Who's going to San Francisco?

Jan 13, 2009 14:50

This guy right here, that's who.

Friday, it was announced that I'd won our company's semi-annual President's Club contest. In this contest, everyone has to nominate another employee as exceptional every month and explain why they feel they're deserving of the award, and at the end of the half-year the results are tallied and a winner is selected. For July through December, apparently I was the one most nominated by my peers. I'm still happily shocked and humbled by the whole thing.

The prize has traditionally been a trip, and which trip is based on how the company did profit-wise for that time period. Usually, it's a trip out to one of the local lake resorts in Missouri, so that's what I was expecting. A private cabin for two on the lake, shared with my wife. That sounds nice. I could live with that.

However, I was called into the boss's assistant's office today, and her first question was, "How do you feel about flying?" Apparently, the trip is going to be out to San Francisco. Airfare, four-star hotel, rental car, meal allowance, the whole nine yards. Needless to say, I was (and still am) elated. The weekend of February 6th, Z and I get to fly out to the City by the Bay!

vacation, work

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