The Oversharing/TMI Meme

Feb 14, 2007 01:58

Taken from the always-lovely (and boobtacular!) jamiethel_bane and about half my f-list.

The meme ( Read more... )

real life stuff, meme madness

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Comments 18

jamethiel_bane February 14 2007, 07:54:52 UTC
This is the meme that keeps on giving!

Because you didn't get a chance to interview me, I'll give you my answers in the comments. What do you want to know?

Actually, I think this is fascinating. The questions tell you almost as much as the questions.


nos4a2no9 February 14 2007, 08:21:39 UTC
1. What was your best sexual experience?

2. If you could go back to school, would you pursue a different field? Why?

3. Name three countries you'd love to visit, and the person you'd like to see them with.

4. What was your very first job? Your worst?

5. What are two things you really like about yourself?


jamethiel_bane February 14 2007, 12:58:41 UTC
1. Probably sex in a public park at 2am with an ex-bf. That was fun.

2. School. Ack. I think I would probably do arts/literature. I rebelled against drama because actors are idiots, but my god scientists have no social skills ( ... )


nos4a2no9 February 14 2007, 16:23:56 UTC
I just realized I've been spelling your LJ username wrong for, like, the last two months. I'm so sorry!

1. Probably sex in a public park at 2am with an ex-bf. That was fun.

Really? I've never heard anyone say outdoor sex is the best sex they've ever had. I think it has something to do with the damp and the cold. But then, everyone I've asked was either Canadian or American, and maybe it's different in AU.

2. School. Ack. I think I would probably do arts/literature.

Yay! Come over to the dark side! Although...most of the lit majors I've known have had terrible social skills as well. I think it's something about the isolation of the field, or perhaps the arts and sciences just attract bizarre people.

3. You should totally come to Canada! And it surprises me that you've never been to NZ. I thought it was like one of us Canucks not having been to the US. Err...maybe that analogy makes more sense if a Kiwi hadn't ever been to Australia. Maybe. Your culture is strange and confusing :-)

4. Your first job sounds like hell. But hey... ( ... )


omphale23 February 14 2007, 07:57:14 UTC
I am hugely pleased that I'm pimping the concept of tattoos to people. Really, this is seriously exciting.

And, okay. I'll make it an even three. Interview me, please.


nos4a2no9 February 14 2007, 08:25:58 UTC
Yay tattoos!

1. Are fish pets? Or just conversation pieces?

2. What's your opinion on flag burning?

3. List a couple things that really squick you when you come across them in fic.

4. Paul Gross or CKR? And why must we choose?

5. Do you write to garner feedback, or do you write to write?


omphale23 February 15 2007, 23:52:37 UTC
Okay. Here goes ( ... )


stealthwise February 14 2007, 08:11:50 UTC
You can interview me.


nos4a2no9 February 14 2007, 08:30:10 UTC
Hey, you! You haven't been around in ages! I hope everyone at home is over those nasty colds. And...okay, I'll ask you questions. Just no ethnic slurs, okay? Please? This entry is public, for God's sake.

1. Top five Vertigo titles ever, and why. GO!

2. Are you happy about staying in the Peege? Or is it something you think you might regret a few years down the line?

3. What do you miss most about me and scarfe?

4. Name four things you love about Kathleene.

5. Fatherhood: great experience? Or the greatest? :-)


stealthwise February 14 2007, 21:46:08 UTC
1. 1) The Sandman, for its scope, complexity, universality, and overall excellence in every regard ( ... )


llassah February 14 2007, 09:58:53 UTC
Uh, do me? *g*


nos4a2no9 February 14 2007, 16:11:25 UTC
You naughty girl! I'd do you anytime :-)

1. What three people you'd like to be trapped on a deserted island with?

2. Out of all the fic you've produced, what's your very favorite piece? And do you love it because of its quality or because of the experience you had writing it?

3. Name two things you've always wanted to try but haven't yet gotten the chance.

4. Who would you want to meet/make out with if you were going to MJ?

5. Is there any kink you won't write?


llassah February 14 2007, 16:33:27 UTC
1) Callum Keith Rennie, Hugh Dillon(who wouldn't? Those are the dS fangirl's desert island companions of choice) and Morgan Freeman, because I love his voice and his twinkle, and he could tell me stories and it would be wonderful *g*.

2) I love all the fics. The beginning epic I wrote has a place in my heart still. I love my Fraser/Victoria breathplay one the best, because it was totally unplanned- I literally had no idea before I sat down to write it what I was doing. I thought I was going to write Ray/Volpe alleysex! But then I got this idea, and the words just came, and it was kind of...revelatory. I'm proud of that fic the most, I think, even if it didn't take weeks to write.

3) I'd love to be one of the crew on a wooden sailship, for the experience of it, and so I could say I had been away at sea. Learning to ride a motorbike is another ambition *g*

4)You, of course *g*. lordessrenegade, because I've talked to her so much, and would love to meet her. All the great writers who are going, but I'd feel like a total dwarf in the face of their ( ... )


scuttle February 14 2007, 14:17:31 UTC
But I'll probably just answer here and not repost.


nos4a2no9 February 14 2007, 16:15:11 UTC
Boo - the meme's fun because it's a pain in the ass to repost! :-)

1. Do you think you'd ever move back to Vancouver Island, or are you hoping to settle in Europe? And if so, where?

2. What's your most embarassing moment from high school? (And I'll be checking with scarfe)

3. How did you and Richard meet?

4. Would you ever consider grad school, or are you happy to be out of the academic system?

5. I'm stealing from jamethiel_bane, but what's your biggest regret?


scuttle February 14 2007, 17:55:53 UTC
1. I would love to settle in Europe, but language barriers and tough immigrations laws are not in my favour. Berlin would be my first choice. It is thick with the history I study, have beautiful architecture, an unbelievable music scene, and an energetic feeling that the city evolving as it adapts to being a unification as the capital. I would rather move to Vancouver than Vancouver Island. I am already sick of Victoria, and there is nowhere else on the Island that I could see myself enjoying ( ... )


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