Today I learnt that I can tutor grade 12 physics. Unfortunately I must also concede that I can no longer could never force myself to write. Boooo. So, have a slightly swiftly hacked together wallpaper. I do like how the bottom turned out... (The chunk of text is from horrid stubborn non directional ficcery.)
(I'm thinking that a tablet would not cause as much fuss as a scanner or a digital camera that eats batteries for breakfast.) Since I scanned this, and the scanner wasn't sensitive enough to pick out my half-finished shading, and I avoided colouring both by hand and digitally, this is the best that'll come out.
So I didn't even doodle, just cut out something and wrote some vaguely poetic things on it. Stargate Atlantis/ Doctor Who bannerish thing. Work in progress still, I think, if I ever actually work on it again...