OOC Weyrmeeting! 6-24-07

Jun 24, 2007 18:49

Meeting Log - Weyrmeeting, June 22, 07
Fadra, Griere, V'lano, Nolee, Caitlyn, Alexiel, Sephie, Tegara, Noemie, R'layn

Log from Nolee's point of view. :)

Fadra perches on Griere in the flesh, and hangs her cane off Griere's ear.
Sephie moves around and sits on everyone.
Caitlyn has arrived.
V'lano puts out plate of cookies.
Fadra eyes them suspiciously. Who made those?
Caitlyn foolishly trusts. *munch*
V'lano suspects Costco.
Alexiel flops down into a chair sideways, back resting against one arm and feet dangling over the other one. "OH! Cookies!" Munches away.
Sephie munches on V'lano instead.
Sephie muahahs
Nolee passes out beanbags and frosting. Frosted cookies, mmm.
V'lano was wondering for a sec about the frosted beanbags.
Fadra suspects Costco too, but never of bad food.
Caitlyn slips off a frosted beanbag?
Fadra says "Well...'cept their grapes, sometimes."
Griere considers an iced mocha... hm. *sits on Fadra*
Fadra 'splodes.
Caitlyn goes for a chocolate shake.

You say "Welcome, everyone, to our happy and entirely OOC Weyrmeeting. We've invited folks in today for a little bit o fun and a chance for some info-sharing and some idea-gathering. Today we'll be talking about past mini-plots, upcoming events, and your very own ideas. We will be having a Search Info meeting in the future, so we'll talk a little about the schedule and ideas but more info about that will be a-comin' soon. :)"

Caitlyn falls over laughing at Raving Rabbids! There this one sub game where you have to find the schoolboy bunny in the Academy choir who's making bizarre sounds, and slap him on the face!

Sephie still likes the bunny potty one the best, Cait :)

Nolee laughs! Oh dear. Schooling the choirb...unnies. Sounds pretty funny.

You say "During the meeting, questions and comments are welcome, since this is all about the place you play. Any questions so far? :)"

Fadra says "Can you get Griere off me?"

Caitlyn says "Noe from me/"

Griere purrrs.

Caitlyn thinks Griere has suction cups on her arms and legs. Like an octopus.

Nolee considers. Nope! She's pretty good holding you down. Someone has to do it, Fadra.

V'lano lures Griere with a chocolate soda. *lure lure*

Fadra peeks her head from under a tentacle. Griere is channeling Ursula the Sea Witch?

V'lano, in between being chewed by Sephie. x.x

You say "Awesome. First off, to cheer on all those who were involved in the Sudee mini-arc. We were able to follow up on some ideas folks had from our last weyrmeeting, which included being able to RP some of the political and social actions with our beholden and to include the return of Threadfall in that. Cheers to all those who participated in any of the 3 events or who were inspired to include something about it in their daily RP."

Caitlyn has reconnected.

You say "If you missed it, event logs can be found at the Istalogs livejournal or on noleepackrat's journal at:

Nolee laughs! Lemmie try that again. ^^

Caitlyn waits with bate breath? ;)

Caitlyn says "Bated, too"

You say "Pre-events: Nolee recruits Caitlyn's help http://noleepackrat.livejournal.com/66886.html#cutid1"

Sephie got to help :)

You say "Scene 1: Surveying Sudee http://noleepackrat.livejournal.com/67119.html#cutid1"

You say "Scene 2: Threadrfall http://noleepackrat.livejournal.com/67511.html#cutid1"

You say "Scene 3: Rebuilding http://noleepackrat.livejournal.com/69672.html#cutid1"

Caitlyn woos for Nolee loggage!

You say "If anyone uses those links directly, remove the " on the end of them and they should work. :)"

You say "Related to this, V'lano has some cool opportunites to announce. V'lano?"

V'lano says "That's right. XD Those of you who participated in or read these scenes will know of cranky Avom, make-gooder Assom and... um... delightful Essie their cousin. XD These three NPCs from Sudee are available for adoption to become PCs. :)"

V'lano says "All three are of searchable age and have contacts/resources enough to plausibly visit the Weyr on hold business or personal pursuits. They have pre-designed plot hooks, ties to existing PCs at the weyr, and a brief on-camera history. You can get more information about them - or point your friends who might be interested - to http://www.istaweyr.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=125 for more info. :)"

Fadra says "It's probably no surprise how much I love Avom. >.> We're kindred souls."

