The Oversharing/TMI Meme

Feb 14, 2007 01:58

Taken from the always-lovely (and boobtacular!) jamiethel_bane and about half my f-list.

The meme:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you a couple of personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. Where do you see your writing going? Any particular themes/styles you want to play with?

I hope to continue with the longer, plotty fics. I think it offers a good opportunity to do interesting things with the characters, and I prefer it over shorter forms simply because I like to read a good, long and complex story myself. So, like everyone, I write the kind of stuff I like to read. I hope to do much more with masculinity and particularly illness; not h/c necessarily, but physical weakness and Fraser makes for a *fascinating* combination and I'd like to explore that. Also I really should do some creative writing with original characters just to prove to myself that I can still do that kind of thing.

2. If you had to spend three days locked in a room with one person and five objects, who and what would it/they be?

Huh. Very good question. I'd say scarfe, just because I know we'd survive the experience with our relationship intact. We did nearly 48 hrs in a car together once, so I think that says something about our ability to get along in confined spaces, but I guess "significant other" isn't a very interesting answer. So I'll say my friend Sarah H because I love her to pieces and we have a lot in common but we don't get to spend a lot of time together, what with work and all. As to the objects, I'd say 1) a TV 2) a DVD player and 3) the dS DVDS (to convert her, because I know she'd love the show) 4) my knitting and 5) a Scrabble board.

I am ninety years old, you understand. I needs my Scrabble and my half-finished mittens!

3. Dogs or cats? Why?

Cats because they're easy to care for and cuddly, but dogs because when I grow up and have an actual yard and the time to walk 'em a big dog would make the best pet *ever*. I love doofy loyal things.

4. What piercings/tattoos do you have? What would you like?

I have two holes in each ear and I did have my tongue pierced throughout all of university, which always seems to surprise people. Apparently I am Not the Type. Reading omphale23's entries on ink and personal history has made me want to get a tattoo to commemorate finishing my MA with my sanity intact. I want to get the "Everything was beautiful. And nothing hurt." line from Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five done in simple script on my shoulder. Other than that, I have no immediate plans for body modification.

5. Name the one thing that you are most ashamed of.

A fight I had with my mother in 2004. My relationship with my mom is complicated - she was depressed and suicidal throughout most of my teens and early 20s and she attempted to take her own life back in 1999. I never really blamed her for her emotional problems or the abuse and neglected that comprised a lot of my childhood because I understood that depression is a disease, one that she struggled with for a long, long time. But when she and my dad divorced and she sold the house she and my younger brother made plans to move to Kamloops (a city about 6hrs south of where I was living at the time) but she changed her mind at the last moment and tried to move in with me. I was living in the unfinished basement of my grandmother's house at the time and there was barely room for me, let alone two other people. I tried to explain to my mom that I couldn't cope with her living there and it blew up into a huge argument. A lot of the stuff I'd buried for years came pouring out.

It was petty of me, I think, to let her know how much what she'd done has affected me and my relationships with other people. It was an unfair thing to burden her with because she's essentially a child, in a lot of ways - her mental illness has made it impossible for her to recognize that her actions have consequences. Telling her how much pain she'd caused me and how badly she'd affected my own self-image and self-esteem didn't accomplish anything other than making her feel guilty about things she can't change, and ever since we had that fight and I left BC our relationship has mainly consisted of awkward phone calls where neither of us can say anything of substance. Despite everything I do love my mother and I wish I'd practiced some of the restraint I've spent years cultivating during that one day. I'd take everything back in a heartbeat.

Whew, okay! Now you all know me so much better! It's your turn - who wants five questions?

real life stuff, meme madness

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