Dog Adoption Update!

Apr 19, 2013 18:58

So, we have no idea what happened to Hutch. Hutch's fate is a mystery.

In fact, as it turned out, the whole "adoption" angle was the wrong one to take. Putting in a "foster" application for a different dog resulted in my parents a) actually getting a dog, while b) jumping through fewer hoops, and c) getting first dibs on adopting it officially.

So, say hello to Charlotte:

She is surprisingly difficult to photograph, mostly because she does not love the camera (though she does love everything else, near as I can tell). She's a two-year-old spaniel mix who loves to sniff things, and her whole body wags when she walks.

She is also submissive to a degree that is kind of startling. She'll come wiggling up to you for attention and comes eagerly when called (indoors, anyway; outdoors, not so much, but we'll work on that). And the moment you touch her, her tail tucks in and she sits down, slightly hunched over, until you stop petting her. She doesn't seem afraid, and you can tell she's enjoying the attention, but she just goes so still that it's a little unnerving. Mom thinks she'd make a good therapy dog, since she's so gentle and good-natured, but doesn't wriggle all over whoever's petting her.

That was the only way I could get a photo of her that was in focus, too, which is why you can see my hand in the second photo. I cropped myself out of the first one. :P

We don't know very much about her personal history. Her original tags are from Joplin, MO, and she's old enough to be a tornado survivor, though we're not sure if that's when she wound up in a shelter or not. She has yet to make a sound besides sighs and the occasional (possibly involuntary) grunt. She's housebroken and crate trained - she's in the crate right now because she was just spayed on Wednesday and shouldn't be wiggling around too much. I'll probably take her out after I post this, though, so she can go to the bathroom before it gets dark.

So yes. She's in some desperate need of fattening up, and more obedience training is a must, but I honestly can't imagine why anyone would give her up. She's a complete and utter doll, you guys.
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