HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Feb 15, 2010 22:48

Title: Touched by an Angel (XV)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Castiel watches Harry one last time.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 066. Rain.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

066. Rain.

It was raining, Castiel reflected distantly as he stood from his watching spot, on one of the house’s rooftop. That summer was the hottest and driest people had seen in longer they could remember but, that day, it was raining.

It was kind of fitting, really. It suited his mood. Not only that, but he had always distantly linked the rain and Harry together.

He remembered all the times it had rained when Harry had been a kid. The Dursley would never have left Dudley walk about in the rain, too worried he would get sick. Harry, though, they hadn’t cared much about. So he always had had to go back home on foot. Most kid would have hated it but Castiel knew Harry had simply loved it.

For Harry, it had meant freedom. He had been alone on the way, with no one to bother him. Usually, Dudley would have made the moment he had walked home hell, playing Harry-hunting with his friends. When it rained, though, Harry would be alone in the streets and able to enjoy the calm. He would be carefree for the little while it had taken him to get home. He would either walk or run - usually walk, so it would take more time - and play in the water.

It was these moments Castiel had enjoyed watching the most during Harry’s childhood, the moments where he could be himself without anyone annoying him, or making him shut up or making sure he was as miserable as possible. It was in these moments he could see who Harry really was and he had enjoyed it.

Growing up, Harry had kept the habit of going out whenever it rained. He wasn’t bothered too much by the other kids now, mostly because Dudley had become a bit afraid of what Harry was capable of and his friends followed his leads, but he still liked being out in the rain the most. Castiel supposed it had somehow become a security blanket, making him feel like nothing could happen to him when it was raining. He had never asked Harry before and no, he would never be able to. It would remain a mystery forever.

Today was no different. Harry had gone out as he always did. Castiel was watching him from afar. It was the very last time he could do so. His Lord had been merciful enough to let him go and watch his charge - or former charge as the case may - one last time before leaving him behind for the rest of his life. Castiel was grateful for it. He hadn’t wanted his last memory of Harry to be the one in the throes of a nightmares.

He had wanted to see Harry up an about, enjoying himself or just being. Today was a good example of it. Harry wasn’t playing around, no, because he was a bit too old for it by now and after everything that had happened at the end of the year, Castiel knew Harry didn’t exactly feel like it anyway. Yet, he wasn’t depressed either, merely contemplative.

The young wizard was in the playground where he always went now and Castiel could see him very well from his hiding place. He had made himself invisible in the eyes of humans, making sure he was not bothered by anyone, and was watching Harry intently, as if committing the image in his memory for the rest of eternity. Because he knew that no matter how long he lived - and it would be a very long time - he would never be able to forget these bright green eyes.

Harry was sitting on a swing, balancing distractedly back and forth, his eyes lost in the distance. Castiel knew Harry was doing this to escape reality, he always did it lately. Being on a swing was the closest he could get to flying when he was in the muggle world and it had always been his way of coping with life, since he discovered magic.

The raindrops were falling from the sky, soaking his clothes and his face, leaving his glasses totally obscured but he couldn’t care less. It didn’t matter any way. It wasn’t as if Harry needed to see something special. From his place, Castiel could see that none of this bothered Harry and he let a small smile grace his lips.

Yet, he was sad, sadder then he could ever remember being. At least his last image of Harry would be this beautiful one, this one of peace, of being outside and in his own little world all at once, not lost into a never-ending nightmare. It was hard to decide to go but he knew he only had a few minutes left. He couldn’t stay long, didn’t have the choice. It was his punishment.

And, as Castiel looked upon his charge for the last time, he just couldn’t say whether the wetness of his face was from the rain and from his own tears.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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