but I am anxious about stoves and don't enjoy cooking, so the fact that I was enthused about it is weird and nice! Had lazy pizza for lunch and not!quesadillas for tea, they were delicious, I am a genius.
    5. My hair's been getting on my wick for the last couple of weeks because it's Very Obviously Growing Out An Undercut, and the disparity with the lengths was bugging me, so... I may have given myself a haircut in front of the bathroom mirror with entirely the wrong kind of scissors? It looks a bit Karen-y, but it's better than it could be!
    6. I did a whole bunch of low-level adulting that I've been forgetting about (emptying all of the bins, dealing with the recycling, doing laundry) and prettying myself up (sorting out my earrings, repainting my nails), which is nice to finally get out of the way!
    7. Chatted to
      jilliferium, who is the best as always and updated me on her RPG party's Shenanigans. It involved the Benny Hill theme on repeat, A+ work everyone involved.
    8. Finished two books, did some words, made a bit of progress on stuff! I never realise how much I'm fretting at stuff until I finish it and suddenly get that mental bandwidth.

  • Castlevania is coming back on the 5th of March! This is EXCITING, even if I suspect that my OT3 are never going to interact and the Sad Zombie Maker is going to be filling up one of the protagonist slots.
  • Bullet journalling is still a work in progress. I'm still not doing the ~artsy~ thing, but I AM enjoying having lists of everything that I might need to know all in one place again.

rl: sheriff joke here, rl: ghost in your brain do meth about it, rl: here to do the devil's work, internet: *journals aggressively*

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