Griere punches Fadra in the arm. What about me?
Caitlyn says "She's really fickle."
Fadra ows and can't adopt Griere.
Caitlyn gets bitten by the lag monster. :P

Fadra also wouldn't be scared of punching him in the face. You might eat my soul.

Griere also cheers for faboo tempting NPCs. It's like going to the HS and seeing the puppies with their big eyes and their little tails wagging and their pointy little horns.

V'lano ....
Caitlyn >.>
V'lano makes a note not to go to the humane society near Griere. XD
Fadra thinks...Gri might be going somewhere different than the rest of us.

Noemie has arrived.
V'lano hiveminds with Fadra, sort of.
Caitlyn says "Hola, NoeNoe."
Noemie waves a bit belatedly :)
Caitlyn has partially disconnected.
Fadra says "Hey Gnome!"

Nolee yays! It could be fun to have 'em on camera and around, makin' mischief or trying to stay out of it. Spiffy chance for people to have some ready-mades with a history and everything. Thanks Vel for sharing about the Cute-eyed and Pointy-Horned Adoptables from Sudee! (and Welcome, Noemie. :) We've just recapped the Sudee peeps with related announcements; it'll be in the log). ^^

You say "Second, we have some more exciting events and activities coming up. I'd like to invite each event-holder to give us a few words about their upcoming activity. In order of the events, they'll be Kamia, Caitlyn, and Fadra.

Kamia isn't able to be here to tell us about it tonight, so for her event, I'll direct everyone to +flights, which says it all pretty well. Watch out for glowy greens ...tomorrow! And for our second event, how about it, Caitlyn?"

Caitlyn taps the mic. "I've advertised it on the bboards: Ista, General, and Firelizard, but I'm here to strike up the band for more! Cait's gold Infelice is having her maiden Flight this Tuesday 5pm PT/8ET! I need more bronzes and browns to strive for a potential clutchdaddyship! :)

Caitlyn says "Just have to be 1 Turn old + is all."
Noemie is so there, but altly :)

Caitlyn fweets for Noe!

You say "Haha, that'll be really cool and is a unique kind of flight--one for firelizards. ^^ And our next event will be hosted by Fadra. Go for it, Fadra!"

Fadra says "Well, I just posted it up, (+bbread/isw 27, for those of you who haven't seen it) but it's really simple. If you're interested in coming, Timor riders have automatic permission and encouragement to participate if they're able. Riders from other wings and residents can come as well (whether to work or because they have a day off to point and laugh, Fadra's into things like that) and if you'd like to make it a bit deeper you can always consult with your wingleader as to why you got your tail stuck in Fadra's wing for a day if you're being punished. xD I...think I forgot to post the time, but I'm planning on holding it around 8:30EST/4:30PST in the evening. So... I'll have to edit the +bbpost, but that's what I've got. xD"
Fadra spams. >.>

Caitlyn woos! Torture your character with Fadra! New, with bleach!

Fadra also adds, cause she's spazzy like that. "We're tilling fields in some hold or another. I haven't picked one yet. Yay for hard labor!"

Nolee whistles and cheers, gotta love hard labor. Especially with the added perk of Fadra included. :)

Caitlyn sniggers.
Griere sits in the shade with an umbrella drink.
Caitlyn settles next to Griere with her own slushy drink, pointing and laughing.
Fadra drinks a slurpee.

You say "So those are the events we've had recently and some sweet opportunities coming up for a few different types of RP. Now we'd like to invite suggestions --is there something you'd like to see at Ista? Especially something you might like to run with and help to bring about? Please! Toss it out there!"

Alexiel would like to suggest something akin to Fort's dance. Perhaps a bonfire on the beach or something of the sort.

Noemie likes that idea! Ista's version of a summer BBQ?

