In which Nolee attends a dance at Fort Weyr, part 1

Jun 21, 2007 21:07

Fort Dance

M'yr, Asilli, Draila, C'nroy, S'kris, Kayara, Zahava, Tiaryn, Acadia, V'ryce, Zi'ya, Llany, T'rien, Raykini, Derindrel, Kazara, Caitlyn, Nolee, Ciath, Nalaieth, Loketh

Fort LC> T'rien comes striding in, sliding the strap of his belt through the buckle as he does. He's dressed...well, he's dressed in clothing that not many have /ever/ thought to see him inhabiting. That is to say, he's /well-dressed/. The clothing does, indeed, seem to be quite newly minted and fits him like the proverbial glove. He makes his way between the tables and starts directing the cavern staff to make room in the center. "We need more room for the dancing," he instructs, gesturing.

Fort LC> Llany also walks into the living cavern carrying a large bundle under each arm, by their general shapes and her harper's knots it would be safe to assume their instruments. "And a place for the stage." she adds on top of T'rien's directions. "Journeywoman Llany, I'm you're new Weyrharper. Pleased to meet you." she says with a smile.

Fort LC> T'rien whirls about, startled somewhat by the voice behind him. He smiles, reaching up to push his hair out of his eyes. "Well met, Journeywoman. I'm T'rien, Cavoth's rider." He makes a face. "Danielle is making me help her with this dance, since I so heartlessly abandoned her for another week last sevenday." He rolls his eyes. "I told her I was probably the worst dancer in the weyr but she threatened me with a fat lip and I figured a couple of sprained ankles would be less painful."

Fort LC> Llany chuckles, "She sounds like an intresting woman, your weyrmate?" she asks as she places the instruments down on a table and unwraps them to reveal a finely crafted lute and lap harp.

Fort LC> T'rien blinks and a flush comes to his cheeks. "Not my weyrmate. My former Wingleader."

Fort LC> T'rien nods, directing another drudge to move one of the smaller tables into a corner. "Skysentry," he says with pride. "I /was/ Danielle's wingsecond and we were planning this dance when M'yr decided I needed a bigger knot." He shakes his head a bit and reaches down to tug at the top of one of his boots. "How long have you been here? I must've missed your arrival during all the fuss with my promotion."

Fort LC> Llany smiles, "My sister was Belior's wingleader back home, so I know what kind of job that's like." she giggles as she directs a few others to help position the dias. "Oh I've been here for about three candlemarks now. I haven't even had time to change." she says modeling her Istan garb. "Guess I'm lucky it's summer huh?"

Fort LC> Both of T'rien's eyebrows rise. "Three /candlemarks/?? Shards, you're really coming into this on the edge of your skirt, so to speak." He grins as he looks over that skirt and nods. "Very lucky. You'll definitely want something warmer when fall comes. I'm originally from Igen - I nearly froze to death my first winter here."

Fort LC> Llany smiles, "Oh I'm no novice to performing and my sister gave me a ride. I'm not even unpacked yet. But the quarters off of the classroom have a bed made up so I'll be good."

Fort LC> T'rien nods to himself as cooks, drudges and various kitchen-type start trucking in food for the buffet. "That's good. It'll be nice to have a harper around." He smiles slightly. "Maybe you can help me work on my flute playing. I'm a little rusty."

Fort LC> Llany smiles, "I'd love to, once I'm all settled in and I've got classes set up. I offer a wide range of lessons from the standard children's classes to adult lessons in a wide variety of topics."

Fort LC> T'rien sneaks a bit of pastry off the table before nodding once again and trying to eat without getting crumbs on his new duds. "I'll try not to hurt your ears too much," he promises.

Fort LC> Llany chuckles, "I'll have you sounding like a songbird inside of a couple of months."

Fort LC> T'rien grins, finishing off his filched prize and brushing his hands together. "I think it's time to get this party started," he declares, looking around. "Be careful, everyone - I'm likely to start dancing myself if the beat is catchy."

Fort LC> Acadia comes in from the bowl, hair teased by the wind and pink flowers in her cheeks. She spins once to straighten out her petticoats and gives the room a cheerful wave hello.

Fort LC> Llany smiles and picks up her lute and slings the strap over her shoulder, "Do I have any requests?" She asks the room in general.

Fort LC> Zi'ya enters the living cavern, arm-in-arm with his mischievious best friend, V'ryce. The two bronze almost not weyrlings seem to be in fine spirits as they enter the cavern. "Say Val, do you know if Za is planning on coming? She kept avoiding the question when I asked her earlier." Zi'ya says to Val. He grins as he enters the room, though it flickers ever so slightly at the sight of T'rien. A smile is plastered back on his face, nothing is going to spoil the fun tonight. He even gives Acadia an apreciative look as the pair wander in.

>> Nalaieth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!
>> The Watch Dragon announces the arrival of Gold Nalaieth and Nolee from Ista Weyr.

Fort LC> Acadia raises her hand and waves it around. "Yeah! Can you play some fast dance music please, Llany? I'm in the mood to kick up my heels tonight!"

