Porcelina, She waits for me there With seashell hissing lullabyes

Mar 23, 2004 22:24

Dave: (gives description of a room we enter in duNdr) "Yeah and on the floor are a group of dwarves dying...really maimed and battered. Some even missing limbs...just layin there.

Us: "How bad?"

Dave: "Yeah, they really look bad...look like Jesus when he got owned in that movie"

I'll give a real good entry tomorrow hopefully when my server for pics is working 100% because it's been down the past couple nites. A lot of nice stuff has been goin down. For now I'm off to return Eraserhead which has a late fee of a couple hundred dollars and to take my late-nite nature walk around the lake. Three laps of ideas for music and reflection and thoughts on women situation.

Stay Metal,
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