One Really Weird Day

Feb 13, 2010 23:19

Title: One Really Weird Day
Disclaimer: They are not mine and never will, sadly D:
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: OT5, Key-centric
Summary: Kibum waked up like every other day but today is different. You ask why? Well for some reason everyone is acting a little weird around him. Why does it seems like everyone just wants to jump him from all sudden?

A/N: So this is my second post here and just wanted to let you know that English is not my first language. I tried my best so I hope it’s understandable and pardon the grammar. Ohh btw talking is “blah blah blah” and thoughts will be ‘blah blah blah’ Now read on!!! XD


Today was another perfectly normal day in the Shinee dorm. After a really rigorous full schedule the day before the Shinee members were so exhausted that if it weren’t for Key nagging them to take a bath before going to sleep they would of have probably just throw themselves in their beds all sweaty and uhmm you get the drill.

The things is that Onew and Minho actually dared to do that but they were so tired that they completely missed the look of horror and disgust that was plastered on Key’s face. Jonghyun had learned through personal experience that what they were doing was a really, really bad idea and flinched a little at their actions before turning around too look at a fuming Key.

Taemin was a lot smarter than what people thought and knowing that Key adored him and completely favorites him he slowly walks away from the room to get a bath because even when he’s death tired he knows that Key would praise him and most likely cook his favorite for being such a good son and scold the rest of the group for being such bad role models for his dear son. Taemin didn’t wanted to admit it but he likes the extra attention and he takes full advantage of it and well he likes to see his hyungs suffering in the hands of an angry umma known as Key.

All right, back to where Key is currently glaring daggers at Onew and Minho’s body that are currently sprawled on their respective beds. Jonghyun is watching the situation with mild amusement but a little scared for his hyung and dongsaeng well being.

Key finally snaps and roughly grabs Onew’s ankle and pulls him out of the bed in one swift movement, too bad poor Onew wasn’t expecting that movement and went crashing to the floor with a pained cry.

”ow!……w-what in the world?.....” Onew says while awkwardly standing up to find himself right in front of a really pissed of Key. Onew knew Key was mad but he really didn’t know why so he tried acting cute (works every time).

“Bummie, why did you do that” he said while pouting a little for better effect.

“Don’t you dare pout at me, Lee Jinki!! and Minho don’t act like you are asleep get your sorry ass out of bed right now I want you all to get a bath and go straight to bed right after, araso?!” . The other three boys slowly nodded their head, yes Minho was indeed awake and he was now discretely glaring at Key he may be mad at Key but he wasn’t suicidal.

Right about know the recently bathed Taemin walked into the room to get hugged, more like tackle, by Key. “My son is so smart!!!, look everybody he’s already clean and ready to bed” Key said like the proud mother he was. Everybody including Taemin mentally rolled their eyes at the statement and just walked away to get a bath and just go to bed already, tomorrow was after all another day.

The next morning Key waked up feeling a little weird but shrugged it off and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes he walked out and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast or at least what he could manage, he wasn’t the best cook but with a recipe everything was so much easier and when he cooked food actually tended to taste really good not like when other people took over the kitchen. Thank goodness they had someone that came to cook for them from time to time.

As Key was preparing the food he couldn’t help but notice that there was something different about himself but he just couldn’t put his finger on it. “I must be going crazy or something” he said to himself.

Key was so concentrated that he didn’t see the figure that walked right towards him and slowly put a hand in his shoulder making him jump in fright.

“What the fu…!!!?..... ohh it’s you manager-hyung you scared the crap out of me there”

“No. no Kibummie no swearing from you alright” the manager said while rubbing Key’s arm. ‘Ok wtf!!, is going on!!, since when does he call me Kibummie, Why does manger-hyung have such a creepy smile right know, and why is he touching me!!’ this is what was running through Key’s mind while he was as smoothly as possible to get away from his hyungs touch. Finally he had succeeded and calmly but never leaving the manager out of his sight he laid the food on the table. ‘Jeez why does he keep looking at me with that look’

“Well Kibummie, this is you guys schedule for the day, it’s a nice short day so what do you say if we go take a bite for lunch”

“W-what?, umm sorry hyung but I wanted to relax today” Kibum said as quickly as he could.

