In which Nolee attends a dance at Fort Weyr, part 2

Jun 21, 2007 21:09

Continued from previous entry!

Zi'ya follows Zahava to sit, his eyes on her, slightly nervous and expectant. The package reveals a small pouch, usually reserved for jewlery. It is also an emerald color, like their clothing. Inside is a gold chain with a small emerald hanging on it, much like the one he is wearing tonight.

M'yr finds the table where he left his glass, though it's long been swept up for the kitchen. "Ah, yes, there's one!" he chuckles, sure enough a full glass on a platter awaits. Moving through the crowd, he edges closer to Nolee, sending her a warm smile. "So what do you think? I might entice you into joining me for a slow dance?"

C'nroy shakes his head. "Afraid she's not the public celebrational type. Pretty much keeps to herself. Come to think of it, I don't think I've said much to her outside of training."

Nolee had danced a round with V'ryce, a promised slate on her dance card, then returned to her quest for her juice. This time, she succeeds, rescuing the glass from a departing tray, and is reveling in the cool liquid and tapping her feet as M'yr approaches. "Soldreth's! Jays, I thought you'd never ask!" The cup set aside, she opens her arms, welcoming an embrace for her fellow Impressee.

Kayara grins as Kazara helps herself to the Benden wine, "I made sure to get a good wine, you don't find wine like that everyday. I'm glad you like it." She replies before looking to Raykini, "Of course you're welcome to have some, if your father doesn't have a problem with it. You can tell him it's my fault if you want." She tells him with a wink before following him out onto the dance floor.

Zahava glances up at Zi'ya as the necklace spills out onto her hand. She smiles, glancing past him for a moment, then quickly back to him. "Thank you, Zi'ya," she says warmly. "It's lovely," she says. Her fingers quickly find the clasp and settle it around her neck, fastening it behind. She leans forward to place a kiss on his cheek, and then stands again.

M'yr walks into Nolee's arms, wrapping her tightly with his own, adding a light lift off the floor, too. "You were occupied, silly!" he grins and winks, "You're certainly the popular one at the dance, aren't you?" Lowering her gently to the floor, he positions his hands for the waltz. "I've missed seeing you. You know that, right? It's been too long."

Raykini shakes his head slowly as he steps onto the dancing floor, still blushing a little as he looks around bashfully. "Our job's difficult enough without wine in our systems." Ray tells Kayara, "And I've business to attend to later after things have settled down here."

T'rien lifts a hand to rub the bridge of his nose, his neutral expression fast slipping in the direction of a deep frown. With a toss, the rest of his wine is gone and the empty glass passed off to one of the serving staff. He pushes himself off in the direction of the kitchen.

Draila's lips round into an oh, a quick nod of understanding following once it disappears again. This time with the music at a pause and many enjoy a refreshment a few of her soft spoken words can be heard. "In .. If you're.. dance."

Asilli starts to relax as she drinks her wine, leaning just a bit againist the table, continuiing to eat whatever is within reach as she does.

Kazara nods and continues sipping at the wine, feeling a pleasant warmth begin to spread through her body as she imbibes. The warmth of the Cavern, coupled with the murmurous hubbub of the slightly thinning crowds, combine to make her feel relaxed, after a long day's work.

Zi'ya smiles and pauses a moment. "It... isn't supposed to mean anything. Just a gift from a friend." he smiles at her again and tries to turn to catch her lips after she kisses his cheek. He glances around and spots T'rien. "T'rien!" he calls, "I believe you asked Za for a dance too?" he asks, nudging her in his direction. He's in a jovial mood. His eyes scan the crowd and fall on Asilli, leaving Zahava for the time being. "Don't suppose you dance on that hurt ankle now do you?" he chuckles.

C'nroy nods. "I guess I could probably. Just once."

T'rien stops, his hand nearly reaching out to push the door to the kitchen open. He glances over his shoulder as his name is called. With a deep breath, he turns on his heels and heads back toward Zahava and Zi'ya. "Yes," he states, matter-of-factedly. "Yes, I did."

Nolee carefully places her hands and feet as she'd been taught, squealing quietly for another familiar set of steps, and easily relaxing into M'yr's strength. "I got to dance! And didn't fall down!" Her large brown eyes meet his dark gaze, sincere. "It has. It always has." Somber nod, followed by winning smile. "It's good to see some spirit around here. I'd heard there were--you were hit?"

Asilli looks up at him, giving him a grumpy look. "Like you'd dance with me anyway.. I don't have breasts to fill out a nice dress like that, and I hobble like an old Uncle.." More bubblely pie to sooth her whining

Kayara nods in understand to Raykini, "That's fine then, wine isn't required for dancing anyway." She replies, looking to M'yr for a moment to copy the position for the waltz. She's forgotten much about dancing it seems. She spots Draila off with C'nroy and smiles, glad to see Draila out and about. She then looks to Kazara, "So how are things going at Igen?" She inquires, not having been back in a while.

Zahava gives Zi'ya a startled look, then turns as T'rien returns, expression a trifle uncertain. "You... didn't want to dance, anymore?" she questions, lifting a hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her hear, glancing again at the dance floor.

T'rien extends his hand toward Zahava. "I've been waiting to dance with you for about two Turns now," he murmurs.

Draila can't help but silently laugh, her shoulders lightly shaking with it as she looks at the BrownWeyrling with amusement over his lack of enthusiasm then quickly adds, ".. twist.. arm?"

Raykini tries to position his hands as best as possible, looking about quickly to make sure that he's doing it right, his cheeks flushing bright red. It seems the fisherman isnt' really at ease in the odd, loud atmosphere, "This is worse than being out at sea in a storm."

M'yr's eyes sweep about the dance, visibly grateful at the merriment he sees there. "It's been so difficult lately that I was ready for something like this to get our spirits growing again, yes." Shifting to glance at his left forearm, he goes on, "Five stitches is all, nothing compared to what Sol did to me when he was shelled. You remember?" Instinctively, he looks briefly down at his chest, then leads the Istan weyrwoman between two pairs of dancers."

Kazara lifts a hand and waves it in a side-to-side movement. "Eh...a few leadership troubles, but nothing too major," she replies. "Other than that, things are going okay. For the past few days we've had rain on and off constantly -- trying to get laundry dry is proving very difficult. It's driving the laundry people round the bend."

Zi'ya smirks. "Of course I would." he grins. He winks at Zahava and offers a tense grin to T'rien. He turns his attention back to Asilli, apparently trying to distract himself.

Zahava extends her hand to take the one T'rien offers. "The outfit is very nice," she says as she lets him guide her onto the floor.

Kayara gives a low chuckle, glancing at Raykini in amusement, "Oh, I wouldn't say it's that bad. And I'll have you know, I wasn't much the people person either. Caused me trouble all through Weyrlinghood until I finally got used to it. You know what they say, go with the flow and all." She remarks, knowing it's cliche but true nonetheless. She then looks over Ray's shoulder at Kazara, "That's not good. Sharding rain. Well I hope it lets up soon." She mutters, then concentrates on the right dance steps.

