Last of the Washington trip pictures. My final day in DC with
omphale23 as we toured around various museums and gardens.
The Department of the Interior
Scene of my international incident. O and I wanted to see the tiny museum and the dioramas at the Dept. of the Interior, but it turns out that my Ontario Ministry of Health-issured healthcare card was not a valid form photo ID. Because the state can't issue a health insurance card, of course. I almost caused an international incident, but eventually the supervisor's supervisor figured out I wasn't a security threat and we were allowed into the museum.
Fashionable Headware
After the admission fiasco I took a photo of a Park Ranger stetson to calm me. (I had no idea why our Mounties look like Park Rangers to Yanks, but now it all makes sense.)
The long arm of the Dept. of the Interior
In front of a giant map that explains the Dept. of the Interior's juristdiction.
Mining Disasters Make O Sad
One of the many dioramas at the Interior museum. This one depicts a mining disaster. O thought it was tragic.
Squid vs. Shark!
Not quite as compelling as eagle vs. shark, but still pretty poignant. *wipes away a tear*
Congrats, Eagles!
The bald eagle has been removed from the Endangered Species list. Congratulations!
Homesteading Statistics
This is why I loved the Dept. of the Interior museum. Fun facts!
Diorama #1
This trip was a journey of self-discovery. And I discovered that I really, really love dioramas. Best. Educational aide. Ever.
Diorama #2
Tent city!
Diorama #3
Land survey! Or perhaps these tiny people are building a bridge. Either way: cool beans.
Diorama #...4?
This was the best part of the entire museum. It's a diorama...of the museum gift shop! It is located inside the gift shop! And somewhere in that tiny diorama? Another tiny diorama of the gift shop. MIND BLOWING.
More Monument Fun
O took this one as we wandered up from the Dept. of the Interior towards the Air and Space museum. She was reluctant to take me past the Monument but my love for the giant phallus was strong, and she eventually relented.
Urban Cowboy
A Washington cop makes nice with the kiddies.
WWII Memorial by Day
Decidedly less impressive than it is at night.
In the Garden
At the garden outside the long-closed Arts & Crafts museum.
The Air and Space Museum
Highly awesome museum dedicated to the history of aviation and space exploration.
Wright Brother's Plane
Not a replica! The actual plane! Pretty cool, sez I.
Obligatory Plane Photo
Me in front of the Spirit of St. Louis and some other noteable aircraft.
Apollo 11
The actual lunar module! It was amazing!
Or his suit, anyway.
The Big Question Finally Answered
Because I'm classy. And I always wondered how it worked.
The Universe!
People in a buggy go stargazing/universe gazing. I...think it made sense at the time?
Luggage Inspection
I'm not sure why luggage inspection was worthy of a little mini-exhibit, but there it is.
On the way to the Botanical Gardens.
Public Art = Win
There were a series of eco-friendly art projects lining the street between the Air and Space museum and the Botanical gardens. This one demonstrates car-ownership stats for North America.
Botanical Gardens #1
After spending some time in the hot sun we were in the mood for some greenery, so we hit the Botanical Gardens. I took many photos of floral and fauan specimens for drawing references, but some of the pictures turned out pretty well and I thought I'd share.
Botanical Gardens #2
Botanical Gardens #3
Congress Again!
One of O's photos. Her picture-taking tips? "Make sure you get plenty of sky - it looks really dramatic. And try to use an interesting angle."
O and I do it Myspace style
Because we're 13 years old.
The Hill
One lost shot of the Hill before we headed off to meet pocketmouse at the awesome Ben Folds Five "tribute" band concert. We went to New York the next day and I left Washington the day after, so this was the last of the Washington pictures. *sigh*