Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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[FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN anonymous May 5 2013, 11:03:31 UTC
It was a few minutes more before he calmed down enough to open his hands, which were throbbing and raw from the force he had applied to them. The discomfort seemed hazy and distant, though, along with the dozen and one other minor discomforts that Loki did his best every day (unsuccessfully) to ignore. Thor had moved to take a chair beside him and was just petting the long fall of his hair now, far enough removed from his skin as not to irritate.

Loki took a deep breath and shrugged his shirt back up around his shoulders, protecting his skin from the slight drafts of his room. He turned to glance at his brother, who was sitting there with an absolutely *goofy* look on his face, and a smugness that Loki would like to claw off his lips if even he couldn't help but admit that it was warranted.

He would clean himself up later, after Thor had gone and the sensitivity had faded enough that touching the skin of his cock and thighs would not prove a torment. In the meantime, at least the material of the trousers was loose enough that he could pull the wet stain away from his skin, and not have to endure it for a little while.

"Thank you," he said quietly, unsure how much further to go. He felt he ought to offer a reprisal, but he was in no shape to do any such things yet -- and he could make no guarantees for a later date, not when he was so unsure what his future would hold.

Not that Thor needed any such promise, apparently, for even Loki's begrudging words were enough to put a wide smile on his face. "It was no trouble at all, Brother!" he said happily, and Loki burned with his reflected warmth.

Then his stomach growled, and Loki felt his face flame while Thor laughed at him. "Oh ho! Seems like your body has been undergoing *hungry* work."

"Shut up," Loki muttered, and threw the hairbrush at Thor when he would not stop chortling. "Let's see you fast in an empty void for years, and see how quickly your stomach fills up again afterwards."

That doused Thor's laughter, and Loki felt equal parts mean guilt and mean satisfaction. "I am sorry, Brother," Thor said seriously. "Would you like me to go and get another bowl from the kitchens?"

"Perhaps," Loki said, but his eye was caught by the abandoned tray on the far end of the table, that he had pushed away so violently before this whole thing had started.

Perhaps it would not be so bad, now that he knew to expect it. Now that his foster-brother was not trying to spring some unexpected surprise on him. In the dreamy lassitude that enveloped his body, Loki thought he could bear almost any trial -- even the painful sweetness that had pierced his mouth earlier and threatened to burn its way all the way to his stomach. Perhaps...

He gestured. "On the other hand, why waste a trip to the kitchens when there's perfectly good food right here?"

"Brother!" Thor beamed, as though Loki had just named him champion of this year's games, rather than only agreeing to eat a plate of porridge. He hastened to pull the tray over within Loki's reach, fishing the abandoned spoon from wherever it had fallen. "I knew you could do it, if you would only put your mind to it. Every little step brings you one step closer to full health, you know!"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Oaf," he muttered, and he bent to his task of getting stronger.


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN jasoninna May 5 2013, 13:55:56 UTC
Oh wow. Both sexy and fluffy! I liked it. Please put it in the Fill List, more people should be able to enjoy this beautiful story :-)


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN rexluscus May 5 2013, 20:18:05 UTC

That was seriously one of the sexiest things I have ever read.


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN v_tron5000 May 5 2013, 21:52:52 UTC
;A; that was great!


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN anonymous May 6 2013, 02:09:59 UTC
So beautiful... I like this fill so much. Great job!


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN anonymous May 9 2013, 04:07:11 UTC
Poor Loki in this. Great story!


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN godofmischief93 May 9 2013, 12:36:10 UTC
I loved this so much! Great work!


Re: [FILL] Whisper (10) - FIN anonymous May 9 2013, 14:30:26 UTC


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