Hey sweetpeas! Quick update on where I'm at and what I' m doing:
- Work drama is currently unexpectedly vicious over the entrance policy. Like full-on "One of the managers spent fifteen minutes snapping at us when we tried to ask questions and then reported us to HER manager for being obstructive," levels of vicious. So, that's gonna be fun!
- You remember the river through my brain is dammed thing? Kicked the biggest chunk out of the way, things are now flowing. Not fast, but it's a bit easier. And now I'm starting to work out which of the goals I set in January are feasible and still what I want to do now that I've finally escaped the clutches of 2019!
- Met up with a friend who I haven't seen in a while so she could pick my brain about applying for a job in the library I work for!
- Got to have tea with Lex's dad, accidentally outed myself as queer while complaining about straight women telling me how great Russia is and how I should go. Lex and I will have been together for eleven years next month, dude can deal with seeing me at my most dramatic.
- Got my NHS ADHD appointment at the end of the month, and I'm slightly terrified. Rang the private doctor that I get my meds from and they said I might as well not come in again until I know whether the NHS are going to take over my treatment, so I guess keep my fingers crossed? I run out of the 30mg ADHD meds on Tuesday at the latest, but I've got enough of my afternoon meds to cover the gap because I don't take them every day.
- I'm getting to the point where I don't actually want to be doing extra shifts because the idea is exhausting. I think this is character growth from the time when the idea was exhausting and I put myself down for shifts anyway? I'm trying this whole "budget" thing that people keep telling me is helpful, will see how many extra hours I need to work to cover all of my expenses and report back.
- Speaking of expenses, the bank loan I took to pay for my MA should be paid off next month! I'm incredibly excited, because an extra £85 in my account is like an extra eight hours that I don't have to pick up at the dayjob!
- My character sheet in Pathfinder is getting a bit ragged so I've cracked out a pocket filofax and started drawing one up in that. It has a Lesbian Strength Meter, so obviously I'm taking this task very seriously.
- Did I mention that I'm doing a fake bullet journal? It's neither minimalist nor artsy, I've just given up using pre-printed filofax pages and decided to go rogue. Dunno if it's working on the whole "getting stuff done" front, but I'm at least aware of the stuff that I keep fobbing off now.
- I still don't understand how people can use organisers that they can't rearrange the pages in (ring-bound, disc-bound, whatever), but I accept that everyone is doing what's best for them.
- I just really want a sleep. I'm sitting in a sunbeam under the heater at the library in the lake, and I'm so ready for a snooze.
So yeah, that's what I'm up to. I was a bit frazzled when I started this post but now I feel better. Not like I make more sense, but better.