Feb 10, 2012 13:26
Yay! Grimm is on tonight! I have to say that last week's Grimm was SO SURREAL. The road that I grew up on was in the show. Mentioned on national TV. Yeah, that mobile home that Nick and Hank visited? That was (supposed to be but not actually filmed in) my neighborhood. It wasn't, because I don't think that address exists, and if it does, there couldn't be a mobile home there, but still. Amazing. ILU Grimm. (ILU Monroe!)
I haven't done a show-thoughts roundup in a while because I have been SUPER STRESSED and every spare moment I have is devoted to knitting-to-keep-my-sanity*, but also because I have been so entirely disenchanted with H5-0 lately. I am loving Person of Interest like mad, though, and Revenge is still awesome. And then Grimm. But I don't feel the squee like I did with S1 H5-0. :(
*This kind of knitting is actually a bit stressful in itself, because I get kind of... compulsive about it. But when I'm knitting, I'm at least not stressing out about other things, so. Yay? I have finished a number of things - some herringbone gloves I started probably four years ago, a Shalom cardigan, a second Inspira cowl, a wrap for my mum for the wedding we went to, and a super cute bonnet-hat. Now I've started a slouchy hat to match the gloves and use up my leftovers. I also have three thrifted sweaters to unravel, but that's not nearly as unstressifying. My cat, for some reason, enjoys sitting on the sweater-pieces as I take them apart. Cute, but inconvenient.
addicted to the tv,
sticks and string (knitting)