
Apr 12, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 08:55 Mornin'. :) Had my coffee. I'm good. :D #
  • 08:57 Thank you! Someone who agrees w/me!! :) He's also a tool. :P RT @LilFerret Wow...Justin Bieber cannot sing. #
  • 09:05 Just took "Which Crazy Writer Are You?" and got: J.D. Salinger! Try it ➔ #
  • 12:32 Gotta go to work. Damn. #
  • 13:50 - Srsly. Tell me it's not just me. The new hose nozzle... #
  • 14:14 making my lunch.... Mmmm #
  • 14:32 Watching #BestThingIEverAte, and now I want ice cream. Really good ice cream. #
  • 15:03 - Nice out but I'm at work. Bored. Do Not Want 2 be here. ugh #
  • 15:37 - d-bag #
  • 15:40 - And the red truck is an example of how one SHOULD park. #
  • 16:05 5 more hours to go. uck. #atwork #
  • 16:58 - I was bored so I mowed the field w/our shiny new mower. :P #atwork #
  • 17:09 Now I'm tired and it's only quarter past five. Feck. #atwork #
  • 17:40 - That's right walk on by and keep letting it pile up. F-U all. #
  • 18:37 Uuugghhh. People keep walking in 2 by 2. I'm ready for this day to be over thnx. #
  • 21:13 hoooome. Hoppin' in the shower like pronto. #
  • 21:43 Home, showered, did a few exercises. Is good. :) #
  • 22:00 Yaaaaaaay, I found my old #TMNT TPB! :D *dances* #
  • 23:39 Need to bed. Yeah, it's a verb. Whut. #
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