“Ohh too bad, well I’ll be going then” the manager said before walking outside the apartment. Once in the door right before closing it he winked at Key while saying “Do you know that you are looking mighty fine today” and closed the door.

Poor Key was left alone frozen in place ‘Ehhhh, did manager-hyung just flirted with me?, omg that was so creepily awkward’ Key choose to forget his little experience with the manager and decided on waking up the others.


Key slowly walked inside their shared room and couldn’t help but let a little smile edge his face at his adorable band mates sleeping faces, Jonghyun’s mumbling, Taemin’s fetal position he does when he sleeps, Minho slight snoring and Onew’s habit of covering his whole face with the blankets where all traits he found just absolutely adorable but he wasn’t going to let them know that.

Key crawled towards Onew; since his bed was in between Taemin and Minho’s bed he really didn’t have a choice. “Hyung…wake up hyung it’s morning already. Come on hyung I cooked today” Key said softly while slightly poking Onew in the cheek. Onew squirmed a little in bed before finally opening his eyes and with a glint in his eyes, that Key didn’t recognize, he practically jumped Key and hugged him while grinning from ear to ear. Kibum was surprised well actually more like terrified, his hyung almost gave him a heart attack and the worst thing is that this was the second time in the day that people just started acting a little too friendly with him.

“Ummm Jinki-hyung I’m glad you’re suddenly this active and that I wont have to go through all the trouble that is waking you up and all the others, but what are you doing?” Key tried to say as calm as he could manage.

Onew didn’t seem like he was going to let go any moment now since he was currently cuddling with Key while still smiling like he was the happiest person in the world. “I don’t know but I felt like hugging you, you just looked so…..” he tilted his head a little thinking about the right word “huggable and just so cute that I couldn’t stop myself” Onew finished his sentence like he said the most normal thing in the world. By we can be certain that Key was absolutely freak out ‘omg what is going on here!! He just called me cute’

“Ehh, right. Actually I need to do some things why don’t you wake up the others for me, could you?” Key said a little nervously trying to get away from there.

“Sure!!! Anything for my Bummie!!” Onew said while jumping out of the bed tripping a little in the process but manage to catch his balance.

‘MY!!??, what the hell??!!. Breathe Kibum, breathe’ Key though before leaving the room as fast as he n but he could have sworn that he catch Onew staring at his…..ass? ‘Ok this is definitely one really weird day’


Key was calmly washing some dishes form they forgot to clean yesterday when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a head rest on his shoulder. Key was startle and almost dropped the plate he had on his hand but quickly composed himself and tilted his head back to see a bundle of blonde hair ‘Jonghyun?.......wait is h-he……….smelling me??!!’

“JJong, may I know what the hell do you think you are doing” Key said while trying to pry Jonghyun’s hands away from his waist but the older boy had a death grip on him.

“What does it look like, I’m smelling you” Jonghyun said with a smirk on his face. “Did you know that you have the most alluring smell in the world” he said with a slightly seductive tone on his voice.

“Kim Jonghyun I have no idea what you been smoking but… just…… were did that comment came from anyway” Kibum said a little confused trying to hide the blush that was starting to form on his face by Jonghyun’s words.

“Hmmmm…….I don’t know I just felt like saying that since well it’s kind of the truth” Jonghyun said while touching Kibum’s cheek with the back of his hand and leaving with a huge smile on his face. “Ohh and remember we leave in an hour for that radio show and them you have to accompany Minho to a dream team reunion with the staff” Jonghyun screamed from the living room. And once again Key was left frozen in place with the tap still running in the background.


By now Shinee was being driven to their respective places. Taemin was next to Key and Minho was in the front with the driver while Jonghyun and Onew were in another car since there were last minute changes and the manager practically dragged Onew and Jonghyun to some other place. Key didn’t really want to think about how that happen but something on the back of his head was telling him it was because of him.

When the manager came into the door for the second time that day he opened the door to see Onew and Jonghyun fighting over who was going to sit next to Key on the car since the other side was long ago silently claimed by Taemin.

