Dec 03, 2003 20:59

Reread "Biting the Sun", can you tell? I can't help it; it's got to be one of my favorite books ever. The only way I could describe it is like this: Picture the Matrix, but without the whole dream-world thing going on, and without the meaningless depressing violence, and in color. Lots of color. Shoot it in anime instead of live action and you have this book. The slang is just a little bonus package.

Anna, thank you for sorting out the whole pajama business. I remember now, and am very much comforted. I don't know about the pajama pants, though. Seems like every time someone stays over I always wind up lending them pajama pants, so I guess I was on autopilot.

I should've slept today, but I didn't. Instead I went to Walmart, where I bought the new Alicia Keys CD (yay!) and Great Nothing, where I ran into the Ferris girls (yay!) who, it turns out, have also become hardcore LOTR fans (yay again!) and bought a book of essays written by the TORN people. V. insightful.

Had two huge fights with Dad in the past few days. Things are pretty much patched up now, but I don't think it'll last that long. Needless to say a large part of it is LOTR-based- the whole 'going to Toronto fuckup thing' is not sitting well with him. Also the fact that I've been dragging my feet on getting back into school.

The school thing: okay, whatever, not wanting to go might make me a huge, giant loser, but I really don't want to waste the money all over again before I'm sure of what I want to do. So, yes, I drag my feet. I change my mind on any given thing about once every five minutes. Does not mix well with higher education. I'll find something eventually, I guess. In the meantime I'm thinking of going back to any school (except in stupid CNY) getting a degree, and throwing it in all of their faces. "Here. Shut the fuck up and leave me alone." And then I'll go join a convent, or ride across North America sidesaddle and with a sword and sais just because I feel like it.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think my dad was suggesting to me over the phone earlier that I go see a psychaiatrist.

I find this absolutely hysterical. Ridiculous and hysterical.

Also, I changed the fish's water. It's not dead, which is a good thing. This may or may not be due to the fact that he's plotting my unfortunate demise behind my back with Legolas.

I need sleep.

books, fish, school

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