Sephie nods.
Sephie says "We could have like a crab roast"
Sephie says "Or a clam bake"

Griere gets out her notepad to made a list. :) Ooh, crab! Yum.
Sephie nodsnods :) It would be fun.
Caitlyn goes for more Nolee shrimp.
Sephie says "We could have like a beach party =)"
Tegara says "A luau?"
Griere roasts a pig. ;)
Caitlyn swivels her hips in a grass skirt.
Noemie weaves flowers into leis :)
V'lano drinks an umbrella drink. Not that this makes the day unusual.
Noemie steals the umbrella.

Caitlyn says "Now all we need are the firewalkers and firedancers."
Alexiel says "Oooooo, firedancers are awesome."
Noemie says "As long as we're not expected to do the walking."
Caitlyn nods, and shoves Vel out with flaming brands. "Get dancing, poolboy."
Fadra scampers out to get poked with needles, now. xD
Sephie nodsnods

Noemie remembers she has news, but no huge TP or anything :)
Sephie hms, what news? :)
You say "News is welcome, too. Especially now that we're all curious!"

Noemie bets Sephie could guess :) Noemie'll be expecting her third little sometime soon :) So feel free to gossip, and Caity, ground her when she needs it :)

V'lano evades firedancing! "These sound like great ideas! Would any of you like to run an event like that?" :)

Caitlyn is going to Harrangue her.
Noemie looks terrified!
Caitlyn says "Bad Noemie! FOr shame that you get preggers again when we need all our riders so badly! *bitchgrumbleharrangue*"
Noemie says "It was going to happen sometime! She's weyrmated now!"
Caitlyn finally got Teggers back, and now *you* leave?!?! GROOOOWL! ;p

Sephie wheeeeees :)
Noemie is going to be a bit angsty ICly about whether or not she should actually *keep* it. Given all that :) But yeah, sorry. *sheepish*
Sephie hugs the Noemie =-)

Alexiel raises her hand. "I would be happy to run the Bonfire type event."
Caitlyn giggles. I am here to make you feel bad. ;)
Nolee laughs, yay angst. :)
Nolee ohhs, yay Alexiel! I love stuff on the beach. It's like stuffonmycat.com, but different.
Caitlyn peeers?
Noemie would be happy to help if you need it, Alexiel :)
Noemie says "and omg! stuffonmycat!"

Alexiel was about to ask if anyone would to assist.
Sephie would help =)
Caitlyn thinks two committed people make a better event. ;)
V'lano whees at Alexiel and Noemie! "Just let Griere and Nolee and I know about scheduling. We'll be getting the events calendar all up to date soon. :)"
V'lano thinks we should all be committed, as a side note.
Sephie says "Well dah :)"
Alexiel says "Is that committed as in committed to the plots or committed to psychiatric wards?

Sephie says "Wards :)"
Noemie says "Or both?"
Caitlyn drools in the corner, yet again.
Caitlyn says "Both. ;)"
Noemie wonders if there's a sandbar equivalent of Sex on the Beach? *starts singing*
Nolee is excited, cheers for Alexiel and Noemie and possibly Sephie too and all those excellent ideas. :) You guys are an awesome bunch, and heaps o fun, too. :) Does anyone else have more ideas to toss out before we move on? :)

Tegara says "Wildfire?"
Noemie doesn't now, but you're always open to ideas, right? I'd love to come up with something, but have been braindead lately :)
Caitlyn says "We definitely should have equivalents of Pina Coladas, daquaris, and margaritas."

Noemie seconds that!

Caitlyn found out the other day that tequila is made from Agave.
Alexiel says "You mean a wildfire like the kind that Smokey the Bear fights?"
Tegara now has that stupid song running through her head.... *grrrr*

Noemie says "My stupid song?"
Caitlyn thinks all are done, Nolee? ;)
Tegara nods. Yep. I live in a fire danger area and have watched a couple of small brushfires and one really big one.
Sephie says "We should come up with a pern equivilent of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaste"
You say "Okee dokee. If anyone comes up with more, or develops an idea we've had tossed out, like Tegara's wildfire, please drop V'lano, Griere and Nolee a +mail and let's plan!"
Tegara says "I was thinking of dragons playing the role of water-dropping aircraft."
Alexiel thinks a wildfire would be rather interesting and exciting.
Noemie says "Ooh, now that could be fun. As long as not too much actually gets burnt :)"
Caitlyn has seen enough forest fires out here.
Tegara has seen some monsters.
Sephie says "Blaster :)"
Tegara says "Brushfires, that is...."
Sephie says "What about a Tsunami?"
Sephie says "A small one, or one that hits a southern island?"

