May 17, 2012 02:35
OH I am dying of music. OK I've been sitting here for a few hours. It started with putting music on my dad's ipod, then fixing some tags, now WOAH. I have been neglecting my awesome stuff, which I forgot just HOW awesome it is. Right now, I am in love with Schubert, or more specifically, his Op. 161 the best use of tremolos ever.
I wish I could go into some music dreamworld music-coma of some sort and drown in the waters of music. But I guess that's what I'm doing now. In my vision, it would be 10000000x more intense. I think I would implode.
Did I write about this before? It's usually the fantasia. oh the fantasia ...
in other news, I am home, yes, mostly hanging out with Russian, or doing nothing all day, or taking the dogs for a walk. I still haven't unpacked, at least I emailed that email to the mgh people. I did figure how to get to my class at salem state. My prof is british, I am mildly excited for the lab. I do miss labs.
also I might actually be asexual. It's broader than I had thought. but then again, there are a lot of variables, then again, my childhood self could have predicted this so it's probably actually true.
oh yeah, A- in cogsci. that's a relief. But wtf A in music history. I didn't like that class at all. I wish it would switch with my favorite class dev. psychopathology B+. aggghhhhhhhhh. Was it worth it?? I'm not sure. No, probably not. I had better grades last semester anyways, when I was less insane.
**need to call studies, do it.
I have to stop waking up at 1:30pm. A few days ago I actually woke up at 4pm. That is really depressing. But I also keep staying up later and later. Last night it was 5am. But first of all I get distracted by the internet, second, when I actually lay down, I can't fall asleep. And not just because it starts getting light at 4:30am (though that does have an effect,) because when I've tried before then, I still take forever. I think it's because I was taking diphenhydramine for so long and stopped. Allergies are not as bad here, so I don't need it anymore. Not sure the rebound insomnia would last this long, but I normally fall asleep really fast.
OH yeah you know what was awesome about last summer? fandom explosion was so good it lasted until this summer. Still feeling the effects, has this happened since FMA? I don't think so! speaking of fandom, I found russian sherlock, it is hilarious. From the 70s, watson meets sherlock in a scene a lot like the bbc one, there are a zillion scenes of watson eating fancy breakfast alone with like 5000 plates yet only a bit of food, sherlock says "VATSON!", there is hilarious fluffy baroque opera overture soundtrack, also at the end sherlock asks watson on a date to see the magic flute and then THEY START SINGING IT! not the words, but the orchestral part! O_______O like me and zarja in high school.
but good news, my hands seem to be looking a bit better.
class: muhl 286,
school: grades,
music: schubert,
p: zarja,
orch dork,
p: russian,
fandom: sherlock,
music experience,
class: psyc 532