Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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[Thor/Loki]- Hypersensitive to touch, bondage, orgasm denial anonymous May 2 2013, 05:33:31 UTC
The Thor 2 trailers have given me all the bro feels, as well as inspiring new ideas.

What I'd really like to see is post-Avengers, after Thor takes Loki home, he quickly notices that Loki is hypersensitive to the slightest touch. He realizes that Loki was in the Void for so long, and in unfriendly hands for so long, that he's completely forgotten what good touch feels like, and he gets an extreme reaction to even a soft brush against his back or arms.

So Thor decides to take advantage of this to try to render Loki more cooperative by chaining him to the bed and touching him very softly, gently, until he goes almost mad from the sensation and will do whatever Thor asks.

+ if Loki begs to be allowed to come but Thor doesn't let him, at least not initially.
++ if Loki eventually comes without Thor ever actually touching his cock.


Re: [Thor/Loki]- Hypersensitive to touch, bondage, orgasm denial jasoninna May 2 2013, 05:49:15 UTC


Re: [Thor/Loki]- Hypersensitive to touch, bondage, orgasm denial anonymous May 2 2013, 10:37:59 UTC
Gods, I had no idea I ever wanted this. Ohh, this actually invades my brain. I want this to write. I want this to happen.


Re: [Thor/Loki]- Hypersensitive to touch, bondage, orgasm denial anonymous May 2 2013, 11:30:47 UTC
Do want!



Re: [Thor/Loki]- Hypersensitive to touch, bondage, orgasm denial anonymous May 2 2013, 11:58:09 UTC
somebody please make it happen with all graphicness you're capable of! Thor teasing Loki like this is beyond sexy!


[FILL] Whisper (1) anonymous May 5 2013, 10:53:07 UTC
AN: So I swear to god this *started* out as Thor visiting Loki in prison post-Avengers, but then it turned into... something else. I tried to keep as much of the original prompt as possible, but if someone else wants to re-do this prompt with a better fill then go for it ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (2) anonymous May 5 2013, 10:53:59 UTC
Thor swallowed against a heavy thickness in his grief, in his throat. "Loki. You are not a prisoner," he repeated, this time managing to keep his voice low. "You did not *flee* from justice, Loki -- you *fell,* and for years we thought you dead. If Heimdall had not espied you in the void and rescued you, we would be mourning you still ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (3) anonymous May 5 2013, 10:55:12 UTC
Thor stayed silent. He had seen how Loki reacted to the slightest slips, to raised voices, to the flare of a match. To walk out the door now would most likely render him insensible, set his progress back by weeks. He would like to believe that it was a bluff, that Loki would not put himself through such an ordeal only to defy the limits of his family's will. But this was Loki, and his brother had ever been willing to inflict any amount of pain on himself to prove a point. Rather than let him injure himself in such a pointless show of defiance, the guards would turn him back -- and so would Thor ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (4) anonymous May 5 2013, 10:56:09 UTC
"I wish you would at least *try*, Brother," Thor said eventually. "Even if only a little bit. If you do not train your senses each day, how will they get stronger ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (5) anonymous May 5 2013, 10:57:10 UTC
Loki gasped and flinched back, and Thor immediately stilled. "Did I hurt you?" he asked -- he did not withdraw his touch completely, he lightened it to only fingertips. His brother shook his head jerkily and swallowed hard, turning his head to look off into the shadows of the room rather than meeting Thor's gaze ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (6) anonymous May 5 2013, 10:58:49 UTC
Thor couldn't hide his amusement. "Rediscovering some of the pleasures of the flesh, Loki?" he said jokingly ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (7) anonymous May 5 2013, 11:00:08 UTC
"Loki, I'm sorry," Thor said, and he sounded so *sincere,* remorse welling up in those big blue eyes and overflowing everywhere. It made it so hard to stay angry with him. "Should I... should I leave ( ... )


Re: [FILL] Whisper (8) anonymous May 5 2013, 11:00:43 UTC
Thor finished working the tangles out of his hair and let it fall against his neck, switching the comb for a soft-bristled brush. He began drawing the brush through Loki's hair in long, even strokes, and shivers broke out all along Loki's shoulders and back as he gripped the edge of the chair for support ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (9) anonymous May 5 2013, 11:02:25 UTC
"I'm not... right-handed," Loki managed to get out between stiff lips, and Thor hummed agreement, a sound that seemed to travel down his arms to his hands to transmit to Loki's skin. He shivered convulsively, all over his body, as though his skin were a single piece that all reacted at once to any touch. Electric arcs seemed to travel down through his legs, making his feet twitch and his toes curl, and back up to the top of his head ( ... )


[FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN anonymous May 5 2013, 11:03:31 UTC
It was a few minutes more before he calmed down enough to open his hands, which were throbbing and raw from the force he had applied to them. The discomfort seemed hazy and distant, though, along with the dozen and one other minor discomforts that Loki did his best every day (unsuccessfully) to ignore. Thor had moved to take a chair beside him and was just petting the long fall of his hair now, far enough removed from his skin as not to irritate ( ... )


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN jasoninna May 5 2013, 13:55:56 UTC
Oh wow. Both sexy and fluffy! I liked it. Please put it in the Fill List, more people should be able to enjoy this beautiful story :-)


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