C'nroy sets his glass down, smiling. "No, I guess that wouldn't be good. Well, shall we?" the brown Weyrling offers his arm.

Llany finds a spot in the cavern that she approves of acoustically and continues to play the lovely waltx almost danceing with the lute, caressing it's strings to elicit the melodic tune that echos around the stone cavern.

Asilli more then happy to give Zil a grumble and ignore him after that, just like he did her, take that evil male.

Nolee nods to M'yr, eyes following to look at his arm though she manages not to lose her footing. "We could all use something like this. Time at home for more beach celebrations, I can tell. Though we'll miss the Harper you have now..." A glance to Llany, and a smile, before she nods back to M'yr, cheerily teasing. "Of course I remember! Who could forget? He made you his, no bones about it." A flash of green catches her eye, "She's looking well, isn't she?"

T'rien smiles softly, leading Zahava out on the floor. "I'm glad you like it. I took your advice and picked up some new outfits to go with the new knot."

Raykini turns to peek over at who Kayara is talking to and arches a brow at Kazara, offering a wave, "Hello there, it's been a while. Miss the boat yet?" He laughs quietly, rubbing the back of his head absently, "I'm happy to e back at sea. It's nice to be back home." He turnst o Kayara, shrugging as he continues to watch the others, following Kayara a bit clumsily, "Sorry," He murmurs when he trips over himself, "I hate land."

An apprentice that had been standing rather incognito before now draws forward, standing near Llany and pulling a bow across an elegant near-black violin, coaxing a romantic melody to lead with the other harper's. His exposed eye is unfocused, half-lidded, focusing on the music.

Kazara smiles at Raykini. "Yes, it's nice to have the Bowl clear of erroneous fishing craft, thank you," she replies, making her voice slightly louder to be heard of the noise of the music and dancing.

Draila rests her arm over the one C'nroy extends, more silent laughter seem rather than heard from her as she quickly nods and steps forward to join the dancers. Perhaps its the chance to enjoy some good music or then again maybe the company that allows her to softly continue to jest with the BrownWeyrling. ".. promise.. won't bite."

Zahava turns to face T'rien as the music changes, a glance sent over his shoulder for a moment, then refocuses on him. "Good for you," she approves.

M'yr bends Nolee to the left, the graceful moves of the waltz carried out easily with his partner. "Llany? I have to admit that I'm thrilled to have her here, though of course there was no ill will in having her posted at Fort now. You know that, right?" Grinning down at her, he wiggles his brows playfully. "Lady of the Tree." When the music changes, he doesn't release her, just slows his pace to match the melody.

C'nroy chuckles. "Not you I'm worried about."

T'rien seems to steel himself against something. "Yeah, I suppose it is." He leads the weyrwoman in a turn on the dance floor.

Kayara gives a soft laugh at that, "I don't blame you after being stuck in the desert for so sharding long." She replies, her tone sounding quite amused. She then glances back to Kazara, "Oh but wasn't it an amusing sight?" She asks curiously, doing her best to keep pace with Raykini. She's a little clumsy herself and nearly steps on his toe, but hey, at least they're having fun.

Raykini snorts quietly in annoyance, "I'm happy to be off that sharding place, there was hardly anything that resembled water. I was miserable. I'm happy to be back at sea, as is everyone else. When are you, Draila, and your boyfriend coming aboard? I'd like to know in advance so I can have everyone prepair for your arrival." He winces a bit when she steps on his toe, but does his best to ignore it as he tries to keep in time. "I'm sorry we were such a burden to you and your weyr, ma'am." He says to Kazara.

Asilli goes back to leaning on the table, continuing to eat, and drink wine. She is loosening up a bit, though she still is not heading out to dance, just sitting there watching.

Zahava falls silent as she follows T'rien's lead through the dance steps, keeping an eye over his shoulder for other pairs they might collide with, her feet moving lightly over the floor.

Nolee laughs for M'yr, a tinkling bell sound of genuine mirth. "That's right! And you were, hm, in the water, I remember that." She squeezes him where their hands meet, relaxing. "Llany--oh, that's her name, I remember now!" A nod. "They're s'posed to, mum explained. Go places. For different experiences. But she'll have to visit." She leans her head in against him, content in the moment of shared avoidance of work. "And you too--bring friends, visit us."

Draila's gaze travels about the living cavern again, curious as to whom C'nroy could be worried about and her gaze settles on the Weyrleader before turning back to the younger man and murmuring ever so softly with a mixture of giggles. "If .. bites, let .. know .. bite .. back .."

Kazara waves a hand dismissively and grins. "Ah, don't worry about it, Ray. It provided some variety to an otherwise featureless expanse of sand. Water was never one of our strong points; that's why it's a desert, after all.'

T'rien finishes the dance in silence, then steps back with a small smile. "Thank you," he says simply.

C'nroy shakes his head. "Not that either. So, if we're going to dance, shall we?" he leads Draila to the floor, hoping the two of them can get into rhythm and into a vacant spot on the dancefloor.

Zahava lowers her hands as T'rien releases her. "You're welcome," she replies with a smile. "Now... I should find where I set down that wine you brought me," she replies. After a moment, she turns to slip into the crowd towards where she left her glass several dances before.

Kayara is starting to get the hang of it now as she remembers the rhythm, "One, two, three...One, two, three." She repeats over and over like a litany under her breath, managing to keep in time with the music as she regains back some of her memory on dancing. It has been turns since she's done it. At Raykini's comment she grins, "I don't blame you. Sticking you in the middle of a desert is like sticking a fish into a bucket of sand, no offense. As for the 'cruise' I'm not sure. Whever we can all get together I guess. I'll be sure to send Neji to let you know in advance, that's if Noyi doesn't eat him." She muses before shaking her head, "And you weren't a burden at all."

Raykini laughs loudly, blushing a bit as he listens to her counts trying to move in time with hers, and eventually finding the rythem himself. "I think I'm getting the hang of this." He murmurs quietly to Kayara, "Aye, sharding desert. I hope I never have to set foot in such a thing again. I'm /still/ getting rid of the sand in my clothes." He laughs quietly, "Noyi's not going to eat him. He just doesn't like other people or firelizards."

Now that Draila is on the dance floor her mirth fades as she bites on hr bottom lip in hopes of not messing up the dance steps too badly. Stiff steps are taken as she keeps her head bowed to constantly watch C'nroy's feet and slides her own in accordance.

Llany lowers the intensity of her playing in order to let Derindrel's violin take predominance, the resurected instrument's tones once again reaching the ears of Pernese audiances.

Kazara finishes off the Benden wine in her glass, and looks down into it slightly forlornly. She could fill it up again herself, but it seems a little more fun to pout and see if anyone notices that her glass is empty.

