Farwell to... Boromir? No, the Cute Coat guy.

Dec 06, 2003 23:13

I went to pick up the tickets for ROTK at the mall yesterday, and this guy and I followed each other around Borders for a half an hour.

He looked alot like Boromir, and was wearing this...well, this really cute leather coat. Except it wasn't 'cute' so much as 'rugged and manly' cowboy-type leather.

Half-flirting with glances over bookshelves is fun once in a while.

Alas that the sun set and I had to get home before the cops pulled me over for having a busted headlight.

So farewell to Boromir, and what might have been. May you think of me every time you pick up that Far Side Collection Book, and wonder at the fate of the girl who ran away into the oncoming night.

Okay, okay, I'll stop. I just like to make myself laugh, sometimes.

hurr boys

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