
Mar 15, 2005 14:02

Being a female is losing its mystery. Just about anyone can attain the female mystery. Construct what you say, look down, be demure. Paint your nails… sigh fucking sigh and smile at the same time. Fabricate, lie, lie lie lie. Reflect, deflect, PERFECT!!! Answer a question with a question. Lead people on a chase that really goes nowhere. Look to the side with your L'Oreal Featherlash eyelashes. Then stare deeply into your victims' eyes, with your Dior gold-rimmed glitter contacts. Treat everything you touch with a coy sensitivity, barely hold your drink, barely shake a hand. Be playfully weak, secretly strong. Pretend to be delicately nervous with your gently flushed cheeks. ( Urrr that'd be Nars blusher in 'Orgasm'.. with fine gold flecks, that reflect and glitz your viewer into a hypnotic daze). Fake it. Never curse, but when you do, say it with a strong charm. “Fuck you.. Let's fuck”… always half smiled.. Direct stare, and then look down. Mission accomplished. Urrr so what the fuck is the mission, who gave me the orders.. dunno. It's amusing. Certain women are amused by the effect they have over males. It's hilarious how fuckin' ga-ga guys go for a well-structured manipulative female. It's so simple to figure those girls out. Their shell is so fabricated and intentional, you have to find their weakness, their true sensitivity and crush them until it burns so deep in their soul, you begin to see the genuine woman calling for help. Crush manipulative females.. and they'll love you....( you're teaching them to be even more wicked..muahaha).. I think when you fall in love with a 'magical female' you're always left behind. You want something of substance, but they're coaxing you into destruction. Essentially you fall in love with yourself. Their fabricated femininity is just a message from the depth of your soul, traits that you must find deep inside yourself. You want a solid exchange, but their glitter falls right through your fingers. I feel so much sympathy for any guy that's fallen for a gentle smile and shiny hair. The joke's on them, sadly. I've been meeting so many shells of men-carcasses castrated by the long talons of some witch or beautiful creature. Okay it's just hair, makeup, clothes and a glint-it's that stabbing glint in the eye that catches your attention. You stare long and hard, trying to configure this 'thing' before you. You look at the smoothness of their face, listen to their gentle soothing voice. Oh fuck the longing sets in..then their eyes.. HYPNOTIZED. Bumbling fool, trapped bumbling fool. “Oh my god, I love her so much” Sniff sniff. A year or so ago, I would have cackled wildly with all the other witches. Muaahahahahah. “He's so fuckin' trapped!!”…. And flown into the night on my broomstick.
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