Fort LC> T'rien leans back against a wall near the kitchen to continue his supervisory duties for the time being - and trying to keep his two left feet out of harms way for the moment.

Fort LC> An only slightly dramatic swirl of cloak and that typical smile herald V'ryce's entrance, the young man of course arm-in-arm with Zi'ya. Green eyes look around at the decorations for the imminent dance, and Val's head nods in appreciative delight. "Mm, nice to celebrate something, for once," he murmurs to the towering man next to him. "She'd better! She was teasing me with a package the other evening. Was her dress, she said."

>> Loketh croons a deep, rumbly greeting to Nalaieth, rustling his wings lightly.

Fort LC> Zahava isn't more than a few minutes later than the appointed starting time. She steps into the cavern on her own, lifting her hand to brush back a curl of hair as she steps out of the way and pauses to survey the room.

>> Nalaieth's tawny form glides in along unfamiliar currents, spiralling in a showy manner as she approaches the ground, diaphanous wings spread to showcase their translucence. A soft croon greets the Fortians as Nala settles, though her rider Nolee loses no time in removing flight gear and slipping to the ground, puzzling only a few moments before heading for the living caverns.

Llany smiles, "How about something from back home then?" She starts to play a merry little seafarers tune with an uniquely Istan flavor.

T'rien speaks to one of the cooks briefly, his eyes scanning the cavern absently. As Zahava arrives, his conversation abruptly stops and his eyes widen. The cook pokes him in the ribs to get his attention once more.

Ryll is a professional wallflower to begin with...and, anyway, she's chores to do. She focuses on those, and on trying not to trip, spill anything, or break anything--it would be just her luck to do so with half of the Weyr for an audience. She doesn't need her ears to clear dishes, though, and she smiles a bit as she listens.

Zi'ya raises an eyebrow at Val, but no sooner does he mention the package with the dress does Zahava enter. "Wow..." he says, his eyes drawn right to his clutchmate. He gives her a wave in their direction. "You want a drink Val?" he asks, then smirks. "Let me rephrase that... you want me to /get/ you a drink?" he winks at V'ryce though his eyes stay on Zahava. He leans in and whispers something, still smirking.

Acadia gets herself a drink while waiting for the music to start, and smiles at Llany's choice of tunes. She works around the room with little dance steps, greeting various Fortians until she gets to the lady with the Istan knot. "Hello, and welcome to Fort Weyr! I'm Acadia, Inneth's rider. Can I offer you something to eat or drink?"

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Ciath's rich, husky voice touches to offer greetings, << Welcome to Fort Weyr. >>

Nolee bustles in, her skirt (yes, a skirt!) still halfway scrunched up behind her from the recent ride over to Fort. A few snickers draw her attention to its state, and she tugs at the skirt back and tries to compose herself, hovering near the entry until the strains of a familiar harper's tunes reach her ears. Then the toes start tapping lightly, keeping time as she surveys the gathering.

Zahava turns before Nolee even steps in the door, her face expectant. As soon as the Istan Junior Weyrwoman does make her appearance, she steps forward with a polite smile, waiting while the other woman adjusts her skirt. "Nolee, so good of you to come," she greets a moment later, missing her clutchmate's glances.

V'ryce notices Zahava's entrance in his observations of the room, his eyes frankly appraising the woman in her green gown. His opinion surfaces in sparkling eyes that indicate delight mixed with other things, and a warm appreciative smile. A soft, velvety roll of laughter greets his friend, and Val nods once, smiling over at Zil. "If you'd please, my friend. Mhm, indeed she does." The chuckling draws his attention, and Val notices the arriving Nolee, giving her a bright wave. "Hello, weyrwoman!" he calls out to the Istan.

T'rien pushes himself away from the wall as the crowd starts to thicken on the dance floor and retrieves himself a glass of wine. He picks up another glass and heads over toward Zahava and the Istan Weyrwoman, to whom he offers a polite little bow. "Welcome to Fort, Weyrwoman," he greets her before turning to Zahava and offering her the other glass. "Nice dress," he says to Fort's weyrwoman, grinning slightly.

Nalaieth> Ciath senses that Nalaieth drizzles low tones with a deep amber coloring, a warm reply. << Thank you. We are pleased to visit, and wish health to Fort's queens. >>

Nalaieth> Kayara slides down Zimarath's offered foreleg before reaching the ground with a slight jolt. Zimarath croons pleasantly, her eyes whirling a calm blue.

Llany smiles at the synchronisity of starting an Istan tune when an Istan friend walks in through the door. She walks slowly over to the goldrider, her fingers danceing across the multiple strings of her instrument, it's reeling tune echoing out through the cavern. "Goodness me, it's like I never left since I last saw you at breakfast Nolee."

"Jays," Nolee begins, a common sentiment, "It's like old friends." Her head nods to V'ryce, vague familiarity registering, then to Acadia, to whom she offers polite greeting. "I'd love some juice, please and thank you." Next is Zahava, though Nolee too checks the woman out, brows quirking in appreciation of the finery compared to her more simple dress garments. "Well met, er, uh, Ciath's. Lookit all the boys watching you! Ooh, who'se your tailor?"

