Hippo Birdie Two Me

Oct 11, 2011 19:26

It's been a fine celebratory time 'round here. Sept 18 I got a new grandkid, one Tallulah Grace, who is gorgeous in every way. Oct 1 I got to meet her and teach my son the fine art of calming the fussy baby by first quieting one's own breathing, become a non-anxious presence as you help the baby become non-anxious. She's lovely, charming, not at all 'fussy,' but she hasn't yet figured out how to go to sleep except by nursing. So if she finishes a feeding by filling a diaper, she then gets a few minutes of 'help me, I don't know how to do this.' During which we walk and bounce and sing, until suddenly she falls bonelessly into sleep.

I had a fine week with them and then an amazing weekend doing volunteer work, supporting the current group of first-year students at my grad school. It was great to be back in the energy of soul-centered education again. I am delighted to find that I can do the work with ease and grace, so I can look forward to doing it for the rest of this school year, one weekend a month.

Landed a California sublet so I can reduce my coast-to-coast commuting and spend more time in grandmothering, probably beginning Dec 1.

Officiated, with some of my Weird Sisters, at a wedding over the weekend. Found myself in hyperfocus as I gave the couple their vows. Lots to think about.

And then yesterday was my 65th birthday! Congratulate me, I became Medicare eligible while we still have Medicare. Also got some lovely comfort food and have plans afoot for a couple of peak-experience birthday presents from Dear Husband.

We're both really trying just now, spending focused time together, offering hugs, dancing, checking preferences with each other.

Life goes on.

relationship, witchcraft, priestess, family

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