A lovely Saturday

May 01, 2022 18:34

What a great Saturday! Got together with my sweet friend. We visited a mutual friend who is convalescing and undergoing PT to build up his strength, followed by dinner and celebrating with friends on the union victory.

Highlight though was pranking our friend. He had been teasing me that my friend needed to keep an eye on me to make sure I didn't imbibe too much. Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm a borderline teetotaler. I have maybe 3 or 4 alcoholic drinks in a year. Maybe. My own mother calls me a prude. But I play along with the joke, it was made in the spirit of fun. But when my friend and I left, I turned to him and said: "I am so tempted to prank call him later and pretend I'm drunk."

His reply: "Do it. You should. He'd get a laugh out of it."

So when we get back to his place, I get my phone and call up the mutual friend. His line was busy (found out later that he was on the phone with his mom), so I left him a voice message, using my most slurred, silly and weirdly giggly voice. I hung up, laughed, and turned to my friend: "He's not going to buy that I was really drunk but that was fun and I know he'll laugh."

We parted ways for the night, and I head home. About 10, 15 minutes after I left, the mutual friend calls. I greet him with a laugh- my real one- and ask how he's doing. He paused, chuckled and said "OK, you got me. You got me good. Well done!"

He legit thought I had actually been drunk! I guess I was more convincing than I thought, ha ha! We both had a good laugh, and I laughed pretty much all the way home. That is quite a feat- Mutual Friend is quite the prankster himself so it's not easy to pull one over on him!

Also finished another book...

14. Mirror's Edge, by Scott Westerfeld. The third book in the Imposters series. Like the other two, I finished this one over a weekend- it was hard to put down. Here, Frey must again balance who she is and who others believe her to be as she, the rebels and the free cities unite against Shreve and her father. But for the first time, she doesn't look like her identical twin sister, having undergone surge to give her a new face and new appearance. Frey adopts a whole new identity to network with some of the groups within the city and discovers there's a good deal more dissent and underground activity than she dreamed possible. Indeed, Frey discovers she barely knows her home. Again, like the other two books, the action is non-stop. There's a twist at the end I did not see coming (which I'm sure will come into play in the fourth and I think final installment- boo!- which I've already started reading). And the last sentence in Mirror's Edge made me squeal with joy. There's a BIG hint with the name of the final (sigh) book. So far, have to say, another masterful series by Westerfeld. My only complaint? I'm almost done with it.

Currently reading: Youngbloods, by Scott Westerfeld.

young adult, fiction, science fiction, 50bookchallenge

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