Canning College! *assortment of random emoticons. Andrew, you know what I mean*

Feb 23, 2006 18:31

Yes, I know, last one was on Canning College, why write about what I don't know?

Talked about Gay Romans and Greeks in Ancient History (Tony really didn't wanna teach...we didn't wanna was 5 people, 5pm!). He's hilarious! Well...I think he is.. He said Roman's were "Camper than a row of tents" and i'm sitting there going like HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA and everyone else is like... "People sleep in tents :D"...Fools! Appreciate his genius! Then we talked about how all the big blockbuster movies set in rome and greece are WOW, so wrong... Alexander, Gay. Achilles, Gay. Spartacus, Gay. Julius Ceaser... well as Tony put it "He was a wife to every husband and a husband to every wife". Yea...i'm probably the only one that finds him that funny, eh, it beats Human bio in which I spent the lesson counting how many times Roland said "Right" in an hour and forty five minutes....115 people, that man is not normal...of course neither am I for counting...

Drama was kinda... eh... I'd had a smoke before so I was like "LET'S DO SOMETHING!!!" and all we did was like...voice exercises and talk and blah blah brought a quite serious low to my nicotine high. And GRRRR. The tute me and tracy were practicing for, supposedly on monday turns out to be in like...4 weeks... but eh, I guess it means we get more time to practice and stuff...we're pretty much ready anyway. Blah..hmm... Yes... nothing else to really speak of..Oh! yes! I was having my smoke outside drama and this lebanese guy Waseem rocks up and see's me and he's like "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!? ISAAC SMOKES?!?!!?!!?! *brain explosion*" and then proceeded to take out a ciggie... ah we're a relaxed bunch.
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