May 20, 2011 20:08
I did a curious thing upon waking at noon or so today, and that thing was this: I read through all (okay, most) of my LiveJournal entries, from 2001 up until about 2008 (I think real daily posting had started dropping off a year or two before that).
I had forgotten how vital an organ LiveJournal was for me in the weird time in my life when I was leaving Connecticut, starting at Ohio State, and the adventures that arose through that. I was posting basically daily- and often many times in a day. And many, MANY of these posts are far beyond the character limit of a Facebook update- let alone a Tweet. LiveJournal was THE communication tool, in that enchanted summer before I left for Ohio State and was romping around New London, and Waterford, and New York City. We were the LiveJournal generation, and how many of us have left for Facebook, Twitter, or even more revolutionary technologies (like getting offline)?
Strange how many people come and go through our lives in such short time spans. I have to admit I saw names in comments of people I have to assume, from context, were close friends that, now, as a deleted handle or long-forgotten userpic, don't even trigger memories. Who were you? Who was I?
(insert here an almost 24-hour gap between starting this entry yesterday and finishing it this evening)
What a strange day today was. I'm doing work in data entry now (again)- as I was when I started this journal- and as I sat there today, typing away mindlessly with some Steeleye Span blasting into my ears, I was feeling rather melancholy-nostalgic from taking in my own old words and rediscovering all these people and events that once were an integral part of my daily life. Mega-doses of myself, and all these memories that for the most part were tucked away very deep in the brain-basement or else jumbled into a very mythical chronology in my head. I spent a good part of my day today trying to piece together when and where and why certain people, places, and things happened/existed over the years, because what I read yesterday made a quick hash of how I remember lots of my personal history. And in its own way, it was fun, too.
There are certainly some scars buried in here, though. I sure laid m'self some memory-traps, strains and pains and losses best dulled by time now taken out and polished by reading the narrative I conceptualized it all in.
For all my Preachin' of the Good Word o' Happy back in the day, I sure posted as much woe as weal. And, really, of course I did- that's what having a LiveJournal and being a young 20-something is all the fuck ABOUT!
But they were the Good Ol' Days. We were young and crazy in love and we had nary a care and we went where we wanted when we wanted and we did what we wanted to do, which of course was mostly go to anime conventions and drink amounts of liquor that I could swear to you, if it were not recorded herein, I would never have been able to consume. (Go liver! Glad we got over that, huh!) That is not to preclude that these, too, will be Good Ol' Days, but its certainly not the same. It can't be- now it's Now (again).
I spent a lot of today "missing" those Good Ol' Days but that's ridiculous- straight-up nonsense. What a waste of the day! Granted, I had not much better to do than sit and ponder while I worked, and I was in a nostalgic frame of mind, so perhaps there was no avoiding it today. But what a way to waste the time you have Now- by thinking of the time you already had. Can't git it back, and those times made you who you are up to this point, so that "stuff" is all still there, anyways. So, buck up, dammit! (I'm looking at YOU, me.)
Still, it would be fun- for a few minutes- to invite EVERYONE I EVER KNEW to one big party.
Ah, but there's a piece of it, ain't it! Because always this journal was a place for me to have my Ideas, like throwing Huge Parties for Everyone and Celebration Devivals and Learnin' Instruments and Startin' Bands and Runnin' Off and Writin' and all those other things I'm still, eight or nine or ten years later, telling everyone I'm going to do, and everyone just says, "well, when?" Hmmmmm...
Don't forget the motto around here, folks, I Love You All!
I think the saddest thing about LiveJournal these days is I can leave my Friends Page up for 24 hours, refresh it, and only have two new posts to read. Really? Ah, for the days when we were all on fire. Now the very concept of LiveJournal is encompassed in that Sigil of the Times, TL;DR.
But maybe I'll try to stick around, see what we can get cookin' 'round here. Cuz I'm gettin' a little past the character limits in the communkayshun channels of the day...
(But then, maybe I'll see you all again in three years, or six, or nineteen, or never again. You never can tell.)