Key could have sworn he saw a glint of annoyance or was it jealousy? On the manager’s eyes but shrugged it off because thinking about it gave him the chills.

After waiting for a while the two oldest had agreed on changing places; Onew will sit next to him on the way to the radio and on the trip back Jonghyun will, Jonghyun was doing a mini celebratory dance on his head since he knew they will be tired on their way back and he could lean on Key with a reliable excuse.

They were waiting in the living room for Minho and Taemin to finish when the manager turn to look (stare actually) at Key but what he saw made his blood boil. Key was just standing there but Onew was giving him a hug from behind with his head on Key’s shoulder and Jonghyun was leaning his body on Key’s side with his head resting on Key’s other shoulder while holding hands with Key. It was pretty obvious that Key was uncomfortable but kind of liked the attention he was receiving. (A/N Ok I fail so much at explaining this scene T_T)

The manager not so smoothly went behind the trio and grabbed Onew and Jonghyun by the collar of their shirts and roughly pulled them away from Key. The force of the pull made Onew stumble a little while Jonghyun was extremely surprised they both were so into their own worlds thinking about Key that they definitely weren’t expecting this to happen.

“Yah!! What are you doing?” Jonghyun screamed at the manager.
“I’m sorry to tell you boys but there’s been a change in schedule, weird huh”
Key could have sworn that the manger was completely making this up because after telling Onew and Jonghyun that they had a surprise appearance on some other radio Key saw the manager talking over the phone trying to find that suppose radio.

After a while everyone was ready to go and the manger came out of the kitchen and said: “Well boys, I expect you all to behave and remember to control what you say. Onew and Jonghyun you both are coming with me and Key, Minho and Taemin are going on the other car” the manager said while the whole time having his arm around Key’s shoulder squeezing from time to time.

Once on their respective cars the manger gave Key one last wink before taking off with two really depressed looking boys.

Key had began to calm a little but that was until Taemin decided to cuddle with him, not that he would have minded if it weren’t that Taemin was taking the touching to a whole new level. Taemin by now was running his hand al over Key’s arm saying how impressively soft his hyung’s skin was and how nice it was to touch it. After a while he put his hand around Key’s waist while his fingers were playing with the hem of Key’s shirt. ‘Ok, first the manager then Onew then Jonghyun and now Taemin, there’s something really weird going on’

Once they were in front of Taemin’s school Taemin turned around and kissed Key on the cheek and gave him a seductive smile before changing immediately to an innocent smile. Key was once again left immobile on his seat while he stared at the running Taemin who gave him a wink before entering the building.

Minho who noticed everything, well he is Minho after all so that’s not a surprise, turned around to look at Key and said with a hint of amusement “Key, are you ok?” This comment brought Key back to Earth and with a confused look Key turned back to Minho and said, “I’m sincerely not sure”. “It’s ok hyung you’ll understand…someday” Minho said while smiling a bit, he couldn’t help but think how adorable his hyung looked right now with that confused look on his face while pouting a little trying to figure out what was going on.

Minho being the silent genius that he is has known what exactly has being going on but refused to take Key out of his misery and just enjoy the show every one was giving him and maybe take a little of advantage because he wasn’t going to lie what was going on was having as much effect on him as it was on his band mates it’s just that he has more self control.


Shinee was in this moment waiting for their Jojo performance and practicing their lines for the interview before the performance. Key had manage to stay away from Onew, Jonghyun, and Taemin for most of the day and right now the fact that he has the most make up on the group helps a little since it takes a while to get him ready.

Once they were al ready for the interview they got on their usual line up and presented themselves to the interviewer. Everything was going smoothly until from all sudden Key felt a hand on his ass. This wasn’t just an accidental brush, oh no, this was a full hand groping and the thing is that it wasn’t stopping any time soon. When this happen Key of course jumped in surprise but tried to covert it the best he could maintaining his smile in place they were after all in the middle of an interview. During this whole predicament Key moved a little to see who the hell got the balls to touch him like that and in the middle of an interview to make it all the worst. When his eyes followed the hand he saw it was no other than Minho, who at the moment had a big cocky smile while at the same time answering a question that had been referred to him. Key couldn’t believe how calm Minho looked while he was groping his ass like he didn’t have a care in the world ‘WTF!! This is so freaking WEIRD!!! Why is he touching my ass with that perverted look on his face…ARGHHH!!! Stop it!!’

