Title: Saved in Translation (Translating Rupert Giles from English into the language they speak in, you know, England). Rating: G Characters: Giles (Buffy, Xander, Willow).
Title: To sleep, perchance to dream fandom: BtVS spoilers: post-Chosen wordcount: 843 characters: Buffy, Giles, Willow, Kennedy, OCs A/N: written for Day Three at multifandom_pl 6th ficathon. Polish version here
Title: A storm in a broken tea cup. Fandom: BtVS/SPN Wordcount: 814 Characters: Giles, Castiel Spoilers: some to BtVS season 7, none to SPN save for the existence of Castiel. A/N: Written for Day One at multifandom_pl 6th ficathon. Polish version here
Title: The Benefits of the Tropical Virus #298 Rating: FRT Pairing: Giles/Xander Words: 1811 Prompt: Xander; gen or pairing; post-Chosen, Xander is either injured in the line of duty or catches random tropical virus #298 while in Africa. Giles takes care of him. Written for Giles hurt/comfort ficathon. post-Chosen, no comics.
Title: One of those epiphany thingies. Rating: PG Pairing: Giles/Buffy Words: 858 Prompt: any point post-S3 to post-Chosen, Buffy cares for Giles when he's injured in battle. Any rating so long as it's plausible compared to the injuries suffered. Written for Giles hurt/comfort ficathonpost-Chosen, no comics
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Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Giles/Ethan Last one of those written for multifandom_pl recent ficathon. It was fun, and got me writing in Polish for the first time since high school. PL version of this one here
Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Giles/Ethan Set: pre-series Warnings: 70s, personal canon, strangeness, extra cheese Written for multifandom_pl's ficathon, Polish version here.