The Day that forever was, and always will be.. 21st of Feb 2006

Feb 21, 2006 18:33

So Today wasn't so bad was it kiddies? I know it was supposed to be 40 but i don't think it got that hot...maybe it was due to all the air conditioned class rooms..but even when I was in drama and the air con was off it wasn't that bad.

I'm in love with my drama class now, I thought i'd snob their arses all year but i've finally learned to love everyone...except Alex who seems like a pedo and Steve who looks like he's going to rape me and then bomb my house.. :|

In my break my and the fabulous TRACY GAZE!!! (her name roxors) Rehearsed our Brecht tute for Monday, after we wrote up our little scripts we noticed a piece of paper underneath a car...which turned out to be a cheque for 500 BUCKS!! I would have loved to try and cash it but I doubt i could pass for someone named Teng Bong... ah well. Anywho! We actually began practicing which was much fun, we basically ran around the classroom, pretending the class was there, swearing at them, jumping on tables, singing and playing with a scarf, it was so fun and on Monday those drama students are going to be FREAKED:|

Lunch was..well lunch like, kinda boring, then I had drama class.

It was nice sitting outside class before hand, all the people who smoked commenting on my cool Mores, one girl thought I was smoking cigars, then Nathan came and asked to try it, after having a drag he commented "Ooo That's nice".

OH, haha! A little moment from drama:

Me: "My names Isaac, can I go to the toilet?"
Celia (sub teacher): Oh, you mean *does american sign language for toilet*?
Me: Yep! *runs to the edge of the circle, almost walking on Mikaela who screams then I make my way to the door*
Tracy: "He Just wants to go out in the rain!!"
Me: "YEP! *SQUEEEEEEL* *runs out of the door and into the pelting rain*

Human bio, of course, boring, i did some work in my big flashy work book and it's seriously SO BLOODY ADVANCED. I don't think we needed to know the genetic difference between DNA and mRNA last year..but eh, it's still something to

Ewww! Grossest thing, when I was on the bus I smelt something REALLY nice, i thought it was like... a nice spiced meat pie that someone was taking home...then I turn around and I realise the girl behind me IS SWEATING! I'M DROOLING OVER HER SWEAT!!! *gag/vomit*

And i'm done.. i suppose the delerium from the heat has hitteth moi.
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