Apr 17, 2008 17:41
Life has just been a giant bag of suck nearly all year and as April drags on toward May I'm just not sure I can cope with anymore.
All the unpaid bills and the warnings and notices and such not. All the calls I have to make to try and keep them from shutting off our various things before we can pay.
Right now I don't even have a phone because AT&T has decided that despite the fact that I called them and made a payment for $50 that it wasn't enough for them not to shut off our phones.
Storage Room bill is overdue and will go into Pre-Lien soon, I owe the Cable company, the water bill and the electric company as well. Let's forget the thousands we owe on taxes we couldn't pay and to two doctor bills that keep gaining 15% interest every month as I don't pay them off.
I have an entire apartment to pack and move before the 30th and I can't get ahold of Mum to go over and help her clean things up for us.
I don't know how any of this will ever work out. -_-