HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Feb 19, 2010 19:24

Title: Touched by an Angel (XVI)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Harry doesn't see Castiel anymore and muses about it.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 020. Colorless.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

020. Colorless.

The end of the summer couldn’t arrive soon enough for Harry’s taste. He was still stuck at Privet Drive for the moment being, though he already knew he would be somewhere else soon. He wasn’t sure where exactly but, after the dementors’ attack, there was no way he would be staying there. The Headmaster had already written to him, telling him someone was going to come and get him. He just had to sit tight.

Still, it didn’t make it any better. Well, that’s not true. It did make it slightly better in the sense that getting away from the Dursley would always be a good thing. Still, it wasn’t enough. No, this summer had been hell up to now and he just didn’t see that changing anytime soon.

It wouldn’t have been as bad as that normally. It would have been bad, yes, because of what had happened but he would have been okay with Castiel to speak with, Castiel who would help him endure his family until such a time he could get away from them. But that wasn’t to be this summer.

The angel had been there in the beginning. It had been alright. Castiel had reassured him, telling him that Cedric’s death was in no way his fault. He knew it intellectually, of course, but he still couldn’t help feeling guilty. He was certain that if he hadn’t asked the young man to take that cup with him, he would still be alive now. Yet, they all made their own choices that night and the only ones to blame were Voldemort, Pettigrow and Crouch Junior. Now, he just had to convince his heart of it and, apparently, he would have to do it all alone.

He had tried to call out to Castiel when he had woken up from the single most marvelous dream he had ever had. It had been a dream full of peace, of beauty, of everything he had always associated with Heaven and he knew, deep inside down, that Castiel had been responsible for it because there was no way he would have been able to dream up a place like this on his own.

He had wanted to thank the angel for whatever it was that he had done to chase the nightmares away that night but Castiel had never answered his calls, no matter how numerous they had been. He had tried again and again for day before he had resigned himself that Castiel wouldn’t come.

The last time such a thing had happened, he had thought that Castiel had decided to abandon him and he couldn’t have been more wrong. He had been naïve, then, innocent and so bloody childish to believe something like that that he had promised himself he would never make the same mistake again.

He knew what Castiel felt for him, knew how much love the angel felt towards him and, if Castiel didn’t come to him, he was never going to believe it was of his own free will. Castiel was prevented from coming but he couldn’t be sure by whom or what. Yet, whatever, whoever, it was, was someone or something very powerful to prevent an angel from doing whatever he wanted to. However, it was the only explanation possible and Harry could only hope the situation wouldn’t last. Of course, he very much doubted it.

Something must have happened during the night Castiel had soothed his nightmares and he couldn’t shake off the feeling that the two instance were relied. He wasn’t sure how yet and that was the one reason he was very impatient to go back to Hogwarts. He could only hope he would find something in the library that would help him sort it out. Maybe he would find his answer. Just maybe, he would have that much luck.

In the meantime, he didn’t have any choice. He was slowly beginning to gather his things, knowing he would leave the house soon enough, resigning himself to spend the rest of the summer in complete ignorance of what had happened to his dear friend.

It hurt. It hurt and worried him so damn much because he realized now the importance that the angel had taken in his life. He had always been his anchor and, now that Castiel wasn’t there anymore, it was as if the world had changed. It was as if something had taken everything good in the world and thrown it away. Castiel had always helped him to see the beauty in this world and, now, without him, the only thing Harry could see was a colorless horizon.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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