Key looked like he just wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear, he was blushing like crazy and the interviewer had noticed and asked about it, he lied saying that he was a little feverish and apparently it worked but that statement brought all the others attention towards him and he’ll be dammed but he could swear that the look everyone was giving him including the interviewer was one of want and desire. Don’t think that Key didn’t try to remove the offending hand it’s just that Minho was one persistent bastard and once Key thought he had succeeded the hand will be back in place. When Key decided to ignore the hand as best as he could and Minho choose this moment to lean towards Key and whisper on his ear “Key, you really have no idea the effect you have on all of us, don’t you?” he said while smiling. Key was a little surprised by this statement and ignored Minho.

The rest of the interview went as normal as it could with Minho groping Key’s ass, then they performed and Key most say that all the members looked overly happy in today’s performance not to forget that they would smile at Key every chance they could.


The rest of the day moved pretty much the same way but the thing that irked Key the most was that it wasn’t just the members of Shinee that would randomly touch him, hug him, kiss him,no!! it was everybody. Thankfully most of the people didn’t do anything at all, most of them would usually just give him one perverted look or just stare at him. The ones that kept shamelessly flirting with him were all the members from Shinee, some from SuJu and 2PM.

When they were on their way back home Key practically ran to sit on the front with the driver and immediately regretted it when the dude just kept staring at him with this really creepy look on his face. The rest of the drive back home was pretty much hell for Key and when they finally arrived the driver gave Key a suggestive wink before taking off. ‘What is with people and winks? Seriously it gets really irritating after the 100th time’ Once onside Key went straight to the bathroom running away from a group of four boys that just wanted to pass the rest of the day with their Kibummie or at least that’s what they had chosen to call him.


When Key got out of the bathroom fully dressed but with his hair still wet he saw that all the members were in their shared room and looked like they been waiting all this time for him. Key misunderstood the situation and said “” Ohh my bad if I took too long it’s just that I was thinking”

Key went to hang the towel and didn’t saw when Onew and Jonghyun got out of the bed and walked towards him. Once they were directly behind him Minho and Taemin got out of their respective beds and followed their hyungs actions.

“Kibum” said Onew with a surprisingly serious tone.

“Yes, hyung?” said Key while turning around. He jumped a little in surprise at the proximity of all of them and when he was about to step back Jonghyun grabbed his arm and Onew grabbed his face with both his hands and without warning kissed him full on the lips. The kiss was soft and sweet, Kibum felt like he was floating ‘ohh God this certainly overpowers everything else that has happen today but omg he’s such a great kisser’ after a little mental debate Key succumbed to Onew’s kiss and started to kiss back. They broke out of the kiss with Onew still holding Key’s face while softly stroking Key’s cheek with his thumb.

Key opened his eyes and saw the want/love/desire on the other four boys. Minho took this silence as the perfect moment to talk while walking closer towards Key. By now Onew had let go of Key’s face but had barely moved and Jonghyun was still holding his hand like he was afraid that Key would want to run away.

“Key there’s something about you that has always attracted all of us towards you but today for some reason is noticeably strong. We all had agreed a long time ago that we wouldn’t fight for you. We weren’t even sure if you would like us back but today there was something about you that just made us all snap and just make a move already. What I want to say is that we love you hyung and you have been driving us crazy since the moment we saw you” Minho said smiling and finished giving a short kiss on Key’s lips. Key didn’t say anything he was after all beyond shocked by Minho’s confession that in away was everyone’s confession.

Jonghyun was loosing his cool and said, “I’ll take the silence as a yes” and leaned towards Key and roughly kissed his lips. He was a little worried that Key would say no but the arms that wrapped around his neck said otherwise making him smirk a little into the kiss and after braking the kiss stood back a little to give Key some space while dragging Onew and Minho with him.

