Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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[Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites anonymous May 2 2013, 05:41:20 UTC
Post-Avengers, but before sending him off to Asgard, SHIELD decides to do a few medical scans of Loki and are horrified by what they find.

Although he seems fine on the outside, his insides are all fucked up from evidence of prolonged torture.

Worse, Bruce catches sight of something on the scans that looks like there is still something inside of it that shouldn't be.

They do emergency surgery to try to remove it/do some repair work on the internal injury, but none of their anaesthesia works on him, so they have to keep him pinned down with Mjolnir to keep him from moving.

As soon as they remove the parasite (I'm thinking a nasty wormlike thing, like from Wrath of Khan,) Loki's behavior abruptly changes, he stops being aggressive and becomes much calmer and cooperative. SHIELD does some study on the parasite (possibly calling in bug-related experts Hank Pym or Peter Parker?) and determine that it's an organic Chitauri remote-control device, which they used to send him instructions and agonizing pain if he didn't cooperate.


Re: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites anonymous May 2 2013, 05:50:59 UTC
OHMYGOD yes! I need this in my life!


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? anonymous August 14 2013, 14:17:04 UTC
((I'm working on fixing it! I promise ( ... )


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? jasoninna August 14 2013, 15:49:33 UTC
This is great! And Thor is so loyal and sweet. I love him worried for Loki. That spider was such a nasty thing! :-O
Ugh... LJ strikes again, it seems. I barely managed to find this update because of some glitch that had put it on top.


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? maxi1234 August 14 2013, 16:33:37 UTC
Oh man, this is amazing. Please write more!


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? anonymous August 14 2013, 15:48:10 UTC
((I'm working on fixing it! I promise ( ... )


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? anonymous August 15 2013, 04:40:33 UTC
Hmm, for some reason this got put at the top of the thread instead of the bottom! Had to do a bit of searching to find it.

Also, CHEESEWIRE THROUGH THE BRAIN IS BAD. D: Please get better soon, Loki, and feast on chocolate ice cream!


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 9/? anonymous August 15 2013, 11:15:06 UTC
((For anyone who wasn't able to find it, #8 is at the top of the thread...I don't know why ( ... )


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 10/? anonymous August 15 2013, 11:46:10 UTC
(So I totally did NOT draw up an actual diagram of the brain and try to figure out what exactly happened to Loki's for this ( ... )


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 11/? anonymous August 15 2013, 12:08:39 UTC
For a moment, Loki had looked like himself ( ... )


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 11/? jasoninna August 15 2013, 14:46:26 UTC
Amazing and sad. More please!


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 11/? maxi1234 August 16 2013, 08:55:40 UTC
Stupid LJ, the parts are all messed up.

But this is good! I can't wait for more!


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 11/? anonymous August 17 2013, 04:55:09 UTC

Oh god, I can't wait for more!


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 12/? anonymous August 18 2013, 02:29:22 UTC
"Well yeah, about the bug - the best thing I can tell you is that it hasn't escaped. Yet ( ... )


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 13/? anonymous August 18 2013, 02:30:31 UTC
To Bruce Banner's infinite relief, Loki continues to make superhuman progress ( ... )


Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 14/? anonymous August 18 2013, 02:31:35 UTC
Apparently, yes.

"So, I've got some bad news, guys."

That's the last thing Bruce Banner and Natasha want to hear from Tony Stark right now.

"And by 'bad news,' I mean...uhh..."

Tony swivels the camera to show that there is a huge, malevolent-looking giant in his living room.

"Says his name's Thanos, and he wants us to return his property."


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