Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

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round 14, prompt post

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Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? anonymous August 14 2013, 14:17:04 UTC
((I'm working on fixing it! I promise!))

Loki is, at least, alive. He's on a ventilator and he's still cold and blue, but his heart is beating on its own again and that's something.

Bruce wasn't entirely sure about that for the three minutes or so during which the jotun's heart wasn't beating, but a transfusion of Thor's blood seems to have saved him - and that was a 50/50 gamble, at best.

Now SHIELD's scientists are talking about studying Aesir blood to see if it will fix anything, and Bruce had to threaten to turn all loud and green before they'd leave him alone with his patient.

The threat wasn't very far off. Bruce hates losing patients; and losing patients who looked perfectly fine before you "helped" them is a rare torture.

And so he's sitting with Loki - and Thor, who hasn't let go of his brother's hand since he started screaming on the operating table six hours ago.

And holy God, he hopes he didn't just destroy Thor's brother's brain.

SHIELD has sent the bug with Tony Stark off to some other scientists, somewhere nearby - Bruce hasn't had a chance to exchange two words with Stark, or much of anybody for that matter, since everything exploded.

Of course, 'exploded' is not quite the right word. Bruce is probably the only one who remembers, very clearly, how the spider reacted when he took hold of it - how the splayed metal limbs that encompassed Loki's cerebrum had scissored neatly shut, cutting the god's brain into eight pieces and severing every artery and ventricle it contained in the process.

That was when Bruce pulled, just brutally pulled--

Loki's heart is beating again, and that's something.


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? jasoninna August 14 2013, 15:49:33 UTC
This is great! And Thor is so loyal and sweet. I love him worried for Loki. That spider was such a nasty thing! :-O
Ugh... LJ strikes again, it seems. I barely managed to find this update because of some glitch that had put it on top.


Re: Fill: [Gen] or Any/Loki - Behaviour-changing parasites 8/? maxi1234 August 14 2013, 16:33:37 UTC
Oh man, this is amazing. Please write more!


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