It's EXACTLY like reading your old diaries and NEVER DO THAT

Feb 11, 2020 22:55

Hey sweetpeas! I can't remember when I last posted, but hiiiiii. I've not been doing much - I've been going straight home from work because I never remember to make myself a lunch, and then I get horribly distracted so no words have been written in... Too long...

BUT part of this procrastination has involved doing my accounts for the first time ever, and oh god I never realised how clearly I could track my anxiety spikes through my spending before. I could probably print out the spreadsheet and circle it for you: this splurge of money I didn't have on manga I've still not read? That's the anxiety. Super fun, why did no one warn me that doing your tax paperwork could lead to unpleasant personal realisations.

Speaking of unpleasant realisations, I went back through my livejournal because I'm trying to collate all of the fic drafts I have scattered around to see if any of them need something doing to them, and oh god WHO LET ME ON THE INTERNET. WHY WAS THAT A THING THAT I WAS ALLOWED TO DO. Like, I know some of you have been mutuals with me since my grotty teen years and may the universe reward you for your kindness and patience with my awkwardness.

... I was gonna go off on one about Underwater and writing and work drama and how much stuff I've been doing, but I'm not gonna lie my head feels like someone stuffed it with cotton wool, so I'm heading to bed. Good night loves, be safe.

rl: ghost in your brain do meth about it, internet: *journals aggressively*

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