Nalaieth> Draila slowly dismounts, giving Wynith a light rubbing along her neck before turning to head inside.

Kayara enters the living cavern at an even pace, looking around in surprise at the sound of music, not to mention the gathering of people. For a moment she peers around wondering if she's stumbled into another firelizard hatching, but the music doesn't fit in with that. Her eyes glaze for a moment as Zimarath fills her in on the details and she smiles, good thing she's wearing something different today other than her usual flying leathers. As she glances around the cavern and notes several familiar faces, nodding a polite greeting to each in turn as she passes.

Zi'ya tenses slightly as T'rien gets a drink for Zahava, his eyes on her as the other rider walks in her direction. He waits until T'rien is past the drinks before filling glasses for himself and V'ryce. He brings them back, grin popped back on his face, hopefully before Zahava spots the slight scowl. He hands the drink to V'ryce, taring his eyes away from Zahava and T'rien. He smiles at Val, offering a friendly kiss to his forhead as he offers the drink. "A dance sometime soon?" he asks his friend.

Zahava glances over her shoulder, finding T'rien there, and giving the Skysentry Wingleader a smile in greeting. "Thank you," she replies, accepting the drink from him, turning back to Nolee. "Markessa - she's a journeyman down at the Weavercraft Hall," she supplies, smoothing her dress with her fingers.

Asilli hobbles slightly as she walks out into the room from the inner caverns. Funny enough, she hasn't dressed up at all for the dance, though she did make sure her nose was clean before making an apperance.

T'rien raises his glass slightly in appreciation for the weaver's work. "She does a good job," he compliments. "The color suits you." He turns back to Nolee, remembering his manners. "I'm T'rien, Cavoth's rider."

Acadia gets a glass of juice for Nolee, as well as a refill of her wine. She offers it to the Weyrwoman, then backs off to let her friends talk to her. Besides, this gives her a chance to track down and torture C'nroy.

C'nroy enters alongside Andamy, the two brown Weyrlings engaged in some kind of quiet conversation. Once the two of them hear the music they split their ways. C'nroy moves off to locate something to drink while Andamy crosses to where J'ffny and Y'var are laughing about some tall tale.

V'ryce reels at all the people gathering, his eyes flicking from one face to another, greeting everyone with his charming smile. When Zi'ya return and plants that smooch on his forehead, Val smirks, then taking his drink from the other Weyrling. "Mhm, you're on my list. Along with the lovely Zahava and my newfound Istan aquaintence."

Draila enters quietly, her gaze traveling about the living caverns curiously. Catching sight of familiar faces she heaves a sigh of relief before quietly making her way over to the buffet table in need of something sweet to nibble on. A fresh tray of bubblies seems rather tempting and its here that she hovers as she tries to decide which flavor to sample.

Llany smiles and sways as she continues to play the toe tapping tune on her instrument. She watches as people gather and mingle.

Nolee smiles in appreciation to Acadia, sipping at the juice eagerly before her eyes widen in realization that she's abandoned her own manners. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry. I'm Nolee, Nalaieth's. Pleased to meet you, Cavoth's." Another nod for the weaver's name, the girl frowning in concentration as she tries to commit the name to a faulty memory and snap along with the song. "It's very nice. Ooh, Fort sure can throw a celebration. It's a wing's, isn't it?"

Asilli grabs a glass of something warm to drink, and a bubblely for her free hand, but even that doesn't stop her from her path, soon as she spots the only reasn she even came, Zi'ya and V'ryce, she starts in their direction, stiffening her back abit to hide the slight limp.

T'rien nods, directing one of the servers to get Llany something to drink. "Make sure she gets plenty to eat, too," he murmurs. "Firefall is hosting this particular fete. I'm standing in for Danielle because..." he coughs slightly "...she said I had to or she'd punch me."

Acadia swings with a few guys, a couple of spins each, gradually getting closer and closer to C'nroy. "Hello, Weyrling. Enjoying the party?"

Zi'ya chuckles at V'ryce's comment. "I'm supprised everyone here isn't on your 'list'." he teases his friend. He glances over at Zahava, trying to catch her eye, to offer her a gretting without getting too close to T'rien. He doesn't spot Asilli headed in his and Val's direction yet.

Zahava sips the wine that T'rien brought her, nodding. "Firefall, which was T'rien's wing up until a... few sevendays ago," she says on the heels of T'rien's response to Nolee. She spots Llany, lips curving into a smile as she recognizes the woman, and then, past here, catches Zi'ya's eye, lifting her hand to wave to him.

Llany smiles, "Thanks T'rien! Any Benden white?" she asks over her own music.

C'nroy retrieves a glass of wine and attempts to do his best to simply blend in. He chuckles as the server inquires about refills. "This one glass'll get me through the night." he says with a smile. Heading off into the crowd, he is ambushed, ambushed I tell you!, by the arrival of the Weyrsecond. She arrives in such a way that he doesn't notice her at all, and her voice makes him jump, shoulders hunching up around his neck. As he catches his breath, he manages a somewhat passable salute. "Yes...Ma'am..." he manages.

T'rien steps back slightly to allow Zi'ya access to the growing circle of friends around Zahava and Nolee. He turns slightly and grins in Llany's direction. "Plenty!" he replies. "Let me know if you need anything else!"