Caitlyn says "Something like that could wipe out the Weyr.."
Noemie wonders what ever happened to SAR?
Sephie says "Small one, not a big one Cait"
Sephie says "waht's SAR?"

Caitlyn says "Search and Rescue."
Tegara says "Yeah -- whatever happened to SAR?"

You say "If anyone needs the info and is planning to put together events, feel free to see http://www.istaweyr.com/roleplay/eventguide.shtml for some suggestions on how to organize stuff. :)"

Sephie says "OOoh."
Sephie nodsnods

Alexiel says "If a tsunami sounds like too much we could do a tropical storm type deal."
V'lano says "I think we recently had a tropical storm."
Tegara says "Those can be every bit as bad."
Noemie could see the RP from a tropical storm being focused more on clearing debris from the beach?
Griere would actually like to keep the destruction plots to a minimum for a little while. They're all excellent ideas to toss around and keep in the idea bank for a rainy (stormy or otherwise inclement) day, but we've been doing a good deal of destruction lately. Thread is probably enough of a threat to life and limb atm. ;D

Noemie says "Less destruction, but maybe a lot of driftwood gets ashore and we collect it and dry it out since wood is getting scarcer? Something like that."
V'lano says "Which does remind me, I welcome folks to run Threadfalls if they'd like to do so - I'd be happy to help you get set up if you need help, etc. 'Falls can be scheduled like any other event. :)"

Alexiel says "I'd kind of like to see some political plots involving other Weyrs and Halls. Is there anything along those lines that can be done?"

Griere says "And on that note.. you don't have to fun a whole Fall, either. ;) You can have an event that's just the pre-Fall prep, or the during Fall threadfighting, or the aftermath when everyone gets back or some combination or whatever. :)"

V'lano says "Search and Rescue, btw, was run by G'tive, but he's been kept busy and away from RP by his RL. Meanwhile, ICly SAR is a lesser focus in this time when all riders and much of the rest of the Weyr really is focused on fighting Thread. :)"

Noemie says "Ahh, that makes a lot of sense."

V'lano says "As for politics, we enjoyed some political fallout with Sudee very recently; doing this kind of plot with NPC areas is easy since it doesn't involve a lot of coordination with other on-camera areas. Political RP with PC areas would require discussion with those areas' leaders and is traditionally pretty tough to coordinate around search cycles, etc., but is always something we're open to if anyone has ideas they want to spearhead."

Sephie hms.. What about developing surfing? :)

Noemie wonders, what about running a sweeps where we actually /find/ something? Thread's still falling unannounced, right?

V'lano says "Totally reasonable. All it would take is a plan and someone to run it. :)"

You say "Yeah, Noe, that'd be cool, too. Sudee was kinda like that in that it was an in-progress thing. Noe's idea could also work on a smaller scale, say 2 people rp finding something on a sweep and how they fix it or something. :) And for surfing, maybe back to the 'less free time for most people' component -- not to mention, wouldn't want to be too far from shore."

Tegara says "Dragon races/aerobatic competition? Entertainment that keeps the wings in tune."

Noemie would love to run something like that :) Ooh, I like that idea, Tegs.
Sephie says "Good Idea tegs~!"

Noemie says "Dragons flying in formation! We could spell out messages ;)"
Nolee nodnods, also excellent. Does anyone wanna go with Finding a Something on a Sweep or with a Fire or with Dragon Competition/Exhibition? Or we can tuck 'em into our trick bag if no one's up for it right at this time. :)

Noemie thinks people seemed most excited about the bonfire?
Tegara hrmms. "Could combine the sweep and wildfire...."
Sephie nodsnods, wants to help with the bonfire.
Sephie says "We could have dancing contests, 'n stuff.. Invite all sorts."

