Awesome few weeks!

May 06, 2016 23:13

Well, the first big news: I AM SEEING HAMILTON ON BROADWAY IN AUGUST!!!!! SOOOOOOO excited! The more I find out about the musical, the more I fall in love with it. It's just so fascinating, and the music is so addictive. I'm listening to it. Again. I've lost track of how many times I've listened to it.

I have new experiences to add, hope I remember them all...

6. I tried intestine- quite good, actually.

7. Just got home from- yes, another- painting workshop. This one wasn't just for fun (although I had a blast!) This is mom's Mother's Day gift. The workshop was called Mom, the Masterpiece. An artist instructor walked you through how to paint... mom! I'm pretty pleased with the result- I've never tried to paint from a picture. I've never tried to paint architecture. I've also never tried to paint an actual person/people. So this stretched me nicely! I used the picture of my mom and me in Savannah- it's my favorite one of us. I can hardly wait to show her on Sunday :D

8. FINALLY saw Despicable Me. Finally! I love this movie! How could I have waited so freaking long to see this?? Now I need to check out the sequel. May need some arm twisting to watch the Minions movie, though- I think they are cute but can't picture an entire movie with nothing but the minions.

Seems like I am missing something. I might be thinking of the potential for new adventures, between Hamilton and one theater doing Beauty and the Beast.

Also finished another book...including my 12th book for the Book Riot challenge. This is the halfway point!

The Book Mouse's Book Report:

16. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, by John le Carre. This one fulfills the challenge for the book published in the decade I was born. I misread it, thinking it had to be a book published in the YEAR I was born. There were plenty to choose from, even with that mistake. Still, I have to say, I was only meh about this book. Not my cup of tea. I found it rather boring and confusing. Too many characters, too many points that dragged and too many unexpected leaps back and forth in time. George Smiley was an interesting character- a man who seems plain and unassuming but who has more to him than you'd think. Also, a lot of the dialogue was really good. But it was too slow overall. My brain had already checked out of the story by the time the culprit was revealed.

Currently reading: Life Expectancy, by Dean Koontz, and City of Veils, by Zoe Ferraris

42newexperiences, book riot, theater, mystery, 50bookchallenge

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