
Apr 14, 2010 07:00

Yesterday's tweets. My daily life in 140 characters or less.

  • 09:15 Mornin' tweeps. :) #
  • 09:28 - Coolest Dog Ever #
  • 13:20 Off to interning! Wish me luck they finally say if I'm getting paid or not. If it's not then I gotta leave. :( #
  • 18:25 Did camera in the House for 2.5hrs. Taking a break. woo. #sonotgettingpaid #interning #
  • 18:29 #sugafactory He'll be pleased you think so! :) #
  • 19:50 S bought us piiiiiizza. :P #interning Let's hope the House is almost done. #
  • 23:00 So tired. Totally missed my drabble-a-day for yesterday. And prob'ly will tonight, too. D'oh. #writingfail #
  • 23:01 So tired. Bed soon. #
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