
Apr 13, 2010 07:01

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 07:57 Mornin'. Off to class. #
  • 11:49 Leaving to go hang out with @ptmjr24 soon. Gonna get lunch and probably go to Target. XD #
  • 14:44 - *wants* #
  • 17:02 Home. Skipping gym class today. #
  • 17:18 - *McLovin voice* Yeeeaaaahhh bitches! :P lol #
  • 20:52 Was shooting hoops outside 'till I couldn't see the ball anymore. Good times. #
  • 22:25 Finished signing up for summer and fall classes. x_0; Oy. #
  • 22:52 "Who're you callin' a Cootie Queen, you Lint Liiiicker!" LMFAO. I love this Orbit gum commercial. "What the French Toast?" XD hahaha. #
  • 23:30 *yawns* Going to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. #
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