Key was blushing non-stop and opened his mouth to say something but someone knocked the air out of him. Taemin who had felt hugely left out literally jumped Key knocking them both on the ground with Taemin on top. Taemin without letting Key take his breath back desperately kissed him and to everyone’s surprise was the first of all the other four who dared to add his tongue into to the kiss. Key was absolutely dazed by all of this, being kissed by four of his friends and one right after the other will most likely have this effect on people, so he obediently opened his mouth to Taemin’s insistent tongue and kept on kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. The other three were having one hell of hard time (literally) watching the little show Taemin and Key were giving.

When they broke out of the kiss and Taemin still on top of Key said; “Hyung, do you love us too?” he started tearing a little thinking that maybe Key doesn’t love them back. Key smiled a little at him and said, “Of course I do Taeminie, it’s just that it’s all so sudden that…. well….. you know it kind of took me by surprise”. Taemin had a smile from ear to ear after hearing this and stood up with Minho’s help while Onew and Jonghyun helped Key of the ground.

“I …I always liked all of you it’s just that being in a group and the fact that were all boys always got in the way” Key said a little embarrassed. They all thought that he looked adorable and Onew walked closer and with his trademark smile said, “We don’t care about that we love you and that’s what matters”.

“I love you all too” Key said a little worried but with a smile, because he really couldn’t see how was it possible to like all of them at the same time but he just did he just had tried to ignore it, this was also the main reason why he was so freaked out today. Every time one of the guys would cuddle with him or hug or whatever his heart would race so much that he was scared he was going to have a heart attack or faint on the spot.

“Why don’t you let us show you just how much we love you” Onew said in a low and seductive tone while standing once again in front of Key. “Yes Key we promised that you will enjoy it” said this time Jonghyun with also a seductive tone. Key turned red just from the tone they said those word and worst from the hidden message they both had, and the look the four boys were giving him was driving him nuts.

Onew didn’t want to waist another second and once again kissed Key on the lips but this time a little more demanding. Key didn’t show any signs of struggle and without a second thought responded with just as much enthusiasm as Onew and aloud Onew tongue to explore his mouth. Key jumped a little when he felt what he believed were Minho’s hands on him, one on his waist holding him in place and the other was rubbing his erection through his jeans. Key almost broke the kiss when he felt Jonghyun’s warm mouth suck and kiss at his neck. Taemin somehow had managed to kneel in between Onew and Key’s body and was giving Key butterfly kisses on his stomach, slowly moving downwards while slowly unbuttoning Key’s pants.

Key’s was moaning loudly at being pleasured from literally all places. Onew still kissing Key, along with Jonghyun started removing the rest of Key’s clothing and their own clothing. “Told you that you were going to enjoy it…” said Jonghyun said. “But the best is yet to come” Minho finished with a little squeeze at Key’s obvious erection and rubbing his own clothed erection with Key’s ass. Key moaned louder at this and just nodded his head, too lost in pleasure to be able to come up with a proper answer.

The rest of the night the only sounds leaving their room were those of combined heavy breathing, moans, grunts and once in a while a scream in pure ecstasy from the five boys inside.

The end. XD

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Ohh this turned out to be a lot longer than I expected, I’m supposed to be studying for my FIVE!! chapters Biology test this Tuesday T_T, but oh well what’s done is done.

Actually to explain why all the guys were from all sudden jumping Key was because of something I read while studying for my Chemistry test yesterday. Apparently there are some scientists who suspect that we humans can indeed release pheromones (A chemical substance produced and released into the environment by an animal affecting the behavior or physiology of others of its species. Mostly when they want to warn other from danger or they are ready for mating or other stuff. Just in case you weren’t sure what it was) but it’s just a speculation but that’s enough for me to come up with this story XD. Btw there’s a reason Onew is the one that started the sort of flirting (if we ignore the creepy manager) and the kisses, because Onkey is my OTP of all time but I wanted to make this an OT5.

Enjoy St. Valentine’s Day, I certainly wont I have to much to study (eww) but at least my dad gave me a cute gift and mom will give me something tomorrow. :D

Hope you liked it, and pardon the errors. ^_^

ifanfic, member: key, author: n, rating: pg-15

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