Not dead yet, and a New Year's Resolution a few days early

Dec 28, 2009 14:48

Believe it or not, I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth - just been insanely busy and taking a step back from internet life as a time-saver, despite missing it. It started just being too busy to check every day, and then it was free time, and before I knew it, it had been months! I think the lack of a "live" fandom probably had something to ( Read more... )


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Comments 15

wendymr December 28 2009, 22:40:36 UTC
Well, hello there! Glad to hear you're alive and well!

That was an awful snowstorm! It's amazed me that you guys down in the northern US got so much snow, while in my little corner of southwestern Ontario got none. In fact, today we've had our first real snow of winter - poor visibility, currently accumulating to around three or four inches.

I'm working on the next chapter of "Relict", and my goal is sometime shortly after New Year's Day

Colour me thrilled! My inbox is ready and waiting... ;)


nina_ds December 29 2009, 03:09:37 UTC
Still alive - little headache after work today, but otherwise well. How are you?

It was a pretty nasty snowstorm when it was happening - very windy and wet, cement-like snow. It was a Caribbean storm that went up the coast, and the Chesapeake is like a funnel once storms reach up here. Of course, since it doesn't happen that often, there's not the equipment or the money to clear things up when they do happen, so I went to the grocery store and the liquor store (Amaretto for my hot chocolate!) and the craft store on Friday morning, fired up the DVD player and related video devices, and just decided to wait it out! Once it passed, it was rather pretty. The cats were confused at that white stuff on their deck, though.

I am hoping to get more writing done tomorrow. Lots of things dancing around in my mind, though it's more of a transitional than a dramatic chapter, and those take a little more work! If I have enough, I'll post you some tomorrow night.


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nina_ds December 29 2009, 03:36:15 UTC
Thank you - I'm going to try to stick around a little more. I really do want to write, I just have stuff I have to write, which puts a bit of a crimp in the energy.

What've you been up to?


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nina_ds January 1 2010, 01:26:47 UTC
I have to give myself a mental slap everytime I start contemplating fic ideas instead of seminar papers...

Sometimes I use the carrot and stick method. I've gotten into a groove on a tapestry I've been cross-stitching/embroidering for ages, and I really want to write, but it's been so long since I've had the desire to work on this project, I'm hesitant to break the spell!

What's the Master's in?

(Is that icon from Tipping the Velvet?)


redlight_artist December 29 2009, 00:24:39 UTC
Hey! I was just thinking about you today! It's great to see your post. I hope all is well and thank you for writing.


nina_ds December 29 2009, 03:38:51 UTC
Hey! back!

Hmmm. Wonder what sort of vibes were floating in the air? That's always odd but fun. I have a friend who I will often call to find that he's already picked up the phone to call me, even before it rang. It's happened about five or six times now, so beyond "coincidence" level, I think.

I want to write. And I haven't forgotten about Claude, even though I have floated away from Heroes. To be fair, I rarely watch anything that's not news or commentary or documentary these days on "live" television, but Heroes did kind of lose me in S2.


cathica December 29 2009, 02:13:59 UTC
Welcome back, oh far traveller. 8) Glad to hear I'm not the only one who enjoys being stormed-in. Even gladder to hear you're working on "Vampire's Kiss." Good luck with your resolution--play is a fine and necessary thing.


nina_ds December 29 2009, 03:43:37 UTC
I do feel a bit like a traveller, although I haven't really gone anywhere.

I looooove being snowed in. I didn't even get stir crazy in eight days, which tells you something. I had a very nice time and am a wee bit sorry I've been set free. Tomorrow is errand day, and then Wednesday is the annual vet visit for the "kittens" who now weigh 10.5 and 19.8 pounds.

I am trying to let myself play more. I am actually better now than I've ever been, but it's still a struggle.

And, yes, I still intend to finish "Vampire's Kiss" - I'm sure not many people remember it's there, but I did have a finish in mind and have had so much trouble finding time to work on "Relict" that it got a bit backburnered. But there is an ending.


nakeisha December 29 2009, 12:16:47 UTC
Lovely to hear from you here (I have got your email and will be replying to it).

I'm so glad you are alive and well.

Your downtime sounds lovely, if not the reason for it. But I guess without the snow, you wouldn't have had it.

Good luck with your New Year's Resolution.


nina_ds January 1 2010, 01:22:10 UTC
Your downtime sounds lovely, if not the reason for it. But I guess without the snow, you wouldn't have had it.

I might have - but it was a very good excuse!

Good luck with your New Year's Resolution.

I'm getting slowly better at that.


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