Not Exactly a First Kiss (One-shot)

Nov 29, 2009 14:15

Title: Not Exactly a First Kiss

Pairing: Onkey

Rating: PG-15 (I think) for implied sex

Disclaimer: I don’t own them and never will, if I did Onew and Key would be doing shameless fan service 24/7 XD

Summary: Kibum has just figure something out regarding Jinki and wants to deal with it as fast as he can so he makes up a plan but things don’t really go the way he expected.


This is my first fanfic ever and well I was inspired by a thought that crossed my mind while I was daydreaming since I had just figure out that apparently I have a huge crush in Onew :sight: why don’t I get crushes on guys that are actually from my college or even form my country T_T.
So I decided to write this with my favorite OTP with a few changes here and there ;D Hope you all like it :)

Jinki was nervously pacing around the balcony of the SHINee apartment while he waited for Kibum to meet him outside like the latter had requested. ‘What could Key possibly want to talk to me about, he looked really serious but a bit scared at the same time’ thought Jinki. As he though this a nervous looking Kibum entered the balcony.

“Hey, e-ehh you came” Kibum said while twirling his fingers and avoiding Jinki’s gaze at all cost.

Jinki noticed Kibum’s weird behavior but decided against saying anything about it and opted by saying “Well yeah, you kind of asked me to come meet you here”. Kibum blushed at hearing this “ Ummm I guess I did” he said accompanied by an awkward laugh.

“So what you wanted to talk about” Jinki said with a smile trying to lighten up the mood a little but it only made Kibum more nervous and blush harder, if that was possible. Jinki was starting to wonder if the boy was sick or something and needed his help taking in account Kibum's current state. As Kibum keep quiet Jinki tried again “Kibum, are you okay?” he asked this time with his voice full of concern.

Looking at Jinki’s concern look made Kibum feel all warm inside and he hated it, he knew he wasn’t suppose to feel like this for Jinki, his friend, his very much MALE friend might he add but he just couldn’t help it. It happened one day while doing his daily staring (not really knowing why he had this weird habit) at Jinki he came to the realization that he was in love with the older man and he was definitely outraged by it, that day he refused to talk to anybody. It hit him hard finally knowing WHY he couldn’t help but smile along every time Jinki did, WHY it was so hard to refrain himself from just going to the leader and touch his baby soft skin, WHY his heart pounded a little too fast when Jinki was near him or let’s not say touching him (those time he felt like he was dying).

After lots and LOTS of thinking he came with a plan, he knew it was stupid and risky but he hated feeling like this, like and imbecile in love that couldn’t even think straight when around the person that unknowingly holds his heart. And that what’s brings us to their current situation. Kibum keep staring at the floor while biting his lower lip and Jinki couldn’t help but think that he looked adorable while doing that but the moment that thought crossed his mind he quickly shook his head ‘Ummm Ok did I just said Kibum is adorable. Well he is I can’t deny that but still I can’t understand why I got so nervous after thinking that about him’ ‘Do I like him?’ ‘nahhh it’s not possible he’s a guy and so am I and I’m certain he wouldn’t like me anyway’ ‘OK I MUST DEFINITLY STOP THIS TRAIN OF THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW’. While Jinki was having his little internal debate Kibum was trying to decide whether to finally do what he had planned to do since the begging.

“Ehhhh Jinki-hyung………hyung?...........HYUNG!!!” Kibum ended up screaming.

“Uhhh?…. What?!” Jinki asked a little bit alarmed now that Kibum finally started talking.

“You spaced out on me there hyung” Kibum said a little annoyed at the older one but kind of relief that the ‘Onew Condition’ helped making him less nervous and it also caused him to smile a little to himself at how cute Jinki looked with that confused and kicked puppy expression he had plastered on his beautiful face….oh dear here we go again talking like a fool in love.

“I’m sorry Kibum I got kind of distracted for a second there” Jinki said with a smile and rubbing the back of his neck.