Derindrel completes an intricate harmony movement with Llany, their bodies moving in synch perhaps from a sixth-harper-sense, ending on a long and bending note. Derindrel takes the note in a wide arc, moving with it, making the waltz a little less dramatic and picking up slightly as the count moves up a notch. The light and lilting sounds of blossoming romance fill the cavern as the boy's violin sings sounds of a joyful spring just passed.

Zahava doesn't manage to find the abandoned wine, so after a bit of searching, she simmply finds a new glass, finding a quiet moment to listen to the music, watching the dancers, now.

M'yr nods slowly, his chin brushing the top of her hair when he turns a corner in sync with the dance. "I received your reply to my note. I was hoping for that response, and oh. I'm sorry to have missed you when you were here! At least ten people told me you dropped by. Sharding weyr work..." At the farthest point of their turn, his gaze sweeps the crowd, resting briefly upon Igen's Weyrsecond. He smiles and nods politely, then drifts onward to complete the maneuver.

C'nroy guides Draila without seeming to miss a beat. It's almost as if the lad actually knows how to dance. He leads in a slow enough time to allow his partner to follow, but quick enough to not be out of time.

Kayara chuckles in reply and gives him a smile of encouragement, "Yep, just takes practice and a fancy bit of footwork. But I think we've both got the hang of it. Which is good since the music is picking up the pace a notch." She informs him and adjusts her pace accordingly, the steps slightly faster than before. She is forced to stare at her feet to make sure she is keeping pace. At his comment she looks up, "Well I don't think you'll have to worry about that again. Just don't get stuck in another storm with a gold dragon around." She muses. When he mentions Noyi she grins, "Neji's the same way. Probably why they never get along."

Nolee nods, "I'm sorry to have missed you, too! But I knew you'd likely be working. At least we've an excuse to meet during social events." She contentedly continues to dance with M'yr along that smooth sweeping turn, her filmy skirt twirling gently, until her energy for the dance comes to an end, the girl becoming distracted by the sounds of the uncommon instrument. She offers him an extra hug and one of her usual awkward curtsies. "Why thank you, Weyrleader sir, for the dance."

Kazara looks up from perusing the bottom of her glass after a short time, figuring no gallant young man will swoop in and top up -- well, refill -- her glass. She's just in time to see M'yr's nod and smile. She returns the gesture, tilting her head sideways slightly in acknowledgement, before reaching for the Benden again and pouring some more of its contents.

Raykini shrugs his shoulders slightly, his confidence building a bit more as they continue in the movements, getting a bit bolder. His brows knit in concentration as her steps pick up, losing his footing for a moment until he manages to get down the new time. He laughs quietly, "I don't plan on getting stuck at storm again, but it happens. Hopefully next time we'll be better prepaired to take it."

M'yr sweeps into a bow after returning her hug, "My pleasure, always, Weyrwoman." is replied, a hand lifting to his hair to rake his fingers through the dark locks. "Did you want something to drink? We prepared well, but I'm not sure all these people were expected!" Laughing, he shows pride in the attendance at the dance. "And how are Griere and V'lano? V'lano. It seems like so long since I've seen or talked with him. I certainly made life difficult for him. He's probably not speaking to me anymore."

Draila is thankful for the guidance C'nroy offers, her own steps still a bit awkward but seeming to keep up. But her child bearing state keeps her at a slow pace until she finally begs forgiveness and asks for a break. With a thankful nod to the BrownWeyrling she returns to the outer section of the cavern to once again join the other watchers.

Caitlyn swirls in, undoing her cloak that kept out the cold of *between*, the woman appearing harried as she quickly hangs it on a nearby peg. Taking a moment to compose herself from her wild ride up to Fort, she then dons a more proper smile, puttering into the fray of attendees. Fingers smooth down any wild hairs on her head.

Zahava sips her wine, turning to smile as a fellow weyrling steps up beside her, speaking quietly. She shakes her head, flashing a smile at the girl. She casts another glance towards the dance floor, as Kassey is whisked onto it by another weyrling, who jostles her as she brushes past. She manages to avoid spilling any on her dress, but the wine is gone. Taking the empty glass, she heads back towards the drink table.

Kayara is getting more used to it and now that she is she finds it easier to keep in time with the music, no longer having to pay such close attention to her steps. She then looks up at Raykini and grins, "Well it could have been worse. You could have been dropped in the High Reaches bowl instead. Though honestly sand or ice, I don't know which is worse." She muses before peering over Ray's shoulder at Kazara again, "So how's Kraznyth doing?" She inquires curiously, lifting a hand in a wave as she notices Caitlyn.

Llany settles her lute down and glides across the dance floor to the weyrleader, "May I have this dance?" she asks of M'yr.

Raykini coughs quietly, "I'm not sure what is worse, snow or sand." He shakes his head, at the thought, "Both don't have much water. The desert saps it all and the north freezes it all." He chuckles quietly in amusement.

Nolee watches M'yr's fingers sweep through his hair, enjoying the familiarity of the man's gestures though time and duties give them different lives. "He's so busy." Her voice drops, "He looks ooolllddd. It's the stress. It's really got him." Raising her voice again, she adds, "But this is a bright occasion. I'd love a--" Llany's request falls there, so she steps back with a little wave, leaving him to duty if he need while she pursues fresh juice.

Kazara has barely lifted her glass to her lips again before she's spoken to again. "Oh, he's doing swimmingly...literally, in fact. He still loves swimming around in the lake whenever it gets too hot. I think he's managed to make the local fish population extinct, in fact. Those who like to waste time on the shores casting their rods in are a bit annoyed." She grimaces into the glass as she sips. "I think Kraz and I will have to go on a fish-stocking expedition to make up for it."

Llany smiles apologiticely, "On I'm sorry, you were catching up. Don't let me interupt you two."

Zahava lifts her hand to wave towards Caitlyn as she spots her friend arrive. She turns to move toward M'yr and Nolee, but pauses when she sees the new Weyrharper approach them, a snatch of the request floating through the crowd. Pausing a beat, she returns then to her original purpose - finding a fresh glass of wine.

M'yr is just about to reply to the Istan weyrwoman when she steps away and Llany's question is voiced. Flashing a smile to Nolee, he turns toward Llany with a shake of his head and a grin, extending his arm. "You're doing nothing of the sort, Fortian weyrharper! Shall we?"

Llany smiles and offers her slender hand to the handsome man, "We shall Weyrleader, we shall." she says with a sultry tone as she allows herself to be lead onto the dance floor.

Nolee nods to Llany, her smile still bright. "Dance! You hardly get the chance having to play us all through it." Moving toward the beverages, she meets Zahava en route, pausing to regard her sternly, then with a smile, almost conspiratorially for the job they vaguely share across weyrs. "It's kinda fun, don't you think? All the things for propriety and being social. Even if it's hard."