Kayara pauses for a moment and tilts her head to the side, appreciating the music as she hasn't had much chance to do so before. She heads over in the direction of V'ryce, "Good evening V'ryce, how are you faring?" She asks politely. Spotting Zahava she gives a friendly smile and then waves a greeting to her.

V'ryce licks his lips after taking a sip of his drink, green eyes always moving as he scan the crowd. His own toe taps in time with Llany's tune, smirking at poor C'nroy when Acadia bears down on him suddenly.

M'yr saunters into the Cavern, hands tucked casually into his pockets, huge smile from ear to ear as it were. Pausing to stop by a circle of wingleaders, he greets them and edges into their conversation, though his eyes catch snippets of the growing group of partygoers. Laughing heartily at some joke that was spent, he pats two of them on the back, then speaks his departure to turn around, watching everyone.

"They'd punch you?" Nolee frowns at T'rien, contemplating his seriousness. "Sounds like a policy from Soldreth's." Nodnod. "Oh, congratulations? If that means you got a new wing. I mean, if you wanted it. Con-hm. Congrowlences if you didn't." To cover her uncertainty about the goodness of the news, she people-watches while sipping at her juice, eyes lighting when noting M'yr.

Asilli finds a place where she can brush againist Zi'ya, for once, not trying to be the center of attention, and infact, doing everything she can to not attract it, from the dressed down clothing, to the fact she doesn't talk, to hiding her limp.

T'rien can't seem to help himself. He giggles at Nolee's comment, raising his glass to his lips to cover the outburst. "I'm happy," he confesses. "But Danielle was a bit dismayed that I left her in the middle of this dance planning. I felt obligated to finish it. She wouldn't really punch me in the nose." He seems to contemplate that notion for a moment. "No, she wouldn't."

Zi'ya waves back at Zahava, giving her a look that shows his apreciation for her outfit before letting his eyes fall to the greenrider aproaching him and V'ryce. He offers a smile to Kayara, though he hasn't met her yet. He glances down as Asilli nearly bumps into him. "Hey there." he adds to her, holding his glass out trying not to spill at the near collision. He takes a step closer to V'ryce, chuckling about something though more to himself.

Draila's slippered toe taps in beat to the music as she enjoys the fruity taste of the bubbly, a head slightly cocked to catch tidbits of conversation the drifts her way. Is about then that she notices Kayara's presence as well among the large gathering in the caverns, her smile warming.

V'ryce calls up a small salute for Kayara, then murmurs to the greenrider, "Hello again, ma'am. Pleasant seeing you again." Immediately he's glancing around for a certain black-clad brownrider who might just be accompanying her. When he's not to be seen, though, Val sighs in relief, grinning over at Zahava again, then smirking at the near collision nearby.

Acadia eyes the glass in C'nroy's hand and asks mildly, "Whatcha drinking, C'nroy? Nothing specially prepared for tonight's party is it?"

Llany smiles as she spies another friend from back home and moves over to play especially for M'yr. The tune becomes idle and repetative before she asks, "Any requests sir?"

Raykini wanders absently into the cavern, blinking a bit as he spots all the people. The man almost seems frozen in his spot, his eyes widening, and looking all too much like a herdbeast about to be eaten by a dragon. "Lotta people." Ray says quietly to the firelizard perched on his shoulder. "Noyi, send a message to Father, it might take a bit longer than expected to deliver supplies..." And, with a quick hiss, the firelizard dissapears between. "Hrmm..." He starts forward, weaving in and out of the croud.

Zahava gives Zi'ya a smile, then turns back to Nolee. "T'rien's Skysentry's Wingleader, now. And it looks like he has a new shirt, too. M'yr made him ruin a nice shirt as part of his promotion," she explains to the Istan goldrider, sipping from her glass again.

C'nroy blushes, much more red than the liquid in his glass. He ducks his head, but comes up with an answer. "No, Ma'am, at least nothing by us Weyrlings."

M'yr takes a few steps further into the room, pausing this time at a tableful of wine-filled glasses. Accepting one from a kitchen helper, he is just about to raise it to his lips when he too meets Nolee's eyes. Waving to her across a few party folk, he calls out, "Fort's Duties to Ista, Nolee! Glad you could make it!" The jade dress certainly catches his eye next, a low whistle sent in appreciation. "Now don't you look nice? And T'rien's found a new shirt! Good for him!" If his smile could widen, it does, especially when Llany moves closer. "Well, it didn't take you long to get settled in, did it? Hmm. Something lively, perhaps? To keep this crowd moving? Not that they need it!"

Asilli looks up at Zi'ya with a little bit of the puppy dog look, before looking at the others around her. Zahava gets a slight smile, timid considering who is giving it. V'ryce gets a darker look though. Most of the others just get quiet nods, though looks up as Myr enters.

Llany laughs, "Actually the only things I've unpacked are these two instruments." she comments on the lute and harp. "It's a good thing I brought some finger picks along, I have a feeling I'll be playing lively tunes all night." she smiles and the transitional tune changes into something just as lively as the reel she just played, this time she's playing more of a Ruathan jig.

