(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 18:40

I arrived in Vienna this morning. Last night we spent the night in Klagenfurt, which was more than halfway between Florence and Vienna. There was not much to do in Klagenfurt, and we basically roamed around the town for a little while, which consisted of going to a gas station and then walking along the river (which was really pretty and peaceful). We spent the rest of the night playing cards and watching TV. Then we left bright and early to arrive at Vienna around one o’clock-ish.
They gave us about an hour to ourselves to do whatever, and then we met at the bus so that we could go into Vienna for the day. Unlike in the other cities, in Vienna the hotel is in the suburbs. If you go about 30 seconds down the street you can see neighborhoods. It was about a 20 minute drive into Vienna. Vienna seems to be more like the United States. There isn’t as much pollution as there is in Italy, and there isn’t an overwhelming amount of old architecture.
For lunch I went to McDonalds. We didn’t really want to go there, but we wanted a cheap meal. In Europe they serve mozzarella sticks at the McDonalds so I thought that I could get a relatively decent meal. It ended up that my meal was the most expensive since it didn’t contain any meat (meat is really big in Austria and Germany). Just to give and idea, it cost me six euros, which is about eight dollars for crappy mozzarella sticks, a drink, and an apple pie.
Then we roamed around Vienna. I found out that there really isn’t that much to see in Vienna and the things that there are to see are the ones that are a part of my art history and European composers classes. So we walked around for a while just enjoying the atmosphere and buying chocolate. We went to a café and chilled for a little while.
While we were in there it started raining and the temperature dropped quite a bit. The whether in Vienna seems to be more random than that of Atlanta (if that’s possible). We met at the train station to take the metro back to the hotel.
Since it was the first night in Vienna, there was a welcome dinner at the hotel restaurant. The vegetarian dish was a mozzarella patty (which again wasn’t that good). After dinner, since we are so far away from Vienna, and the trains and buses stop running relatively early, we had to entertain ourselves in the hotel. We watched “The Sweetest Thing” and enjoyed some good girl talk.
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