
Feb 19, 2006 13:55

Yes, I am bored... Sunday.. older bra and Pa are out at the city, ma is watching her curry TV, younger bra is noshing on pie and chips...and I am up here writing this entry.

I think I may watch Drop Dead Fred today, does anyone else remember this movie from when they were young? It's of the quintesential movies that I grew up on, along with Wizard of Oz, Return to Oz (before the day the tape broke, aka, the day my heart broke), 60's batman movie, and other, really random movies that we taped and watched ad nauseum growing up....Oh! My Stepmother is an alien to, Alyson Hannigan's earliest work...she looks sooo cute.

Anyway, yes, bored, Hrm, what to talk about.... I asked Older bra to get me phone credit while he was in the city, I was going to go but I didn't want to wander the city aimlessly while dad goes to the Moon and Sixpence and the Josh joins him and they talk about Footy *gagola*. I doubt Josh will actually get it... He's so stupid he had to ask me where you can get phone credit from and what company i'm with even though we're with the same one... His stupidity amazes me can someone with a TER of like...96 or whatever it was not even know how to turn to alrm noise off on MSN? I did it last week and he basically threatened me to fix it...I told him to fix it himself and he spent 20 minutes frustrated and not able to click on "options" to figure it out himself...I have serious questions about the TEE because of him.

Hrmm...I should probably go check on my lunch... it's something to do..*sigh*
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