Man, wouldn't it be nice if we could get character development that wasn't immediately negated by yet another fucking memory wipe? Worst trope ever, Moffat.
And P.S., Doctor, given that Clara no longer knows you've watched two other incarnations of her bite the dust right in front of you, asking her whether she feels "safe" with you is pretty meaningless, wouldn't you say? Because she can't give you an informed answer? Because you haven't actually told her WTF is going on? Sort of like how you never told Amy she was a ganger for all those months? Because ~solving the mystery~ is more important than giving a grown woman crucial information about herself?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some of the most irritating aspects of the last two seasons are happening all over again, but it's still burning my bacon.
At least we got to see more TARDIS, which is never a bad thing.