Alexiel thinks a dance contest would be awesome. What about a talent show? XD
You say "Yepyep, that does seem true, Noe. ^^ So we thus far have Alexiel with the bonfire, with possible help from Noemie and Sephie, and maybe Tegara with a Sweep and Find Something?"

Tegara latches onto Noemie for that one.
Noemie says "Sounds good :) I can help out a bit with both if wanted/needed :)"
Sephie says "What about having the kids of the weyr make up a play?"

V'lano says "As a side note, the island's fairly tropical-damp. Drought severe enough to dry the place out enough for broad wildfire is very rare. Any kind of wildfire would be controlled by natural humidity in soil, plant matter and the air, so massive broad damage is unlikely - and as Griere noted, we're going to table 'destruction' and disaster events for a while. :)"

Tegara says "What I want is enough of a fire so the Weyr can swoop in and play knight in shining armor."
V'lano says "Then let's hold off on that for a time when destruction plots are on the table. :)"

Griere says "As always, keep in mind when planning events that the main goal is to give people something to RP, interaction, etc. So when you're cooking up ideas, try to envision what sort of interactions or Rp opportunities it's likely to create. :)"
Sephie says "Ooh, I have an Idea."
Griere says "Hey, we're the knights in shining armor with every threadfall! :D"

Tegara says "True :/"
Sephie says "What if there was something we got from one of the holds that had something like mold, or something odd on it that didn't make us sick, but made us act like we were extremely drunk or, ahem, under the influence? Something that would affect like the riders or people involved in a party or something like that? Just a small two day TP or something"

Tegara coughs. Mold -- yech.
Caitlyn thinks of ergotamine. :P

Tegara is thinking of the same thing.
Griere says "Heck, maybe a mold outbreak could just caught nasty allergy flare-ups and everyone could wander around weezing and rubbing their eyes. ;) That sort of thing entertains me. ;)"
Sephie says "Not mold, of course but maybe some bad fungi or mushrooms or something funny like that."

Griere has wanted a contageous rash for a long time. >:D
Caitlyn says "Believe me, allergens make you feel MISERABLE. It could affect WEyrfolk alot."
Sephie says "And dont bash mold, it's what makes your cheese have it's flavors :p"
Nolee assumes she means for rp. >:)

Noemie has /always/ been curious to see what's going on in the lower caverns... maybe we could afflict a bunch of NPC weyrfolk with something?

Noemie goes to throw in a load of laundry, be back in a bit :)

Nolee ohhs, and has some ideas from this topic that might fit with the next ones. Mwah ha ha. SO, cool. Maybe Bonfire folks could hang after meeting and work up an outline, idea-share, etc, to figure out what would be fun, and send that via maily to Gri, Vel, and Nolee. And Tegara and maybe Noe could brainstorm if you want to go with finding something on a Sweep or tiny fire or something else. ^^

You say "I think I'm a gonna scootch on to the next part of the meeting, but these are all really cool ideas! If anyone thinks of more, please share them on the Ista bb at http://www.istaweyr.com/bb/viewforum.php?f=11 where there's a whole thread devoted to Plot ideas and suggestions. :) Or if you develop one of the ideas here, be it Dragon Entertainment or Moldy Mold, send us a +mail or drop us a page and we'll do some planning!"

Tegara says "I think the main reason I want to do the fire is because I want to see water-dropping dragons."

You say "So now we have an idea of what's coming up, and what new things will be on the horizon coming soon. Thanks everyone! I love brainstorming. We get the coolest ideas and some really neat events and RP opportunities out of it. ^^ And speaking of cool events and opportunities, it's almost time for Ista's Search cycle once again. Our rough calendar is already up at http://www.istaweyr.com/search/calendar.shtml."

You say "Minus the ." at the end of that. x.x"

Sephie :D
You say "The calendar can be helpful to anyone thinking of helping out in any way with the cycle, from search riders to candidate coordinators to puppeteers, etc. Also, feel free to share it with anyone who might be a potential applicant, so they can see if our schedule is right for theirs. :)"

Noemie cheers for Search!
Caitlyn whoops!
You say "Nalaieth's going to be the mama this go-round, and the flight is listed as July 2 but may be July 1, 2, or 5. More will be posted on the bbs very very soon on that!"

