random moaning time again

Nov 13, 2004 22:51

ever feel like everything is your fault, even though you haven't actually done anything wrong and you know it, but you still feel guilty for it? like when something happens with someone and they suddenly stop talking to you and shit, like deleting the link to your profile from theirs on faceparty, and setting it up so you lose the link to their profile and you can't put another one on there? I think said person might have added me as a pest when I haven't actually fucking done anything. I'm half pissed off by it and half upset. and theres a bit of me that just dont give a fuck, that wants to say to said person "ok, fuck you then" .....although I have just been told to blame Tara, so erm Tara it's your fault, you, um, evil person. lol. been listening to the Mad Capsule Markets a lot lately (for those who dont know, a Japanese band who are like mentalists and totally cool but weird) and I wanna try writing some extreme music that's just like 4 minutes of pure noise, like undiluted rage...which I need to get outta my system atm. theres a lot of shit pissing me off and making me feel like crap and I spose it would be a good outlet.
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