Being short doesn't help Caitlyn see familiar faces easily, but her wanderings through the crowd do. Kayara's wave is just noticed from the corner of her eye, and the woman takes a moment to recognize her. Oh. The Istan's returning wave and smile are only a bit hesitant, the bluerider glancing around for a certain other person. Not finding them, she relaxes a little, moving along towards the main body of the crowd, absent fingers toying with the filmy fabrics of her multi-hued dress. Spotting Zahava's gesticulation, she grins, then weaves her way over to the other woman. Where she also finds Nolee. "Hey! this is a reunion!" the Istan chuckles.

M'yr pivots once they have gained enough room to begin the dance, strong arms surrounding the Weyrharper in the traditional dance pose. Off they go together, mixing in with the partygoers. "Have I mentioned to you how pleased I am to have you here, Llany? Your room was prepared adequately? The flowers were fresh?"
The other apprentices and visiting journeymen continue to play slowly, shifting into a waltz that is more likely to be heard in the holds of Keroon. The light whistles and recorders identifying the piece as such.

Kayara shivers slightly at the thought, "I'm not sure either. I like the temperature here, not too hot and not too cold. It's perfect." She muses before grinning, "Think you'd be willing to see about getting Kraznyth a load of fish? He really is fond of them." She suggests before peeking over at Kazara again, "That sure sounds like him. Well with Ray's help maybe we can get a load of fish for that insatiable appetite of his. Think he'd like that?" She asks, waiting to hear Ray's answer on that. Her steps begin to slow as the dance winds down. She smiles back at Caitlyn, seeming friendly toward the Istan despite their last meeting.

Feeling tired, Draila quietly heads off in search of some fresh air. She nods lightly to a few other familiar faces, as she passes by Caitlyn another nod is offered just before she slips outside.

Zahava's lips press together for a moment, then she nods, her expression turning to a smile. "Indeed," she agrees with Nolee, taking a fresh glass of wine. "Caitlyn! You came," she greets warmly, glancing at her friend as she approaches them. "And that is a /spectacular/ dress," she remarks, eyeing it closely. "Wow!"

Llany smiles and places one hand on the weyrleader's shoulder and takes his hand with the other, looking up into his eyes she smiles, "Oh those flowers were from you? They were lovely, thank you very much. The room was prepared for use though it'll take a few days to make it my own. When I'm ready I'll hold a little get together. It's... different to be here, but knowing you're pleased to have me here makes it much warmer, thank you."

Raykini laughsq quietly, shaking his head, "Of course, Kayara, we'll get you some fish. You'll have to come to us for it though, call it our gift to you for being so hospitable to me and the rest of the crew while we were stuck at Igen." He cracks a smile at the rider. He turns towards Kazara, tilting his head. He sighs in relief when the steps become slower, settling into the new rythem quite thankfully.

"Oh, I'm sure he would," Kazara replies with a laugh. "He'd do almost anything for a boatload of fish, especially if it was just for him to enjoy." She nods back at Raykini with a small smile. "Well, I could probably make excuses for paying your part of the world a visit. If you need anything else from Igen, I can bring it over."

M'yr shrugs off the question about the flowers, but does not deny it, returning her smile as they glide together across the floor space. "Did I hear something about a.. what was it? I am such a wherryhead about such things.. A practice room? Or..." struggling for the right word, he leans into the movements, again wiggling fingertips toward Kayara as he and Llany pass. "Workroom, perhaps? Sorry!", he attempts then gives up with a grin.

Nolee smiles to Caitlyn, one hand smothering a yawn even as her mouth opens to reply. Smothering it into a laugh, especially as she notices that Caity's dressed in colorful finery, she nods and scoots away before the laugh escapes, foregoing the wine in favor of juice, which is further down the beverage line. Once she's located it, she has barely taken a few sips before another yawn overtakes, and after exchanging a few more pleasantries, she's off on her way.


Fort LC> Llany smiles, "I think _classroom_ is the word your searching for. Although it will most certaintly be used for practice and working. It's most suitable, although I could use some child sized chairs or benches." she comments. He eyes twinkle, "I'll make whomever made the 'wherryhead' comment eat their words, it's a perfect work space and quarters. Thank you M'yr."

Fort LC> Kayara smiles in gratitude to Raykini, "Thanks I appreciate it. And really I was happy to be able to help out. We can come to you then, that's not a problem. If I have to send word ahead I can use Neji, or maybe Zira since Noyi might get along with her better." She suggests, slowing her pace a little further. As their dance slowly comes to an end she gives him a smile, "Thank you for the dance, I truly enjoyed it. Why don't you and Kazara dance now?" She suggests to the two of them and steps aside, looking to Kazara, "I figured as much." She muses to see the Weyrleader waggle his fingers at her. She grins back shyly and waggles her fingers back in return.

Fort LC> Caitlyn blinks, recognizing Draila as she smiles and moves past the bluerider, Cait lifting her hand to the former Fortian as she departs. Her wide smile returns as Zahava and Nolee greet her, and she gives both of her friends a hug. "Fancy seeing you here, Noles!" she teases the weyrwoman, then 'oohing' softly at Zah's dress. "And *that* is a gorgeous dress..." she croons, trying to run her hands over the green fabrics, grinning at the Fortian Weyrling's compliment. "Thanks, Zah. I traded one of my pendants for it a few Turns ago. Since I don't wear dresses that often, it's only seen the sun a handful of times."

Fort LC> Raykini nods his head slowly as he listens, "You're dragonriders, it's easier for you to come to us than us come to you. It takes a while to sail from place to place, even with a good wind behind our sail." He turns to Kazara, smiling at the Igen rider, "No problem. It's the least we can do for Igen, after what you did for us." And then he blushes, "Dance...? With her? Err, I'm not sure if I should."

Fort LC> Kazara raises an eyebrow. "And what's wrong with dancing with me?" she asks, putting on a little quirk of the lips. "Aside from the fact that it's been a while and I'm likely to step on your feet for a few turns before I figure out the knack." She wags her now half-full glass at Raykini, almost sloshing some of its contents onto the floor.

Fort LC> Zahava lifts her hand to wave towards Nolee as the Istan Weyrwoman departs, her shoulders relaxing slightly. After another glance at the dancers, her eyes move back to Caitlyn and she smiles, retrning the hug. "Thank you! Isn't it soft?" she asks, fingering the light fabric herself. "I fell in love with the cloth as soon as she brought it out." She glances at the other woman's dress again, shaking her head, "On of these days, I'd like one of your pendants, too, but that may be a while."

Fort LC> M'yr repeats, "Chairs.. benches..", pauses then grins down at her. "You know I'll forget those requests tomorrow, don't you? Especially after a few more glasses of wine, which I do intend on having!" That brings light laughter, then he does add, "You are very welcome. I do expect a few weyr serenades for my trouble, hmm? But that should prove quite easy after your splendid musicianship tonight. Who was that, playing with you before? I don't believe I've met him."