Kayara looks over at the Weyrling who greeted her and smiles politely in return, "Good evening." She greets before turning to look at V'ryce, "Good to see you as well." She replies in a friendly tone, before a figure in the crowd catches her attention. Catching sight of Draila she gives a friendly wave. She then realizes she still has it in her hand, "Oh yes, brought this from the Dark Maw. It's Benden. Would either of you like some?" She asks, holding out the bottle of wine. Suddenly Neji hisses from her shoulder...and she knows what that hiss means. Noyi must be somewhere around. Sure enough she spots Raykini some distance off and waves to get his attention.

T'rien smirks a bit at M'yr, dusting his hand over his new clothes. "New shirt, new pants, new everything. Don't get any ideas, M'yr," he growls, albeit with a smile in his eyes. "I paid a handsome mark for this outfit. Someone should paint a picture. I don't think I've ever worn anything this fancy in my life. And, since I'm all dressed up..." He turns to Zahava and offers his hand. "Can I have this dance, weyrwoman?"

Zi'ya grins as Llany's tune is requested to be something lively. "Well, someone needs to get this dance dancing. If you'll excuse me a moment?" he smirks, leaning in to say something to V'ryce before heading over towards the group around Zahava. He salutes the riders then offers his hand to the emerald clad girl. His shirt matching hers rather nicely. "Zahava, may I have this dance?" he asks, all formal-like. His eyes dancing happily at the offer however, mischief never far out of his eyes.

Asilli grumbles a bit as Zi'ya walks off, there goes her human sheild. Heck, there goes poor V'ryce's human shield as she turns to look at him, needing something to take her fustration out on, she just eyes him.

"Ruin a shirt?" Nolee's high tinkling laugh is as fond as it is mirthful as Zahava explains. "Better than a nose-punch, I'd say. Oh, M'yr! I decided to forgive you for getting our Harper," the Istan calls to Fort's Weyrleader, following that with, "And our duties in return. Thank you for the invite!" And as Zahava is presented with two requests, she marvels, "You've quite a crowd."

Asilli's glower, and he can't help but grinning at her. "Mm, you hold grudges a long time, don't you?" A small start when Zi'ya leans over toward his ear, and he laughs at the giant, noticing the doubled offers to Zahava. Oh my.

T'rien coughs slightly, eyeing Zi'ya for a moment without expression. He shrugs and pulls his hand back in, turning instead to Nolee. "Since Zahava has another offer on the table, perhaps you'd care for a spin around the floor, Weyrwoman?"

Draila nods lightly in answer to Kayara's wave, though her main focus is in the press of males around Fort's newest Weyrwoman. Amusement carries in the gaze that watches to see which will win out over the other.

Asilli humphs a bit at him for that one. That was not funny at all, she crosses her arms over her chest and stamps her foot just a bit, causeing her to wince as she does, and she promptly flops into a chair to try and hide the fact.

Zahava's head turns towards M'yr, and she gives him a smile, waggling her free hand at him in acknowledgment. She glances back as T'rien speaks and looks down when she finds two hands being offered in near-unison. There is a moment of confusion, which gives T'rien the opportunity to redirect his offer. She glances at him for a moment, then lifts her hand to place it in Zi'ya's, setting her glass of wine down. "By all means," she says, graciously.

M'yr heads over toward Nolee, an elbow quirked just so as he walks past the new Skysentry Wingleader - just might be enough to land a light nudge. He chuckles at Zi'ya, the weyrling receiving a wink though he says nothing as he passes. "I'd watch this one, Nolee, he's good at digging but still working on holding his temper!" A wave is sent to Asilli, then dark eyes turn toward Zahava curiously.

Raykini turns as he notices movement out of the corner of his eye, arching a brow as he turns to Kayara, blinking a few times. Oh, it's her. He offers a little wave in greeting, his attention still searching the area. "Oh well, doesn't look like anything's getting done right now."

Zi'ya tenses as he hears T'rien offer a dance to Zahava even as the words are coming out of his mouth, but he seems suprised when the Wingleader retracts the offer, allowing him the opportunity should Zahava accept. He smiles at T'rien. "Thank you." he says, though likely only loud enough that the small knot right there can hear. The tension in the bear of a man's shoulders lessening. He turns his attention back to Zahava, awaiting her answer.

V'ryce can only shrug at Asilli and her behavior, the young man far too interested in what's going on about him to take much time elsewhere. A relaxation of his slightly tense shoulders when a potential faux pau between T'rien and Zil is avoided, and he smiles over at Draila, then listening a little to M'yr and Nolee's conversation.

Acadia beams at C'nroy and says, "Excellent! Then we'll have no food poisoning tonight. That always makes a party better." She finishes off her wine and exchanges it with a full glass being carried by another rider. One look quiets his complaint and sends him on his way. "So I hear you guys are graduating soon. Do you have any big plans?"

Nolee's large brown eyes widen and brighten at T'rien's offer, and she quickly seeks out Llany's gaze--Look! Gonna put our lessons to practical use! Before she nods and curtseys awkwardly to the new Wingleader. "Warning taken, Soldreth's! Hopefully we'll just be making circles. I don't know any steps called digging." She winks, teasing playfully, offering her hand. "I am good at easy dances," she whispers. "And at stepping on your feet."

