Phantasmagoric Society: Montclair Community Hospital

Mar 13, 2004 18:54

This entry is going to go into the depths of the Phantasmagoric Society and abandoned Montclair hospital...

Viewer discretion is advised and the weak of heart/stomach/life minus well leave right now. But if surrealistic mayhem and explicit Gore is what you need...then read on...

The second I heard about this place our society met up and made arrangements. I heard how it was absurd and there was even some incissive tools and equipment left there. Definitely the kind of place I'm interested in. So directions were printed from Mapquest and luckily we had no problems finding its location. It was all accurate through the pretty long journey. The establishment was spotted and we drove back past it and parked in some neighborhood nearby. It's location is pretty near houses and some people driving by so once we made it near the parking lot we pretty much booked it up to the side of the building where we could be easily concealed. The first notion of not being welcomed was the fact that we could see from outside that there were a couple lights on inside the building, but it's been abandoned for quite some time and I've read that they're always lit for some reason. So we made our way to the back of the building and were able to get access from a back door.

This place was gargantuan. Right from the beginning it had a nuts atmosphere as we ventured in the first hallways and rooms. At one point for some reason it got freezing cold...the building just was altogether. There was even a huge icicle just hanging off of a piece of the wall. and some of the floor was actually frozen. The sites of looking into rooms and down hallways with all of this crap hanging and stuff was very surreal. There was four levels and a roof which we made access to. But if anyone goes there, I advise that you're not exactly walking around on it because we were and it seemed to kind of sink at points and almost came crashing down. The stairway to the roof was quite a good fright fest territory too. There was also a morgue area in a pretty sketchy lower basement level, awesome equipment and debris and lots of sights worth seeing. Macabre pretty much everywhere you look. Definitely a good mission. We've had more paranormal and crazy stuff happen for sure while being at a place like this but this one was far worth it. And while we were on the first level by where a desk was we were all hearing footstepping sounds from the level above us. We would keep stopping and listening to them altogether...we went back and noticed that the door to the room we were in took a long time to close and made some kinda weird noises in the process and we just all agreed, or for the sake of life in general agreed that the door must've made the sound. When in reality I don't, and I doubt anyone thinks it was the door because it was pretty much directly above us and happened definitely longer than what it took for the door close. We went up to the next floor armed and ready to commit murder if necessary but there definitely wasn't anyone else in attendance. Defnitely a necessary place to visit altogether.

...Some nice hallway/room pics. Mostly from the blue corridors of doom.

...Perfect shot of the sink area. Definitely normal and welcoming territory, with the recently gutted and slimy bowels stuffed down the drains and putrid piles of human seepage slithering at our sides.

...The reocurring disreguard for time and life.

...Desks and service stations.

...The first room we came across that had some mysterious light on. This pic pretty much explains the situation. Sick contrast.

...I thought this was such an awesome site. Holding one of the doors open was some book opened up to random nerve/dissection/anatomy information. We found under some sink a storage where there was still a series of a bunch of books similar to that.

...Dave trying to open some storage area and reveal something ungodly, equipment information and instructions on the wall(quite complicated), an electric, circuit source, and the brutally unnecessary icicle in all of its morbidity.

...Some of the tool and lab areas of the building.

...The dark machinery that was still set up and in pretty good condition. All of these pretty complex, except the little typewriter thing at the end.

...The chosen monument for a group picture.

...Some random and cool finds...some rediculously huge floppy disc(sized up next to a mini mag of ours), A cool pattern on the ground at one spot, A pretty healthy lookin chemical burn first aid kit on the wall, a baby care item on the kitchen countertop, a CANE!! fuuuuck ha, and a freaky mirror.

...This was the kitchen and serving area of the joint. Notice a light still on in there.

...Some shiny power generators for something throughout that were spotted in a couple rooms.

...One of my favorite sites about the whole empty frame just hanging there. That shit was surreal as anything, I loved it.

...A gallery through some more of the corridors, and the last pic is down where in the lowest part of the basement area. It was filthy down there.

...The fekin morgue. Body storage area. Good stuff.

...A pic after the deathly ascension to the roof. As mentioned earlier it's not advised to be chillin up there. Quite a view though.

...In my hand is a particular needle in one of the drawers. This is a picture of myself being the Haemetobic Glass and the Purveyor of Carnal Artistry.
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