Fort LC> Kayara nods to Raykini, "That's true and now that I have a couple firelizards I can find the ship just about anywhere." She remarks before chuckling at his protest, "Really Ray I think you should, she doesn't bite you know." She teases and then makes her way over to pour herself a glass of some of the Benden wine she brought with her.

Fort LC> Derindrel seems to be ignoring the partygoers, focusing on drawing a more well-rounded sound from his instrument. The pace picks up once more, a spirited tune sprouting and flourishing from the song before. Suddenly a bright combination of notes and beats echo off of the cavern walls, embodying the summer that's come upon Pern. The minor key leaves an ever-present tone of slight danger, alluding to thread, but the general jovial tone speaks the great bounty of colors, sights and smells that come with the season. Those not dancing may be inspired to, and dancers lighter on their feet may keep up, or get lost.

Fort LC> Llany smiles, "I think that can be arranged, your weyr is accessable from the ground I assume?" she asks with a grin. "You mean the young lad? That's Derindrel. An apprentice I brought up to help with the evening's entertainment. He specializes in the violin, an instrument the masterharper was working on resurecting the past few turns."

Fort LC> Caitlyn gives the departing Nolee a big smile, covering her snigger when the other Istan yawns, then turning all her attention on her current companion - running fingers sensually over Zahava's dress. "Oooh, *so* soft. I love it!" she agrees, nodding enthusiastically. "Sounds like me when I saw what the Weaver Mistress was offering for the pearl she fell in love with. I saw the fabric she had, and I was a goner!" A carefree chortle from the bluerider, and she nods at her friend. "I'm pleased people still value my crafts, even unstamped. I have so little time to work on things anymore, these days."

Fort LC> Raykini shakes his head, waving a indifferent hand in the air, "Ma'am, it's more about dancing with me, I suppose. I'm just a're the weyrsecond." He laughs a bit, "My clothes are filthy, I smell like fish...not sure I'm the best dancing partner." He gives a little glare at Kayara, "Bullying me into dancing."

Fort LC> Zahava's smile slips and she nods slowly. "I haven't even unpacked my macrame supplies from the bottom of the trunk I put them into when I Impressed. I'm not thinking I'll have the chance to do anything with them for some time," she sighs. She steals a glance at the musicians, and then dancers, and then puts the smile back on. "But /this/ is fun. I'm not sure where V'ryce has gone off to, but I told him I was going to introduce you to him if you came."

Fort LC> Kazara grins widely. "Oh, don't worry about it, Ray. Where I came from, I was regularly in various states of 'filthy'," she says, emphasising the word with air quotes, "what with helping to run a small holding in south Igen that had lots of animals. I'm no stranger to bad smells, I assure you!" She puts down her glass and extends a hand to Ray. "Join me?"

Fort LC> M'yr repeats thoughtfully, "Apprentice? Huh. He's quite good. Or so it seems from my unschooled mind. I never could get my fingers to work on the gitar, though I have tried." Slowing, he expertly assists her in completing the dance with him, then gives her hand a light squeeze. "It's been my pleasure, Llany. Thank you for the dance! Oh, and as to the serenade, I was actually talking about doing something for the weyr, not meaning my weyr necessarily, though that's possible I suppose." Winking, he takes a step back, glancing about, probably for more wine.

Fort LC> Caitlyn notices that slipped smile, reaching out to lightly touch Zah on the arm. "We're all in the same boat, one way or another. I remember Nolee and I used to meet up in her weyr and do crafts..." A soft sigh, and she too smiles anew at their surroundings. "You're right. We all need some fun, and a dance is wonderful. At least it gives me a reason to wear all this stuff." A raised brow from the bluerider, and then she grins. "I keep hearing more and more about those rascally bronzers of yours. S'kris said he would be surprised if they could hide their antics from him." Her lips twitch into a strange, lopsided little smirk, and then just as suddenly it vanishes back into her more usual expression.

Fort LC> Kayara gives a laugh at Raykini's glare, "What it's fun! And the only way to get the hang of it even more is with practice. As for her being Weyrsecond, people in leadership positions are still people. They just have greater responsibilities than we do. Mind you, I still get intimidated from time to time but I'm getting used to it." She informs him before looking to Kazara, "You've got him there!" She grins. After topping off her glass she notices the Weyrleader seems to be looking for something, probably wine from what she can guess. She nods politely to him, "Would you like a refill Sir?" She asks.

Fort LC> Llany smiles, squeezes M'yr's hand in response, "The pleasure was mine M'yr." she winks and curtsies formally before exiting the dance floor.

Fort LC> Raykini sighs quietly as he takes the hand in his, "Don't blame me then when you smell of fish and your lifemate wonders why you smell that way." he laughs quietly as he starts towards the dance floor. "I don't quite feel so bad then, just be warned, I only just started learning how to dance. I don't think I can do anything fancy."

Fort LC> Zahava flashes a quick smile. "They're not /mine/," she asserts, though she laughs at it. "In fact, there's Zi'ya, over there," she points towards the dance floor where the giant weyrling spins another of the weyrlings through the steps of the dance. In doing so, she spots the Weyrleader free and leans forward to murmur something to Caitlyn before stepping away, threading through the crowd towards him. As she steps up next to M'yr, she reaches out a hand to try to place it against his arm.

Fort LC> "To be honest, I doubt he'd care; as far as he's concerned, anything that smells of fish is music to his ears. Er...nostrils," Kazara amends as she's gently led onto the dancing area. "Your dancing ability's not that important; just move as you see fit, and I'll match you...hopefully without stepping on your toes too much," she adds with a smile.

Fort LC> Caitlyn grins sassily at Zahava's murmur in her ear, the woman then shaking her head a little and grinning wryly at her friend. "Enjoy! ANd tell him he *has* to dance with me too!" she calls out to the Weyrling goldrider, then gathering her gall. On smooth sandaled feet, she swishes over to the towering form of Zi'ya, and re-introduces herself to him (since they met previously at Ista). Soon enough, the oddly shy bluerider is dancing with the giant of a bronzer, grinning and giggling like a girl half her age.

Fort LC> M'yr watches Llany's departure from his side, a contented smile overtaking him. "Ah yes, a good thing.." is muttered, then a wide smile flashes to Kayara. "I seem to have lost my glass, actually, so it's more of a new one than a refill. And yes, I'm splitting words, and the answer is that it would be very nice if you knew where they all went. The glasses, I mean." Za's arm impacts and sends his gaze honing in on her with surprise. "Why, have you found time to get away from the myriad of suitors who have been vying for your attentions, Za?" he teases, seen and heard by that wink and chuckle. "It's no wonder, what with the most beautiful dress in all of Fort. That's definitely new."

