Another batch, another hour-long life and death struggle with Photobucket. Sigh. I seriously gotta get off dial-up. Anyway: 20 NCIS, 20 Stargate SG-1, 15 Stargate Atlantis.
In which I clean out the contents of several random icon folders, because if I keep waiting to finish off themed sets I'm never going to post them. So: 20 NCIS, 24 Stargate SG-1 and 4 MacGyver icons in a complete mish-mash of different styles, plus 12 non-fannish text icons.
For those of you who don't like reading stuff while it's still in progress: the last chapter of my SG-1/SGA crossover The Pegasus Connection is now up. All finished!
Alas, I totally lied about starting work on a new website. I have yet to do bugger all. But I did waste many hours of my life making more little pixelart fandom icons!