A constant of dysfunction.

Jan 07, 2009 08:36

The good news: our washing machine is fixed. The repairman replaced the water pump (and recommended that I not attempt to diagnose the problem myself in the future), and we were able to get the first home-washed load of laundry in almost two months done last night.

The bad news: the cold water supply valve, an old screw-style valve, has developed a leak. Fortunately, it drains into the laundry drain, but if it's open, water flows out of the top (and sprays out if it's open too far). When it's closed, it still seeps water. Looks like some gasket or something inside the valve finally gave up the ghost. At least I'm friends with a plumber. The hard part will be removing the old valves (might as well replace both).

If it's not one thing, it's another. :)

home, appliances

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