Sanguine Verses (...of Extirpation)

Apr 01, 2004 13:01

The main point of this entry is that Shawna just got owned m34t h4x0r style. Another point of this is that you should all go to a site such as and download the new Aborted song from their Haematobic disc which includes three new songs, a cover of an entombed song, live tracks, videos for The Saw and The Carnage Done and Meticulous Invagination...and even live video footage for Parasitic Flesh Resection, The Holocaust Incarnate and Eructations of Carnal Artistry. It's fuckin hot.

Well I guess I'll give Shawna some time before I own her and she like gets rid of online altogether.

...Here's some scenesters from when we saw the new Dawn of the Dead. I saw it twice actually..once with a bunch of friends and once with Steph. It's definitely an entertaining movie. Not like it exactly matches any true horror or anything but like I enjoyed watching it. Good for a new horror flic. It had some great comedy in it too. It was rediculous...the theatre was like packed with all these black people to every side. First of all it was like ok when did these people become the official dawn of the dead scenesters? So all throughout the movie there's people behind us making these totally unnecessary and rediculous comments..which we couldn't help but laugh at actually because of the voices and when they bring in that obese chic that's turning into a zombie and they do a closeup on her...someone was like "helllllll no" loud as fuck. And stuff like "damnnn I'd shoot dat bitch." "Thatttts what i'd do!" So it was all in fun and stuff for them until this one part. It was so great I was crying like forever. The part where the big black survivor and them go up to the second floor and the white security guards are pointing the guns and the they're like no this is our spot. And the black guys like no let us the fuck in and stuff. Then the white guy said something great...along the lines of...hey shut the fuck up..(thinks)..Shaq. haaa. It was so degrading...just like thinks of a big goofy black guy. So all the black people in the theatre were so filled with hate...straight faced. We heard one comment behind us but it wasn't joking at all..."..I'd fukin kill that mothafucka." haha. I told my bro about it and he said the same thing happened...silly rediculous comments then at that one party someone was like "..fuckin white-ass cracka..fuckin kill em." It was great. But I think everyone's already been told this story if they weren't there.

...Here's Denoia/Adam and Shields/Adam from the coffeefaig. Steve and Adam did a sweet acoustic version of our pop-punk song. The chords for it actually sound really beautiful acoustic. It was the first time I've really heard Shields voice like that and I thought it was really fuckin good and innovative. Oh yeah Denoia also like brought components of my drumset there and I didn't even know about til he was like layin down some light tracks for a few songs. What a slut. I got to give a shoutout to Tummi which was really cool.

...Ha who the fuck does this...Sal printed out his hi score for that little online addicting game "Penguin Swing" which is the same score I've gotten (something .5) after playing a million has to be the highest you can get in the game because it's the same Verunni's gotten too and stuff.

...This guy was sporting all the latest christ gear. He must've seen the passion. Ha he even had a JESUS: Coming Soon hat. May the passion be with him.

Ok well if you haven't been keeping track of it Shawna photoshopped some pictures of me because me and Sal were teasing her or something. They were pretty sad acts she should be way more embarassed at me posting them here then I am because you should get a good laugh out of them...

...Ha the second one is even like a compliment.

So it was then that I decided to reveal to the public how seriously confused of a chic she is with a pic I found of her on a Slipknot fan site..took place at some Slipknot and general NU-Metal rally. Is she Nu-Metal or is she emo by the look of those patches?...


So then she did another one of me so I've had these pictures of her for a while and at first didn't think it'd be right to post them. But for my own reference I would like explanation. This is nothing against the jewish community at all but this is strange Shawna, I must say. What is yer damage?...

...some kind of a jewish pit?

...If anyone doesn't know Shawna she's the one in the red shirt in all of these except it looks like she's wearing black in this one w/

I can't even look at them...what is yer damage?

Ok I definitely want to get off of that subject...but I can't even write now after that. Maybe tomorrow or something I'll write about the Marlboro Phsychiatric Ward or something when death came over us. Here's a little teaser pic...from there...of what the place did to a totally legit dude trying to get the fuck out...

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