Kayara smiles back at the Weyrling and turns her attention to removing the stopper from the wine bottle. Once that's done she retrieves a wine glass and pours the dark red Benden wine into it, holding out the glass to V'ryce, "There you go, anyone else want some?" She asks, before giving a nod to Draila. She watches the men crowding about Zahava in amusement. She then looks over at Raykini, "How're you doing?" She asks.

Asilli returns the wave, cooling her dark looks at V'ryce for just a moment as she focuses on rubbing her tender ankle, and shoving half a bubblely in her mouth. Yep, still acting a bit like a boy.

C'nroy shakes his head. He looks like the herdbeast that has just realized the dragon has picked /him/ as dinner. After a moment he finds his tongue, thanks to a sip from the glass. "Whatever is needed of us, Ma'am."

Llany grins as she spies Nolee being led onto the dance floor and flashes her a wink before shifting the music into a dance piece that the weyrwoman knows well from their lessons together.

T'rien takes Nolee's hand, getting jostled slightly by M'yr and grunting a bit. "Don't worry," he assures Nolee as he leads her out onto the floor. "You'd be better off watching your own feet, quite honestly. I'm not noted for my dexterity."

Draila inclines her head lightly in answer to V'ryce's nod. She knows her voice would never carry over the music and the din of conversations so doesn't even try to use it. Instead she keeps a steady toe tapping beat to the Harper's playing and turning her attention to the dancing couples.

Zi'ya smiles and leads Zahava to the floor. "You look amazing." he says softly to her as he positions them so that they won't run into the others. He catches Zahava's eyes, waiting until she's ready before leading her off into the lively jig, supprisingly agile for his size.

Raykini turns towards Kayara and makes his way over, frowning as he eyes the people dancing on the floor, "What's going on? Some sort of party or something?" Ray says quietly, "We docked not too far away, got a ride here to try and secure some supplies and maybe do a bit of business but...everyone seems busy."

M'yr takes a step back as T'rien and Nolee leave for a dance, downing his glass of wine quickly when a helper brings a tray around with several glasses. Taking another, he nods to the lad, then ambles toward Acadia. "You know this tune, don't you?" And before she can reply, he goes on, "So how about a few tosses with me? Care to take a spin?"

Acadia sighs briefly as it becomes apparent that C'nroy is going to escape. Again. She murmurs "We'll talk more later, Weyrling." In a louder voice she says to M'yr, "Sure, a dance sounds good! You're on!" She drains her drink and puts the empty glass down in order to take M'yr up on his offer.

Nolee giggles softly at T'rien's confession. "We'll both be careful, then. Ooh, I know this one!" There's appreciation for Llany's choice, the weyrwoman humming along with it as they dance, steps confident and grin wide. "The harper helped me learn dance," she explains. "We've even given lessons together. She's posted here; she can help you too if you need it. I mean, you're doing great."

Zahava falls into step with Zi'ya, tilting her head back to look up at him. "Thank you, Zi. You look nice, yourself. New?" she asks as she follows his steps through the dance. "I picked mine up from the Weavers yesterday."

Asilli stays in her chair, kicking her foot a bit, watching it move now, biting her lip as she tries to figure out what to do. She's difinately not sure what to do, but then she notes that C'nroy is trying to adviod a girl, so back to her feet she goes, limping in his direction... atleast he's nice and doesn't ignore her, looking up at him.

Kayara smiles at Raykini as he arrives and fills him in on the situation, "Apparently some sort of dance, at least that's what Zimarath tells me. Good thing I just came from the Dark Maw. Went to check up on it and the tavern is running quite well." She informs him, seeming happy to see the Seacrafter, "Busy dancing I would say. Can you dance at all?" She asks him curiously.

T'rien shrugs slightly, doing his best at keeping his feet in time with the music. "I've never really done much dancing," he confesses. "I was a klutz growing up." He chuckles a bit and shrugs again. "I spoke to Llany briefly before the dance started. She's offering to help me with my flute playing. I'm woefully out of practice."

C'nroy sighs, although not loudly, as Acadia is distracted by the Weyrleader's offer. Thinking this has been a positive day so far, he finds a spot to lean and finds himself not alone, but at least it isn't someone who makes him wanna run for cover. "Well, hello there, Asilli. How have you been?" he sips at his wine glass, propping up some wall with his shoulder.

V'ryce continues sipping at his drink, smiling at those out dancing, looking and listening among those who still stand and converse. A nod at Raykini as he closes to converse with Kayara, and Val's gaze wanders back to Zahava, taking in that lovely gown.

Nalaieth> High above the bowl, The Watch Dragon announces the arrival of Blue Kraznyth and Kazara from Igen Weyr.

Raykini shrugs his shoulders as he pokes at his clothes, pulling at the hem with his fingers. "I'm not really sure if I'm dressed for this sort of thing. I don't really have any formal wear..." He trails off, turning to eye the crowd, offering a nod in greeting to V'ryce but nothing more. "Dance? I've not been to a dance before, to be honest. You know us, we don't dock often."