“Hyung I wanted to asked you something and also wanted to tell you something REALLY important, I completely understand if you are not ok with it because you know I’M not really ok with it but here it goes……….Hyung, have you ever kissed someone? on the lips of course” Kibum said all this in one quick breath leaving Jinki to decipher what he just asked and once he understood he froze at the question.

“Well…. You see….It’s…..” Jinki started but was interrupted by Kibum telling him to just answer the damn question.

“Yes I have” Jinki suddenly said with a serious expression like he was waiting for Kibum’s next action. Kibum was taken a little off guard by Jinki’s answer he wasn’t expecting for him to actually answer yes to it, he wasn’t stupid Jinki was indeed a handsome man and of course he must have meet a few people on his life but Kibum didn’t expect him to have given his first kiss already and much the less the way he sad it. At least this new information made things a little easier, well now he won’t feel too guilty for what he plans to do.

“I guess it was with a girlfriend, right?” Kibum asked looking a little apprehensive.

“Yes, why do you ask?” Jinki answered still with a serious expression that was starting to scare Kibum and also making him think more than twice whether to continue with his plan. Jinki keep staring at Kibum like he was waiting for something to happen and Kibum.....well he was way to distracted looking at Jinki’s lips at the moment. Kibum had made up his mind he was going to do it, he Kim Kibum was going to ‘surprise’ Jinki with a kiss on the lips and wait for the outcome of it.

But nothing happened he just kept staring making Jinki a little edgy, also wondering what was the younger one thinking about and why did he just keep staring at his…. Umm lips?....'Nah it's not possible that he may want to kiss me, I must be mistaken but how I wish I wasn't' Jinki thought sadly.

Kibum was starting to lose it and started screaming “AHHH I can’t take this anymore!!!!” “Ok the plan was simple, I was suppose to take you outside or at least to a place where the other won’t bother us, talk to you and finally surprise kiss you, because I fucking like you but for some damn reason I CAN’T DO IT!!!!!” “AND IT’S PISSING ME OFF” “I thought that maybe since you already had you first kiss well maybe I wouldn’t feel too guilty by stealing a kiss from you but I still CAN’T do it even when it would still be a first kiss for ME!!” Kibum was red from screaming and talking nonstop while Jinki was just standing there with widen eyes at what Kibum just said. ‘Did I heard right?, Kibum likes me? I-I feel so happy from all sudden’ Jinki thinks.

Jinki looks at Kibum and smiles slightly at the state Kibum is at. He’s a little flustered from all the screaming and his breathing is a little uneven but Jinki can’t help but think how gorgeous he looks at the moment.

Kibum has practically forgotten his current situation; his a little absorb in his thoughts at the moment the only difference is that his saying them out loud. Jinki can’t help but grin like an idiot when he hears what Kibum is saying.

“ I have no fucking idea how the hell those people at dramas or movies can do THAT, the whole surprise kiss someone. I mean how can they actually surprise them” “Jezz this is so stupid you CAN'T surprise them, it’s so obvious they will definitely see it coming when the moment the other person starts leaning into the others personal space” “I don’t see how can that happen….maybe that’s why I can’t do it, I’m way too realistic for this shit” “Nah there has to be a way, OMG!! this is so stupid!!! it’s all because I fell for Jinki-hyung of all people, why is…mphh!!!” Kibum’s rambling was stopped by Jinki’s sudden kiss. The kiss was definitely unexpected to Kibum and he was just frozen in place not really processing what was going on. Jinki noticed Kibum’s dazed state and deepened the kiss. After a few seconds Jinki pulled away too see Kibum’s completely shocked and he must add adorable face.