Fort LC> Raykini just shakes his head slowly in amusement, "I'm not sure what all this fuss is over a silly fisherman like me, but I'd be happy to dance with you, ma'am. I don't mind if you step on my toes so long as if you don't mind if I step on yours. I'm still a bit clumsy." He grins sheepishly, as he starts in the steps of dancing, mentally counting to himself the same way as Kayara had earlier. "You know, I might get the hang of this if I do it any more."

Fort LC> Kayara looks at Raykini and Kazara before piping up from the sidelines, "I don't know about that Kazara, if you smell like fish he may just be tempted to eat you." She teases, in a rather good mood. Either from the wine or just having fun. When the Weyrleader speaks to her she smiles, "I do believe some were left over at the table there. Let me just get a clean one for you." She remarks and wanders over towards the table. She spots one turned over and unused and picks it up, pouring some dark red benden into it. She then returns to the Weyleader and holds out the glass to him, "Here you go. Good vintage of Bende too." She replies before smiling at Zahava, who seems to be having fun as well.

Fort LC> Zahava wrinkles her nose, over her smile. "I've been chatting with Kassey, Nolee and Caitlyn for the last couple dances," she replies lightly. "And thank you. An early graduation gift from my father," she admits, fingers smoothing the dress. She gives Kayara a friendly smile as well. "Hello," she greets her. "It's good to see you here." She lifts her glass to her lips for a swallow of wine, then recalls Caitlyn's missive and turns back to M'yr. "Caitlyn says you need to dance with her."

Fort LC> Derindrel notices Llany leaving, bringing his song to an end in the appropriate timing. He packs his instrument away as the band strikes the summer tune into a more hopeful note, striding off to follow the Journeywoman for whatever reason.

Fort LC> M'yr gratefully accepts the wine glass from Kayara, rolling the liquid around a few times then sniffing the contents. "I would definitely agree!" A taste seals the agreement as he smiles to her and adds, "Thanks very much." As Za speaks, he drinks deeply of the liquid, smacking his lips approvingly. "Nice aftertaste, definitely Benden, Kayara." Then back to Za, he seems surprised by her comments, "Cait? Dance? I need to dance with her? Sure, but is there a special reason?"

Fort LC> Kazara turns her head to poke her tongue out at Kayara, before she turns back to Ray, glancing down now and then to watch the careful movements of his head. "You count too?" she murmurs, moving her feet slowly in time with the beat, only managing to step on his toes just once.

Fort LC> Raykini laughs quietly and blushes in embarassment, "Well, Kayara did it, and it helped me so..." He trails off, turning his head to the side to try and hide his blush. He winces a bit when she steps on his toes, trying to avoid hers as well as he moves in the beat.

Fort LC> Caitlyn swirls along in the dance with Zi'ya, nodding to her towering companion in places as they chat some, the woman careful to keep her trailing gown in her fist. Her tanned features are only slightly flushed with the exhertion of the fast movements of the dance, which soon enough come to an end - leaving her grinning and thanking the Weyrling with happy eyes. Nodding to something he says, she watches him go to fetch her a drink, moving off the dancing area while the musicians take a break.

Fort LC> Kayara looks over at Zahava and grins, "Thank you. It's good to be here. And how have you been faring?" She asks politely, turning her head just in time to see Kazara stick her tongue out at her. She chuckles in good humor and watches the two dance, "You're both doing great!" She calls encouragement before looking to the Weyrleader and grinning, "You're very welcome. There's more of that too. I'll leave the bottle here." She comments at sets it down at the table. She then glances over to Caitlyn, "We haven't spoken in a while. How have you and your Kintryth been doing?" She inquires.

Fort LC> Zahava shakes her head, "The occasion of a dance and the fact that she's here? But I'm claiming one first," she asserts firmly. But she doesn't seem quite ready to bodily drag the Weyrleader onto the dance floor, turning back to Kayara in time to give her a wave as she moves off to speak to Caitlyn.

Fort LC> Caitlyn is actively engaged by Kayara right off the dance floor, lifting her brows just slightly in a bit of surprise, then smiling at the greenrider. "We've been well, thank you. Always too busy, though. Thread and paperwork make me miss all the free time I gave up to go with the knot." A rough snerk of wry humor, and she inquires, "And how about you and your Zimarath?"

Fort LC> Kazara sways gently, moving with the music, smiling at Ray. "Aww, you're cute when you blush," she says with a chuckle. "You're dancing okay for someone who says they're not very good.

Fort LC> M'yr appears confused then laughs, tipping his glass to down a good deal of the wine. "It seems I need a card to keep track of things! Hmm. Must be the wine - or how much I've consumed at this point and what is to come!" He weaves slightly when he leans over to place his glass on the table while he waits.. for whomever's coming.

Fort LC> Raykini blushes even more at the teasing, "Stop it." He says quietly, "If you don't mind, I think I've had enough for today. I'm going to complete my business and return back to the boat..."

Fort LC> Zahava glances down at M'yr's wine on the table, then places hers beside it. "Don't worry," she laughs. "I'll keep track of it all for you. That'll make it much simpler, anyway. One for me, one for Caitlyn, one for me..." She reaches to try to grasp his hand and tug him towards the dance floor.

Fort LC> Kazara nods. "Sorry if I've disconcerted you, Ray -- I'm just teasing a little," she murmurs. "If you really need to get back to the boat, I won't stop you. You do dance well enough, though."

Fort LC> Kayara waves back to Zahava as she heads off before turning to Caitlyn and smiling, "I'm glad to hear it. We've been rather busy ourselves, though not as much as you it seems." She muses before grinning, "We're doing quite well. We helped to move Ray's ship out of Igen's bowl a few sevendays ago. It's finally back at sea after sitting in the bowl for a couple months. So how are things at Ista?" She inquires. She then looks to Ray, "Well it was fun dancing with you. And we should see you soon." She tells him.

Fort LC> Raykini shrugs his shoulders as he lets his eyes flicker back to the ground at Kazara's words, chewing on the bottom of his lips. "I don't need to get going, but I sent Noyi to father, I told him we'd be late commensing business. I'm sure he'd be happy someone managed to get me do do something silly."

Fort LC> M'yr is snagged, which is probably a good thing since walking has turned a little 'saggy' at the moment, though the music and the dancers spark him back from eyes that are beginning to glaze. Soldreth's not to blame this time, it seems. Standing straight, he offers the beginning dance pose to Za, offering her a coy smile. "Shall we?"

Fort LC> Zahava grins, turning to face M'yr, setting on hand on his shoulder, the other clasped in his. "You lead. I'll follow," she replies with a flash of teeth, head tilted slightly to the side as she catches the beat from the Harpers.

Fort LC> Kazara chuckles a little and nods. "It's good to get out a little to do something out of character. You're not so predictable then. If you'd like to stop, just say so. I won't mind. I wasn't expecting to be on the dance floor, myself."

