Things and Stuff

Jul 22, 2008 17:20

I had a whole emo post typed up and ready to go, but I think we've all had enough emo action lately. So instead, I bring you...things that are sparkly and good!

1. My in-laws. I love them so much. They've been in town the past week and we've done the usual Southern Ontario tourist things: Niagara Falls, Toronto, the dubious pleasures of Large Industrial City, which mainly amount to a) chain restaurants and b) cool little neighbourhoods filled with awesome boutiques that are always, always closed no matter the day or the time.

We saw the new Batman movie (very good, if not excellent) the Hockey Hall of Fame (listening to the latest installments of The Hockey AU right beforehand made it exponentially more interesting - there was a former Edmonton Oiler's Stanley Cup ring! Just like Fraser gives Ray at the end of the story! Awwwww!) and we have played many board games. As secretlybronte pointed out, my in-laws are basically Ward and Joan Cleaver, only less repressed and waaaaay cooler. I really lucked out with them, and it's been wonderful to fall into their relaxed rhythm of sightseeing and easy conversation. They love their son and they love me, which sort of makes up for my parents being kind of crazycakes. *hearts the in-laws*

2. FIC. Ohmigod, so much good fic has gone up recently! I can hardly keep up. secretlybronte's No Time Is a Good Time (the Boys talk Starships of the Cobra and Jefferson variety!) Arrow's seminal treatise on fuckingsnowmobile repair! (After which she immediately posted a story about global devastation, but such is her way). brynnmck's latest F/V story Impressions on Apartment 3J was pretty damn fabulous, and Bel wrote something about head lice and it managed to be very sweet and hilarious and compelling. Also? primroseburrows wins everything ever. She originally posted a short scene from her soon-to-be-finished (hopefully) kidfic AU for ds_aprilfools, and then followed it up by a truly awesome sequel for ds_northernnews. My love for these two bits of a much-anticipated longer story? IMMENSE.

3. Hugh. Huuuuuuuugh! How are you so awesome? I just watched the second ep of Flashpoint and I am deeply in love with Hugh's awesomeness. "Timmies." Heee!

4. My team. And ds_team_whimsy. And all of the mods and supporters and ds_team_root-ers, and anyone else involved in the Match. Sparkle Day yesterday was an amazing experience, and it featured an outpouring of love and generosity that still makes me a little teary-eyed. Plus, someone left me a wonderful little cheer-up note yesterday, complete with a yellow ducky, and an Anonymous Someone wrote me a charming little whimsical snippet about imaginary friends and friendship. It came with a pink pony with purple hair, who I've since nicknamed "Petunia." Just to add a touch of REALISM :-)

5. You guys. I've been really stressed out and upset about professional and fannish stuff, and a number of you have offered some wonderful support and encouragement and a friendly ear as I imploded. So, um, I may not be done? But I'm feeling better thanks to you. *smishes you all*

ds match, fannish content, cheer-up requests, arrow00 routinely breaks my heart

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