Sephie cant wait to app :D
Caitlyn squee! More Nala babies! *lubs on Kint*

Noemie was about to go uh oh, more nala babies!
Noemie loves on her Naijath :)
Nolee snickers. ^^
You say "Naturally, we're looking for a few good candidate coordinators. See +bbread/isw 23 for more information about what the job entails or how to apply. Candidate coordinators get a spot on SearchCo, so there are job perks!"

You say "So, the next thing from me that I'd like to invite everyone to share is ideas for themes. I'm just gonna collect ideas for now and share them with the sire once we have one, then we'll pick, but we welcome ideas! We'll start with the clutching as an event itself. I'm looking for first, some suggestions for Things that Could Happen during the Clutching. Nala's first clutching involved some dust and it had to be tamped down with water in buckets poured over it. This time, what would be cool to see or have happen?"

Sephie says "I can't submit ideas :D"
You say "Mostly, just interesting. Something for the stands people to interact with while the exciting eggs go plopplop. :)"

Caitlyn wants them to go FizzFizz, too!
Sephie says "Oh what a relief it is?"
Nolee thinks you can if you'd like, Sephie? There are no rules against it, and as a member of Ista, we welcome your ideas. :)

You say "For example, what if it rained? Ohh, interesting. But it'd be something. Or, that dust/mold thing from earlier. Not really really bad, like we wouldn't want people to be really sick, but it could be a fun environmental thing going on."

Noemie could see a clutching in torrential downpour :)

Caitlyn likes a rain of fish in a downpour. ;)
Sephie chuckles
R'layn has arrived.
Noemie thinks, a betting ring on how many/what they look like? Or does that normally end up happening anyway? ;)

Noemie sungs a Ril.
R'layn sneaks in.
Caitlyn says "Usually lots of betting rings in a Weyr, aren't there?"
Griere nodnods. Someone is always taking bets on clutchings and hatchings. ;D

Nolee waves to R'layn, thanks for coming! We're sharing ideas for Things that Could Happen during the Clutching that could give people something to play with/interact with. Like one time, there were bugs. Lots of bugs.

Tegara likes the idea of rain during clutching. Steaming Sands!
Noemie says "What if some pig farmers showed up?"
R'layn just woke up so may be muzzy, but will try and suggest stuff =) "Uhh. Weyrbrats throw paint onto the sands? Multi-coloured dragons. May be too drastic though."

Sephie snugs a Ril

Nolee will make a thread for it on the forum and welcomes more ideas. These are cool. Lots of rain could make mildew on things, and that could make fun times. ^^ Now how about suggestions for egg/dragon themes? These could be anything that comes to mind! Generally we aim for a theme that's more broad for the eggs and can be made more specific for the dragons.

Alexiel suggests the zodiacs, western, eastern, or both.

You say "Ideas already out there are at http://www.istaweyr.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=95 in case anyone's curious; I'll start us a fresh thread for this cycle, too. ^^"

Caitlyn hmms. Gemstones. since I'm a gemmy freak, IRL. ;p FOr the dragons.
Sephie says "What about characters from popular books for the draggies?"
Noemie says "That was Telgar's last, actually :)"
Sephie says "And for the eggs what about disney movies?"
Noemie would love to see a fairytale character themed clutch.

R'layn says "Kitchen utensils spring to my mind @_@"
Sephie says "Like, cars and Nightmare before christmas."
Sephie says "Silly Brit."

Tegara says "Characters from a book/novel -- like Lord of the Rings? ;)"
Noemie says "Ooh, or maybe characters from the classics? A Mr. Darcy bronze :D"
Caitlyn hees. Favorite rock/metal music.

