You'd think I'd know better by now

Feb 20, 2020 22:26

Me: Ugh, it's cold, I'm gonna lie down under a blanket for five minutes and then shuffle things around so I can be warm.
Two hours later: *woken up by Lex coming home from work*

So yeah, that's about how my day's been going. On the plus side, I've edited two things! I'm working on a third! Started doing science to see how well temporary tattoos would fair on my hands! Discovered that I only went into my overdraft TODAY, instead of on the fifth of the month like I usually do! ... Listen, only going into my overdraft the week before payday is PROGRESS, I'm pleasantly shocked by this. I guess going straight home from work each day instead of stopping out and grabbing drinks or a snack or whatever is paying off! (Plus I'm trying to finish things in my comixology account instead of letting myself get distracted by new shinies.)

I'm coming at my writing commitments sideways this week, I think; I'm wrapping up the ones that are time-consuming but low-pressure, and hoping that that will give me the momentum I need for the harder stuff. My brain is doing that fun thing where it goes "Ahhhhh I'm behind on stuff so I need to NEVER LOOK AT IT or I'll be reminded of MY SHAME!" and that's a bit awkward when some of that stuff is "writing I get paid for" and I only have two extra shifts at work next month. But it's cool, it's cool, I'm getting there. The schedule I tentatively drew up at the start of the year has been thrown out of the window and I'm winging it for a bit.

Apart from that... I've got my NHS ADHD assessment next week, which I'm trying not to worry about? I have a folder full of all of my reports from the ADHD doctor, I've got stimulant medication that isn't making me bounce off the walls, and I'm taking
captainraz with me to the appointment because if anyone tries to give me grief, she will fight them. I think that's all the stuff going on with me right now, but I'll report back.

rl: sheriff joke here, rl: ghost in your brain do meth about it

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