NaNo Update: Week 2 and Other Writing Nonsense

Nov 15, 2008 11:05

It was a very good week this week, wordcount-wise. I was starting to get really behind - I'd set a daily goal of 1800 words, but I just wasn't hitting that target, so I went and sat in a cafe near my house and wrote out a number of scenes longhand until I'd caught up a bit. Then I typed it all up, and forced myself to sit down and write at least 2000 words a day so I wouldn't fall behind again.

Starting word count for Week Two: 7880
Words achieved for Week Two: 18,706
Total words: 26,586

Or, as a visual:

Yeah, you read that right. I wrote over 18,000 words in this week. I am a motherfucking RAWKSTAR! (tm mrs_laugh_track).

Now, very few of those words are good words, and most will probably be edited out, and I'm not working on one single piece (it's less a "National Novel Writing Month" as "National Nos Finishes Her Languishing WiPs Moonth"), but dudes. I love NaNo! Even though, gah, is it ever hard. Particularly during a graaaaaaading week. But! I surpassed the mid-month goal of 25,000, and I'm on pace to actually make the 50,000 end goal. \o/ My ds_c6d_bigbang story, and the story I've been writing for meresy's birthday, are both thisclose to being done. It's very exciting!

Soon I shall start my yuletide fic, and decide what to do with the Yuletide story I'd already written but didn't get a match for. Think it's kosher to post that separately during the holiday season, as a gift for the person for whom I wrote it? Or should I put it up before the holidays as kind of an advanced gift, before dSSS and Yuletide go live? I'm not really sure about the netiquette on this one.

Alright. I'm off to go sit in a Starbucks and do more longhand writing, and then I have to do some grocery shopping. It's a really gray and rainy day outside, and quite dark out there. The things I do for my art, people. (And, okay, for food for next week. But still).

nano was invented to punish us

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