Sephie says "Lord of the Rings, HP, Bartimaeus, All kinds :)"
R'layn says "SC did a rock music theme recently."
Caitlyn oohs! Jones Soda flavors!
R'layn likes the classics idea.
Sephie says "Or Nick tunes."
Sephie says "I lurv Jones Soda"
V'lano says "Novel eggs, novel-character dragons, using 'classics' or something as a theme umbrella. XD"
Sephie says "Like, Spongebob."
Noemie OMGs.
Sephie says "lol a patrick dragon :D Hehehe poor rider :D"
Noemie says "Jones Soda eggs, and Starbucks drinks dragons ;)"
Sephie says "lol"
Caitlyn says "TV-to-video Sic-Fi series. Like Mystery Science Theater 3000, Star Trek, Babylon 5, etc."
R'layn chuckles.
Sephie says "what abou fav movies?"
Noemie would love to see a poetry-themed clutch, too.
Tegara laughs. A Mocha Frapuccino Brown?
Noemie says "That was Nala's last clutch, actually, Sephie :)"
V'lano says "Shakespeare. ;)"
Sephie oohs
Noemie points to her dragon based on Satine. <3<3<3
V'lano has to suggest it every time, now we can move on. XD
Caitlyn oohs. Horror movie/novel dragons or eggs.
Sephie says ":lurvs Shakespeare. all 1000 of the monkies"
R'layn waves Big Fish Talurith around ;P
Tegara pulls out her English degree and suggests Chaucer.

V'lano thinks Chaucer might be a little more, uh, heheh, I'd enjoy it, moving on?
Noemie ups it to Lais of Marie de France!
Caitlyn thinks of a Dracula or Frankenstein eggie or baby. ;)
Nolee laughs, The Pardoner's tale eggs. Hee!
Noemie<--- geeek.

Noemie says "A Wife of Bath green?"
Caitlyn squees! Alien baby!
Nolee loves all the suggesions, c&p's like crazy. :)
Sephie grins
Sephie says "I'd want a shaun of the dead dragon :D"
Sephie says "hee"
Caitlyn says "Or eggs based off of different kinds of fresh or saltwater exotic fish!"
Alexiel says "Famous chefs or cooking shows. Bam, Cook it up a Notch Bronze.
Tegara says "I like that, being a sometimes fishkeeper."
Sephie says "I had a dragon that was based off Bruce in Jaws."
Noemie says "All I know is Tuna."
Sephie says "he was a bronze :D"
Caitlyn giggles! Alton Brown brown!
V'lano mm, tuna.
V'lano could go for a tuna sandwich.
Caitlyn says "Rachel Ray green!"
Noemie says "Tekka Maki! yummm."
Sephie says "it'd never shut up :)"
Caitlyn giggles!
Noemie says "And it would like Dunkin Donuts iced coffee."
R'layn says "Foulmouthed Gordon Ramsey...!"
Sephie says "And dye it's head black"
Caitlyn says "Gotta luv a Mario Batalli brown."
R'layn says "Video games?"
Tegara says "/Classic/ video games."
R'layn nods!
V'lano says "Board games. XD"
Noemie says "Ms. Pac Man green!"
R'layn says "Board games were done recently elseMU"
Tegara says "Frogger Green."
V'lano says "Too bad for them. ;)"
R'layn says "Well, I do hate the Weyr...;P"

You say "blotchy?"
Nolee starts a thread for more ideas, so they can keep a-coming once our meeting is done. It can be found on the bb at http://www.istaweyr.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=127

Nolee starts a thread for more ideas, so they can keep a-coming once our meeting is done. It can be found on the bb at http://www.istaweyr.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=127
You say "And things that can happen during the clutching are at http://www.istaweyr.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=126"
Caitlyn needs to go get dinner. BBS, if y'all are here. :)

You say "I think that brings us to the end of our exciting meeting! Thank you so much to everyone for coming and for sharing your ideas, and for all the event-holders and idea-sharers for your enthusiasm. You are all faboo, and thank you so very much. :)"
Sephie says "Faboooooo"

Noemie cheers! Who thought meetings could be this much fun?
V'lano says "Thanks all for coming! :)"

V'lano says "And thank you Nolee, for leading! :)"

Noemie says "Did people want to stick around to work on the bonfire?"

Nolee ohhs, good memory, Noe! I'm a gonna sneak off to get some dinny, but hey yeah, totally welcome to hang out and, uh, meet. :)

fadra, alexiel, v'lano, ooc weyrmeet, caitlyn, griere, ooc, nolee, noemie, sephie, weyrmeet, tegara, weyrmeeting, r'layn

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