Asilli leans againist the wall next to him with a muttered grumble. "Boys" is about all she has to say about it for now, and she quickly finishes off her bubblely, and sips from her mug.

Zi'ya nods to Zahava, not missing a beat as he does so. "I had it commissioned a while back, haven't had occasion to wear the whole thing yet though." he grins. "Seems we have similar tastes though, we go well together, don't we." he asks with humor.

M'yr extends his hand toward his 'Second, the grin he sports never leaving his face once. "Then come on, woman! Time's a'wastin'!" Already he's toe-tapping, the wine glass quickly lowered to a table nearby. C'nroy is seen when he turns, the Weyrleader offering a quick wave before his attention is back on his dance partner.

C'nroy nods at Asilli. "Yeah, they're something else, aren't they? Can't live with them and can't live without them?" he chuckles, the glass this time doesn't move. "You are aware, though, that I'm one, too?" he quirks his right eyebrow as if he is just making sure.

"Me, too," confesses Nolee, doing really well until her overconfidence gets the best of her, and she nearly trips them up. "Oops," and a small laugh as she watches her feet until they do the correct steps.

T'rien does his best to keep Nolee from tripping herself - and him. "You dance very well," he compliments her.

Acadia takes M'yr's hand and picks up one part of her skirts, for easier swirling and spinning. Her toes are doing their own tapping, and her heels ring against the stone floor in time with the music.

Llany smiles and wanders along the edge of the dance floor. She's watching all the couples on the floor and those just about to come on. The tune is one of the most popular and one that most people should know. She plays it with gusto and enthuasiam in her wandering in the search for the the best acoustic spot in the room.

Asilli humphs a bit. "Yes.. but you're not so busy oggling gold riders that you can't even remember my name." She's difinately a bit moody for someone at a cheerful party, then she signs and downs the rest of her glass.

Does V'ryce appear a little forlorn at having no one to partner him on a dance, so far? If so, he's hiding it well, behind a smoothly pleasant expression, the Weyrling wandering about the crowd, his head bobbing to a recognized face here and there.

M'yr slips his hands down to Acadia's waist, twirling her in a wide circle first, then a series of smaller ones. During one of the arcs, he catches sight of Kayara, wiggling his fingertips toward her, then it's back to his partner. Taptaptapping, he keeps time with her, edging to her side then out again.

Kayara looks at Raykini's clothes and chuckles in amusement, "Well this is a dance, not a best dressed contest. If you notice everyone has formed off into their own groups, I doubt they care what you are wearing." She assures him before grinning, "Besides, you look perfectly fine to me. So what do you say, care to give it a try?" She asks him.

C'nroy nods sympathetically. "It just really isn't my thing. I know that I could probably do better loosening up, but..." he shrugs and takes a sip from his own glass.

Draila reaches for a napkin to wipe her hands after finishing the bubbly then casually turns about to once again survey the living caverns and the multiple riders and weyr visitors filling it. Its then that she notices C'nroy leaning against the far wall. This causes her to look around for another Weyrling which she doesn't see and a puzzled look clouds her gaze.

Zahava mmms. "Or conspiring weavers," she suggests. "Who did you use? I got mine from a Journeyman, Markessa," she explains, her feet following Zi'ya's across the dance space.

Kazara wanders into the cavernous Living Cavern, sort of dressed for flight, but also dressed for casual encounters as well. Finding it a bit warm from the number of people gathered, she shucks off her flight jacket, folding it up and tucking it under her arm. She then goes a-wandering, head turning left and right as she takes in the scene. Once again the entertainment gossips had their facts right.

Asilli snorts softly. "I feel like a sharding idiot just walking, dancing has got to be ten times worse..." Difinately not happy right now. "I think it's time for wine..."

Raykini blushes slightly as he squirms a bit, "Well, it is a bit embarassing. I didn't think I'd come upon a party or else I'd try and find some better clothes..." He trails off quietly and shrugs, "Sure, I could offer myself to a dance. But what about your boyfriend, where's he? I wouldn't want him to get jealous."

Zi'ya chuckles. "Perhaps. Though... I don't remember to be honest. But it was a journeyman. Could have been the same one?" he grins, twirling Zahava easily. He manages a wink in V'ryce's direction at one point too. "I have something for you too, after this dance ends." he smirks.

Acadia spins around following M'yr's lead, with her skirts and her hair flaring out on some of the sharper turns. Her face pinkens up again, this time from exertion, and her laughter rings our. She's obviously enjoying herself, and even tosses in a few shoulder wiggles for fun.

Kayara almost missed the Weyrleader's gesture of greeting and raises her hand in a half-wave, smiling shyly. Her attention then turns back to Raykini and she grins, "Well I'm not wearing my gather best at the moment either, though it's better than flying leathers. Just give it a try, as for my boyfriend, I doubt he would be. It's just a dance after all and there's lots of people here." She explains, suddenly spotting someone familiar out of the corner of her eye. She waves a greeting over to Kazara.