Fort LC> If Caitlyn could hear Zahava from over here, she be nodding and laughing. But since her attention is taken, thought of dances passes her by. "A boat, In the Weyr bowl?" Cait has to laugh at the image in her mind, her features full of easy mirth as Kayara continues to explain it to her. "Oh, oh wait! Yeah, I remember someone saying how your weyrwoman and her gold *betweened* it there." SHe finally blows through her laughter, nodding at the greenrider. "Now that had to be an adventure!"

Fort LC> Raykini shrugs his shoulders as he looks around, "It's fine. I'll dance with you as long as you wish to dance with me. Just don't mind when I step on your toes." He smiles faintly, shaking his head, "How's Igen? Dusty and full of sand still?"

Fort LC> M'yr finds that hilarious, letting go with a hearty laugh. "No kidding? You're going to let -me- lead this time? How good of you, lass!" Off they go, pivoting about the floor in harmony. "You doing anything after the dance?" is asked potentially much too loudly as several weyrfolk on the sidelines burst out in laughter. Upon M'yr's stare, then hush quickly with hands to their lips, stifling themselves. "I just thought you might want to go over a few maps with me. Y'know, later." Voice taking on a drawl, he focuses on the dance, guiding her to blend in and out of other dance couples. When they pass Kazara and Raykini, he smiles and nods. "Who's with Kazara?" he asks of her.

Fort LC> Kazara grimaces and nods. "Yes, it's still dusty and sandy...but we've recently had a lot of intermittent heavy rain, so the sand's turned into a sort of mud. It's great fun for the kids, but not much help to getting things properly done though." She gets a little more vigorous in her movements as she regains some of her confidence.

Fort LC> Kayara notices the dancers out of the corner of her eye but most of her attention is on Caitlyn, grinning at the memory of the ship, "Yep, sat there for a full two months before we could get it repaired. It was damaged both from going /between/ and from damage due to the storm. It took a while to get supplies in as there's not a lot of trees around Igen." She explains with a mirthful look on her face. At the recollection she grins and gives a chuckle, "Yep with the use of some ropes Rozhenth just plucked it out of the water and /betweened/ it back to Igen. Not something I'll ever forget. Zimarath called her for help when we couldn't lift it. We were just planning on towing it to an island, but Rozhenth had a better idea." She explains, nodding her head in agreement. She then answers the Weyrleader's question, "That's Raykini, a Seacrafter and a friend of mine. He's one of the Seacrafter's Rozhenth rescued." She explains.

Fort LC> Raykini blinks, "Oh, that's wonderful." he says in sarcasim. "I'm glad we got out of there before we got caught in /that/. I don't even know what it'd do to the ship if she was still there." he murmurs quietly as he settles into the dance, seeming a bit more at ease when his dancing abilities aren't on the front of the conversations.

Fort LC> Zahava follows M'yr's lead quite neatly. "I've /always/ followed your lead in dancing!" she asserts, eyeing the gigglers as the receed as she and her partner move across the dance floor. "Afterwards? No. I can't say I do... maps sound... er, lovely." She laughs, finally looking towards Kazara and Raykini, following his gaze. "I'm afraid I don't know either of them," she admits after a beat.

Fort LC> Caitlyn presses a loud giggle soft under her fingers, golden-brown eyes dancing as kayara continues to recollect the tale of the ship in a bottle-neck. "I would've liked to have seen that..." she comment with a smirk, and then her attention turns to M'yr - who sweeps by with Zahava in dance-tow. She points very obviously at the Weyrleader, and calls out to him above the music, "You're *mine* next, bronzer!" then grinning widely.

Fort LC> Raykini shakes his head slowly in amusement, "I'm glad we didn't caught up in that while we were building up the boat again, I don't even want to think how far it would have set us back on repairs. I'm happy we're back at sea. We've managed to start making marks again instead of being in debt all the time. We're still paying off our supplies and things, but we're getting there."

Fort LC> M'yr mmmhmmms, Za-ward, then sends her a lopsided grin. "But that's about all..", his voice falters, cutting off rather abruptly when Cait's voice reaches him. Slowing down, he grudgingly gives up the dance with his partner. "I think I have a commitment to tend to, Za. Will you excuse me? Oh, and always a pleasure to....." Leaning forward, he lightly bumps her head, attempting to whisper something in her ear. Directly after that, he lifts a hand to Cait, but not before grabbing the wine glass and draining it. "Ready!", he calls, the hand still wobbling above his hair.

Fort LC> Kayara chuckles softly and takes another sip of wine, starting to feel a bit tipsy, "Oh I'm sure we'll all be talking about it for turns to come." She muses before looking to Zahava, "So how's Ciath doing?" She asks offhandedly, the wine making her mind wander. She then glances to Raykini and grins, "Well you're back at sea now and that's what counts. And I'm sure you'll be careful to steer clear of storms. And to boot you have Noyi to warn you. Firelizards are pretty good at that." She comments.

Fort LC> Kazara smiles and nods. "That's good to hear," she murmurs, a moment before Kayara inserts her own statements. "It'd almost be like...if Kraznyth broke a leg, or injured a wing. No flying, no working."

Fort LC> Caitlyn appears slightly flabberghasted at M'yr's sudden abandonment of Zahava, the woman flushing deeply under her tan. "Oh, Oh I didn't *mean* you should just up and leave her!" she protests, close to mortified. She looks guiltily to Zahava, cringing somewhat.

Fort LC> Zahava laughs lightly, lifting her hand to rub her temple where M'yr's lightly struck it. "Yes," she says, then steps back, shooing him with her hands, giving him a smile. She waves her hands at Caitlyn's protest, grinning, shaking her head. "No, go ahead," she assures. She retrieves her own glass with a little more flare and restraint, turning to Kayara. "Ciath is well, thank you. Fully grown, possibly, they think. " She glances towards Kazara and Raykini and asks Kayara, "Do you know who they are?"

Fort LC> Raykini sighs quietly as he closes his eyes, "We haven't been able to work, we're in debt. All our income so far has gone to pay off the debt we've racked from fixing our ship." He shakes his head, "You know, I think I'm just going to have fun for a change. I deserve it after all the sharding work we've put into the boat." He laughs a bit, "So, what're you doing over here anyway?"

Fort LC> Caitlyn can't help but still twitching over all of this sudden dance interruption. But she trusts her friend, and moves out to M'yr, sliding into his grasp - still peering over her shoulder to see if Zah wants to strangle her or not.

Fort LC> Kayara nods in agreement with Kazara, thrusting her wine glass into the air, "Exactly!" She agrees, not even sure what she's agreeing too. Looks like the wine has gotten to her a bit. She gives Caitlyn a slightly amused look before turning her attention back to Zahava, "I'm glad to hear it. Full grown already? Wow, she must be pretty big then." She muses before looking to Raykini and Kazara, "Kazara, is actually Igen's Weyrsecond. And as for Raykini, he's one of the Seacrafter's that Rozhenth picked up with the ship. He's also a friend of mine, well they both are." She explains to her.