“You know there’s always the times where the other person is to distracted to see the other person approaching them” Jinki said with a huge smile on his face while he softly caressed Kibum’s cheeks. “I’m not going to tell you I’ve been meaning to tell you this, because well I haven’t but you just made me realize that I….umm… that I like you too” “This has made me realize that I’ve been gazing at you more than the others , that I worry for you more than anyone else, that I cherish your existence more than anythting, that I won’t know what to do If you were to leave. I….I love you” Jinki said a little surprised with himself but he was not going to back down on his words. He looked at Kibum and got the surprise of his life when he saw that Kibum had a smile on his face while at the same time tears were streaming down his face.

Suddenly Kibum leap out towards a smiling Jinki and hugged him tightly. Jinki hugged him back with as much enthusiasm as Kibum was.

“I really wasn’t expecting this to happen, I swear I was ready for some kind of rejection…well... not really but this was certainly not expected ” Kibum said with a pout on his face. Jinki couldn’t contain himself any longer towards Kibum’s antics and leaned so he could kiss Kibum again. This time the kiss was responded and they shared a sweet kiss together, maybe a little awkward but it still felt amazing for the both of them.

They stayed holding each other for quite a while and they would probably stayed like that the whole night if it wasn’t for Jonghyun that decided to burst through the door screaming like a maniac.

“YAH!!!, would you two stop this lovey-dovey shit and go back inside Taemin is getting whinny without his umma around and Minho is starting to act mean towards me, and I swear it’s because his stomach is empty --- he just won’t admit that he gets cranky when hungry” Jonghyun said with a little frown on his face. When he noticed that the other two were still hugging each other and a little shockingly BOTH of them were glaring at him but he was determined to end this nonsense and took Kibum by the wrist and dragged him inside. “Don’t worry hyung you’ll get your quality time with Kibum once he deals with his umma responsibilities” Jonghyun said while winking towards a blushing leader. Kibum resisted a little but gave up after a while deciding to take care of his children first.

“If you think about it Jinki-hyung IS part of his responsibilities since he is officially like the appa of the family, right” Minho, who appeared out of nowhere, said. “And you know there are SPECIAL THINGS that umma and appa must do on their quality ti….” Minho didn’t’ finish his sentence after sensing the evil aura coming from Kibum and surprisingly from Jinki-hyung but his wasn’t as menacing as Kibum’s was so he opted to just shut up, smile his epic charming smile, slowly retreat and pray that Kibum won’t burn his dinner or something worst.

“Oookkkk, that was awkward” Jonghyun said while finally managing to drag Kibum away to the kitchen. Leaving Jinki (still stunned at Minho’s comment) alone in the balcony.


The next day Kibum was alone in the kitchen preparing lunch for when the guys arrived from their respective schedules. Jonghyun has some radio show to attend, Minho was in some photo shoot and Minnie was at school leaving him and Jinki, who was still sleeping in their bedroom, alone in the dorm. This realization made Kibum’s heart race a little but willed himself to calm down and keep cooking when unexpectedly he felt arms wrap around his waist and a mouth kiss the back of his neck. “Good morning, Bummie” he heard the person behind him whisper on his ear. He started getting goose bumps at Jinki’s breath being so close to his ear; he was definitely not accustomed to this kind of behavior but he guessed that it was ok to finally do this kind of stuff that he had only felt on his dreams since they were now a couple. Kibum was a little surprised at this; never he could have actually seen this happening and of course it never occurred to him that Jinki would be the one to be so straight forward. “Yah!! You idiot it’s already noon” Kibum answered more like snapped trying to cover up his embarrassment. Jinki may look dense but he saw what Kibum was trying to do and just smiled to himself at how adorable his boyfriend can get, yes HIS boyfriend. ‘wow that feels kind of good, to be able to claim him as mine’ Jinki contemplated.

Jinki decided to wait for Kibum to finish lunch at the living room but after a while he got bored and pouting like a baby he ran towards Kibum to whine at him that he was bored but when he entered the kitchen his mouth fell open at what he saw. Kibum had apparently changed clothes since he was almost finish with the food to more formal clothing and damn did he looked good in those tight jeans. Without thinking Jinki walked towards Kibum and from behind put his hands on Kibum’s waist and leaned down to whisper on his ear “I’m certain that you know how damn sexy you look with this clothes, in fact I think you did it on purpose to provoke appa’s feelings” Jinki said seductively earning a slight moan from a surprised Kibum. Jinki didn’t know what urged him to act like this, so…so… straightforward but he was doing it either way and he was definitely loving the obvious control he had over the Almighty Key.