Nolee manages the rest of the dance without incident, buoyed by T'rien's compliment. "Thank you! You've been very kind to offer a visitor the invitation." She notices his finery again, commenting, "I hope your new clothes are comfortable enough that they won't leave lines after the dancing."

T'rien gives Nolee another little bow as the dance ends. "The Weaver who made it for me said it should hold up well to all the riding I have to do, so I doubt dancing will affect the lines much." He takes a breath and glances about. "Would you like something to drink?"

Kazara almost misses Kayara's wave as her eyes flick over the assorted people gathered to talk, dance and otherwise be merry. Seeing the familiar face in the sea of strangers, she swings around to head in that direction. "Kayara! I didn't expect to see anyone from Igen here. I just happened to get a message that there was some sort of fun thing happening here, so I figured I'd nip over to check it out. Busy, ain't it?"

C'nroy starts to sip at his glass again and looks around the cavern. Finally his eyes light on someone and he stops looking around. The glass comes down. "I'll be back. The red isn't too bad." he recommends as he pushes away from the wall, making his way around the perimeter towards a familiar figure.

Raykini offers out his hand, "Well, so long as you're not embarassed to be seen by a grungy, fish-smelling fisherman, then I don't mind." He chuckles quietly, shaking his head, "Shall we dance then? You'll have to forgive me, I don't have too much practice."

V'ryce has finished his first drink, and seems about to go for a second, then suddenly re-thinking his priorities as the dance ends. Already the Weyrling is on the prowl, moving about in the crowd to find himself a potential partner for the next dance.

Zahava's head tilts as she peers up at Zi'ya. "Something for me?" she asks, curious, as the dance winds down.

Asilli blinks as she is again left alone, and wanders off to snag one of those wine skins and a seat where she can proceed to get herself some more food. Not even looking at the dancers... nope.

Nolee curtsies again to her partner as he bows, and fans her face after the energy of the last dance. "I think I had a juice cup someplace...I must've left it. Perhaps I'll try to--oh, maybe that's it?" She gives him a smile and another thanks before moving toward her abandoned juice, passing in V'ryce's prowly path as she goes. "Hey!" is her greeting. "I know you. I think."

Zi'ya gives Zahava a final twirl and offers a formal bow to end the dance. "Yes. Should go nicely with that dress, but I got it because of your eyes." He grins and reaches into his pocket, handing Zahava a nicely wrapped package. It's rather small. "I was saving it for graduation, but this seems just as festive." he grins.

T'rien slips into the crowd, picking up another glass for himself as Nolee demures. He wanders back where he started, glancing over at Zahava and Zi'ya for a moment. He manages to keep his expression neutral as he notices the exchange between them.

Kayara smiles as Kazara heads over and nods in agreement, "Yes, it's sharding packed in here. But that's because everyone having so much fun. Oh, and I've brought some Benden wine with me, brough it from the Dark Maw. Feel free to have some if you want." She tells her, indicating the bottle of Benden wine she just set down. She then looks back at Raykini and smiles, placing her hand in his, "Embarassed? I doubt that. That's fine by me, I have to admit I'm a bit out of practice too." She replies.

M'yr's ready for a fancy ending, lifting Acadia into the air then slowly lowering her down so her feet touch at the exact moment that the music ends. His cheeks are flushed too, eyes bright with enthusiasm. A deep bow is given to his 'Second, then a sincere, "Thank you! That was great!"

C'nroy approaches the familiar figure from the right side. Dodging a couple heading away from the dance floor he finally arrives. "Draila?"

Draila's backwards steps away from the buffet table moves her to intercept the BrownWeyrling now moving about the cavern, her light nod of greeting given to C'nroy. Her lips moving in speech but even with the music drawing to a close and the voices rising to cheer and thank the Harper her words are lost to all but the one she speaks to.

Llany smiles and wipes her brow after the enthuastic piece, she let's people get a few moments of rest before her slender fingers caress the strings once again, but this time it's a slow paced song, a gentle waltz with Fortian origins.

Zahava flushes as the package is produced, glancing towards the others on the dance floor. She reaches out after a beat to take it from him delicatedly. "Thank you, Zi." Turning, she moves towards a seat out of the way so she can open it without being in the middle of the madness.

Acadia holds out her skirts and curtseys in return. "You're welcome. I had a great time too!" She straightens up and seeks out another dance partner, after a quick wine break.

"Aha! Good, Benden's essential for an event like this," Kazara muses, looking around for a glass to pour the wine into it. Finding one unattended, she snags it and brings it back, quickly filling it up to near brimming. She then starts sipping at it, smiling appreciatively at the smooth taste. "Mmm, a good vintage too, if my uncultured palate's correct."

Raykini turns towards the ale as it's mentioned, "I'd have some but father probably wouldn't approve of me coming back drunk with chores to be done." Ray murmurs quietly and shrugs, "Well, that makes two of us then." He turns to start towards the dance floor, looking a bit embarassed himself.

Continued in next entry!

kayara, acadia, s'kris, caitlyn, tiaryn, draila, v'ryce, nolee, kazara, asilli, ciath, t'rien, zi'ya, nalaieth, derindrel, raykini, zahava, c'nroy, m'yr, llany, loketh

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