Fort LC> M'yr firmly takes Cait in his arms, sidestepping out onto the dance floor in a nice, open space. "Oh, don't worry about her, Cait. She'll be fine. I have personal information that she won't behead you!" A laugh that's close to being too loud comes, then he's sending her into a tight, disciplined spin.

Fort LC> "I heard through the grapevine that there was some sort of celebration or other happy occasion happening here, so I figured I'd drop in and see what was up. As a W2, it helps to keep track of what's going on around the world," Kazara explains, shrugging a little, causing her to misstep. "Whoopsie. It's been ages since I've been to anything like this."

Fort LC> Anytime she's glanced at, Zahava will be all smiles for Caitlyn, no sign of imminent strangulation. "Good to know. I should introduce myself, when they're done dancing," she muses.

Fort LC> "I came here on business my father assigned me. But everyone was busy so I setn my firelizard, Noyi, back to rely I'd be late back." Ray steps a bit more confidently, grinning at the weyrsecond. "I didn't even know there was a party, if I did, I'd dress a bit...better. I'm a bit embarassed to be in such a state." He laughs quietly.

Fort LC> Kayara nods to Zahava, "Good idea." She replies and remains hanging back and watching the couples dance. Neji gives a drowsy chirple and she grins and reaches up to scratch an eyeridge, "Good thing Ray sent Noyi off, or you'd probably be hearing a hissy fit right now. For some reason the two don't get along." She muses.

Fort LC> Kazara grins widely. "I'm not exactly dressed properly for socialising either," she says, gesturing at her faded skirt, which sports a couple of holes, and her uniform shirt. "I've never let that stop me before."

Fort LC> Caitlyn looks up reluctantly into M'yr familiar face, ready to give a nod...and then she spun like a top in his hand - the woman squealing almost as loudly as he laughs - unready for it. Good thing he's a better dancer than she is. Soon enough, the bluerider is grinning and dancing in time with the Weyrleader, enjoying herself thoroughly as she glances between him and her own feet, trying to get any proper steps down. "And to think I used to be in the Harper Hall when I was a young teen!"

Fort LC> Raykini nods his head as he lets his eyes roam over the weyrsecond, focusing on her shirt, "At least yours doesn't smell like fish. That tends to put people off. Usually people give me a wide berth after a long time at sea. I don't really smell it anymore." He shrugs indifferently, "Do you want a drink? I'm getting thirsty."

Fort LC> M'yr sends her a hint, "Don't watch your feet, it's easier to fall that way. Just let me lead?" He grins at her, holding her securely as he steps to the beat, weaving in and out of the dance floor pairs. "It all comes back, Cait. See? You're doing great!" Unfortunately, the song ends, the Harpers preparing to play another tune. As the next song begins, he grins down at her. "Thank you so much for the dance, Wingleader! Would you mind if we danced again another time in the future? I've enjoyed it immensely."

Fort LC> Kazara nods in reply. "Yes, another drink would be good. I suppose the Benden's gone... I'll settle for something of a lesser quality if it's not too bad."

Fort LC> Kayara yawns and finds more than anything that the wine has made her drowsy, she leans up against the table and only the music and the firelizard chirpling in her ear keeping her awake. She shakes her head a bit as if to clear it before looking to Raykini, "You get used to it after a while. Honestly I didn't even notice it." She comments, watching the Weyrleader as he's free once more. She had been tempted to ask him for a dance earlier, but hadn't wanted to intrude. Even now she can't quite bring herself to ask, suddenly shy. Instead she looks to Kazara, "There's still some Benden left here. Not a lot, but enough for one glass."

Fort LC> Caitlyn does as M'yr says, enjoying the dance, relaxing in his knowledge of it. ANd all too soon, it ends, and he's saying that...and Cait can't quite supress a petulant look. It's erased quickly in favor of a hopeful smile. "Thanks, M'yr. That was fun! And I'll hold you to another dance some other time." The short Istan gives him an impulsive hug, then a bit of a curtsey, grinning as she moves off the dance floor.

Fort LC> Zahava swallows the last of the wine in the glass she's been nursing, setting the empty glass down on the table. "It was nice to see you again," she says to Kayara as she steps away from her, moving towards the edge of the dance floor.

Fort LC> M'yr manages to snag himself another glass of wine before he begins a careful navigation through those who still remain at the dance. "Do stay as long as you like, and a safe trip home. If you're too, erm, embibed? We have accomodations for guests. Just see Nan." he calls out to Kayara, Kazara, and Raykini when he passes, arm waving to the two who are dancing. "Cait? Perhaps I'll see you at Ista sometime soon!" Banging into a tableleg, he bites his lip to suppress an 'ow', smiling apologetically at those seated at the table.

Fort LC> Raykini nods and stops in his steps, moving to the edge of the dance floor, nodding politely to the unfamiliar goldrider as he passes her. "Wine? I've never had it truthfully. Father's rather fond of it, however. We usually keep a few wineflasks on board when we can afford them. Would you like me to fetch you a glass, ma'am?" He turns to M'yr, "Actually, sir, when it's possible, I would like to speak to you about some business from the Seacraft. I'd understand if it's not tonight, however, I would like to meet with the Headwoman or the Steward in the future."

Fort LC> Kazara follows Ray to the edge, stepping around a couple swirling past. "Yes, a glass would be lovely. There's a little Benden left, so I heard."

Fort LC> M'yr leans to rub his shin, cheeks pink from embarassment. "Seacraft? Interesting. Yes, that would be fine. Unfortunately, I won't have time tonight but do see our Headwoman or Steward before you go. I.. uhm.. yes. Going. Now." Grinning, he turns and leaves the cavern, not too straight in his course, but he does make it out to the bowl.

Fort LC> Kayara yawns and lifts her hand in a wave to everyone, "Zimarath is calling me, so it looks like I have to go. Enjoy your evening everyone." She tells them before heading out to the bowl.

Fort LC> Caitlyn frowns when she too gets a summons from Kintryth. "Shaffit," the woman mutters. "I need to get back and get ready for bed. We have a tough drill tomorrow morning." A wave to M'yr and everyone else, and the Istan finds Zahava once again, scuttling up to the taller goldrider and giving her a hug. "Drills all too sharding early tomorrow morning, Zah. I'm glad I could get up here, even if it wasn't for long enough. Fair skies to you and Ciath!" And she's walking off on quick legs, towards the gaping maw of the cavern.

kayara, acadia, s'kris, caitlyn, tiaryn, draila, v'ryce, nolee, event, kazara, asilli, ciath, t'rien, zi'ya, nalaieth, fort weyr, derindrel, raykini, zahava, c'nroy, m'yr, llany, loketh

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