Finally deciding to properly respond to Jinki's advances “Maybe I did” Kibum said with a hint of playfulness while turning around to gaze at Jinki with lust filled eyes. Jinki was taken aback by this but quickly recovered finally diving in for a passionate kiss. Jinki was starting to lose control and he raised Kibum so he could sit on the table not breaking their kiss that was rapidly becoming more passionate with Jinki hurriedly kissing his way down Kibum’s neck and Kibum who kept twisting around in pleasure moaning Jinki’s name over and over.

“I think we should try those things Minho was talking about, don’t you think?” Jinki said a little breathlessly but smirking towards Kibum’s disheveled appearance knowing that he was the reason for it.

“Couldn’t agree mo-more with you on that” Kibum hurriedly said while locking his legs around Jinki’s waist who tightly hold him and carried him towards their bedroom.

After a while it could be heard the faint whisper of one I love you and an answer followed by the sound of moaning and grunting from the newly formed couple.

A few hours later the rest of Shinee entered the dorm to find it a little too quiet. Jonghyun as the curious being he is decided too look for the Onkey pair, laughing a little at his own cleverness at coming up with the name, of course ignoring the voice in his head that said it was invented by the fans a long time ago. When he was about to enter their shared bedroom he heard giggles from inside ‘what the hell?! Is there a girl in here?’ thought Jonghyun before entering more like bursting through the door and finding something he really but like REALLY DIDN’T want to see. Once Jonghyun opened the door he was welcomed by the sight of a half-naked Jinki sitting on top of Kibum, kissing his neck while Kibum was giggling and telling Jinki to stop it but with a smile on his face.

“OMG you guys!!, Could you at least do that when you’re certain no ones going to catch you, I swear I’m never going to be able to erase this from my memory” Jonghyun whinned at them “Let’s pray you two maintained your…uhmm… activities to this room” Jonghyun said more like to himself but when he heard chucking from Jinki of all people he couldn’t take it anymore.


After laughing at Jonghyun's reaction Kibum suddenly said “I love you” to Jinki and Jinki smiled his wonderful smile and said “I love you too”.

“AND TO TOP IT ALL YOU TWO ARE SUPER CHESSY!!!!” Jonghyun said, apparently he was eavesdropping on them. Kibum was about to snap at him if it weren’t for Minho who appeared with Taemin trailing close behind and took Jonghyun by the collar of his shirt dragging him outside the room to leave the two lovers some privacy.

“Shut up already Jonghyun, they have all the right in the world to do whatever they please after all they are our umma and appa” Minho said while giving Jinki and Kibum a wink before closing the door with a still struggling and whining Jonghyun on his other hand.

The End


Sorry if it doesn’t make sense and that the grammar must be really bad, English is not my first language and not even in Spanish my grammar is good. It’s just that I really wanted to share this fic I came up with. Also I’m sorry if the story starts loosing its plot or something but it’s just that I honestly had no idea how to end it and when I did I didn’t know how to get there. Ohh and I'm really bad at staying in one point of view so I tend to change without even noticing.

I was listening to ‘Y llegaste tú’ by Sin Bandera (a duet) when writing the confession part, beautiful song I must say you can look it up if you want but I couldn’t find a translation for it so basically what they are saying is how with the arrival of that special someone life has changed for them and how important that person has become in their lives.

Umm I don't have an authors tag, I don't really think I'll be posting a lot but I guess I need it to have the 4 tags per post. Please if one of the moods wouldn't mind :D

author: njrv16, pairing: onew/key, livejournal, !fanfic, rating: pg-15

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